National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ2 2021


Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
2nd quarter 2021Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-1 316 951485 61111 295 522266 64710 730 829
Assets1 975 6034 918 99212 042 689381 41219 318 696
Cash and currency, etc.019 3660019 366
Deposits13 076991 91222 8798 0351 035 902
Debt securities106 2291 569 6062 910 66710 3694 596 871
Loans358 095455 218359 06101 172 374
Equity1 088 7391 165 6228 650 30683 99610 988 663
Investment fund shares or units40 487441 1293 63439 682524 932
Insurance and pension entitlements020 4550020 455
Other accounts receivable365 48180 78991 378239 330776 978
Liabilities3 292 5544 433 381747 167114 7658 587 867
Cash and currency, etc.019 1630019 163
Deposits01 628 097001 628 097
Debt securities563 5711 750 906367 60402 682 081
Loans895 225108 861247 52122 3441 273 951
Equity1 711 799475 037002 186 836
Investment fund shares or units0192 34300192 343
Insurance and pension entitlements033 2320033 232
Other accounts payable119 24167 950126 65492 421406 266