Regional accounts2012


All releases for Regional accounts - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
1 February 2021 2018 2018
9 October 2019 2018 2018
11 October 2018 2017 2017
26 March 2018 2016 2016
10 October 2017 2015 2015
20 October 2016 2014 Stable business structure in counties
20 October 2015 2013 Industrial structure crucial for county distribution
18 December 2014 2012 Oslo and Western counties top the GDP
19 December 2013 2011 Oslo well above average
20 December 2012 2010 Oil-related industries affect the distribution of value added between counties
12 March 2012 2008-2009 GDP per person employed highest in Oslo
3 March 2010 2007 Oslo has highest GDP per employed person
3 March 2009 2006 Oslo on top
1 April 2008 2005 Fast economic growth in Oslo
3 April 2007 2004 Small changes in regional share of GDP