National accounts and business cycles;Svalbard

Regional accounts2015


Household's income, by counties. NOK million
The whole countryØstfoldAkershusOsloHedmarkOpplandBuskerudVestfoldTelemarkAust-AgderVest-AgderRogalandHordalandSogn og FjordaneMøre og RomsdalSør-TrøndelagNord-TrøndelagNordlandTroms - RomsaFinnmark - Finnmárku
1Does not include employers social contribution.
INCOME (NOK million)
Wages and salaries (NOK million)11 179 53654 586153 511175 89135 90435 47060 41750 12933 70422 24237 378123 437122 06422 47357 45870 49925 49148 19635 36415 321
Operating surplus/mixed income (NOK million)124 4166 26914 54021 8644 9425 3246 4235 3163 4812 1623 42310 01410 7632 8066 1616 8503 3375 3603 6841 699
Property income received (NOK million)161 6796 79823 74532 9633 8093 9488 4447 0573 7273 1414 98417 01916 6123 0136 3818 0892 4534 9593 3791 159
Pensions and benefits from general government (NOK million)449 84528 30849 76849 15419 17717 75624 63023 26917 03511 11115 92335 70542 2029 12522 68226 16612 62923 35614 8467 003
Other income, net (NOK million)-25 645-973-3 164-6 469-653-576-1 240-929-610-361-832-3 307-2 309-383-1 100-1 340-412-514-398-77
EXPENSES (NOK million)
Current taxes on income and wealth, etc. (NOK million)490 98823 42365 64276 59015 16814 94025 43721 47214 2049 47415 34749 81549 3509 23923 18027 96210 39319 73314 0005 619
Property income, paid (NOK million)108 4725 61113 87515 4593 6123 3135 5005 1543 1752 2803 62810 73510 6901 7175 1516 5242 6204 7173 2501 459
Correction for FISIM (NOK million)61 6722 7877 75110 0232 1702 1723 1022 6171 7601 1982 0316 0085 9441 4383 0513 6211 3842 3731 633608
DISPOSABLE INCOME (NOK million)1 352 04368 742166 635191 37746 56945 84270 83960 83341 71827 73943 932128 326135 23527 51566 30079 39831 86959 28041 25718 634
Disposable income per inhabitant (NOK)260 515238 245282 568293 061238 506242 704256 468249 505242 230240 632241 663274 061263 140251 627250 659254 718234 215245 168251 734246 219