National accounts and business cycles;Svalbard

Regional accounts2016


Regional accounts, figures per inhabitant and per employed person. Regional value added is measured in basic value.
GDP per inhabitantGDP per employed personHouseholds' disposable income per inhabitantHousehold Final Consumption Expenditures per innhabitant
Total260 514246 859
Total. Market value600 8051 130 982
Total. Basic value534 7901 006 712
Total ex norwegian Continental shelf and Svalbard451 735850 365
Østfold310 990735 500238 247225 759
Akershus412 531875 408282 568267 758
Oslo764 8191 049 710293 059277 698
Hedmark337 600727 572238 503226 002
Oppland335 080687 188242 704229 982
Buskerud380 984809 477256 467243 024
Vestfold337 969734 421249 505236 425
Telemark362 551809 857242 231229 532
Aust-Agder323 962746 900240 631228 018
Vest-Agder406 988799 849241 665228 996
Rogaland527 502912 101274 061259 696
Hordaland472 509871 313263 140249 347
Sogn og Fjordane407 289754 864251 623238 436
Møre og Romsdal441 092837 552250 657237 519
Sør-Trøndelag443 571834 934254 718241 366
Nord-Trøndelag334 713700 677234 212221 939
Nordland381 498768 060245 167232 318
Troms - Romsa395 712742 037251 733238 535
Finnmark - Finnmárku388 970719 756246 214233 305
Norwegian Continetal shelf and Svalbard43 104 900