National accounts and business cycles

National accountsDecember 2012


Final consumption expenditure. At current prices. NOK million
201120124th quarter 20111st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 2012
Current prices (NOK million)Current prices (NOK million)Current prices (NOK million)Current prices (NOK million)Current prices (NOK million)Current prices (NOK million)
Konsum i alt1 722 5151 800 844446 632433 235445 218455 994466 397
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs11 131 7311 174 904295 540280 129290 275297 899306 601
¬ Household final consumption expenditure1 079 3921 120 013281 972266 048276 827284 699292 438
¬ Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs152 34054 89113 56814 08213 44813 19914 163
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen590 783625 940151 093153 106154 943158 095159 796
¬ Final consumption expenditure of central governm297 850312 89476 04276 69477 62279 09079 488
¬¬ Central government, individual154 973163 52339 56440 03840 23841 52841 719
¬¬ Central government, collective142 877149 37136 47936 65637 38437 56237 769
¬¬¬ Central government, defence38 33839 0859 8579 6849 6849 7969 921
¬ Final consumption expenditure of local governmen292 934313 04675 05076 41177 32179 00580 309
¬¬ Local government, individual233 098249 34359 34460 73861 67362 92964 003
¬¬ Local government, collective59 83563 70315 70715 67315 64816 07616 305
Actual individual consumption1 519 8031 587 770394 447380 906392 185402 356412 323
Actual collective consumption202 712213 07452 18552 32953 03253 63854 074