National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJune 2013


Final consumption expenditure. At constant 2010-prices. NOK million
201120122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 20132nd quarter 2013
Final consumption expenditure1 685 8001 729 601427 266437 456445 408426 328439 700
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs11 117 0991 150 637283 699291 821299 447280 803291 582
¬ Household final consumption expenditure1 066 5631 099 147270 944279 524286 444267 518278 583
¬ Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs150 53551 49012 75512 29713 00313 28513 000
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen568 702578 964143 567145 634145 961145 525148 117
¬ Final consumption expenditure of central governm287 460292 61672 48073 93473 73573 69674 961
¬¬ Central government, individual150 000152 45737 50438 68638 48038 20338 250
¬¬ Central government, collective137 461140 15834 97635 24835 25535 49336 710
¬¬¬ Central government, defence36 90336 8129 1349 2209 2949 3609 314
¬ Final consumption expenditure of local governmen281 241286 34871 08771 70172 22671 82973 156
¬¬ Local government, individual223 854228 68256 84257 20257 65857 84858 421
¬¬ Local government, collective57 38757 66614 24514 49914 56713 98114 736
Actual individual consumption1 490 9521 531 776378 045387 709395 586376 854388 254
Actual collective consumption194 848197 82549 22149 74749 82249 47451 446