National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJune 2013


Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2010-prices. NOK million
201120122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 20132nd quarter 2013
1Final consumption of goods and sevices includes direct purchases in Norway by non-resident households, but not direct purchases abroad by resident households.
Final consumption expenditure of households1 066 5631 099 147270 944279 524286 444267 518278 583
Food and non-alcoholic beverages137 587141 52035 56834 90637 31134 32035 803
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc.41 56540 94510 4289 98511 0869 43610 274
Clothing and footwear56 92559 73314 46515 26616 90712 82015 506
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels221 201227 51954 89053 60459 73461 70656 129
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance59 65761 20814 22815 70617 24413 89214 604
Health28 37228 6897 1377 1357 4856 9617 273
Transport151 919152 87539 17739 65337 67036 73740 152
Communication27 66329 1556 9417 2027 8697 2006 961
Recreation and culture129 225133 51432 59935 84835 45330 05733 748
Education4 5484 5861 1421 0381 2041 2111 155
Restaurants and hotels60 88762 30015 84016 71916 06114 00316 413
Miscellaneous goods and services105 407109 73527 22727 08129 20426 52628 274
Direct purchases abroad by resident households70 18476 98819 76323 68616 49718 25120 925
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. households-28 577-29 620-8 462-8 305-7 280-5 601-8 635
Goods1539 517551 161134 393135 341150 671132 148137 671
Services1485 440500 618125 250128 802126 557122 721128 622
¬ Dwelling services177 058181 18945 25745 35845 49746 04646 249
¬ Other services308 382319 42979 99383 44481 05976 67582 373