National accounts and business cycles
According to seasonally-adjusted figures, gross domestic product (GDP) for Mainland Norway rose 0.3 per cent in the 1st quarter of 2016.

National accountsMarch 2016


Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. NOK Million1
201420151st quarter 20152nd quarter 20153rd quarter 20154th quarter 20151st quarter 2016
1Figures from 2014 onwards are preliminary.
2Final consumption of goods and sevices includes direct purchases in Norway by non-resident households, but not direct purchases abroad by resident households
Final consumption expenditure of households1 218 7981 269 462303 255315 640320 610329 958318 165
Food and non-alcoholic beverages144 392149 00635 08636 78937 61339 51835 825
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc.48 13949 97311 45612 34312 56413 61112 066
Clothing and footwear58 18861 11112 73315 46915 16717 74212 778
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels251 974262 75068 21464 01862 47068 04772 657
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance73 21176 06116 49318 10719 48421 97616 222
Health35 05137 2708 8469 1849 2929 9479 271
Transport179 951186 58043 35549 23048 79345 20144 500
Communication27 32328 0966 7636 7676 9427 6236 974
Recreation and culture126 669130 63328 47532 21434 47735 46829 962
Education6 0366 2331 6021 5441 4421 6451 680
Restaurants and hotels74 77180 98917 13020 59822 03821 22419 125
Miscellaneous goods and services132 553135 90037 06335 15629 18134 50138 724
Direct purchases abroad by resident households96 075104 74422 94825 60232 83423 36026 145
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. households-35 534-39 882-6 909-11 381-11 687-9 905-7 765
Goods2572 602590 366137 037146 392145 960160 977140 193
Services2585 656614 234150 179155 026153 504155 526159 592
¬ Dwelling services213 057223 88055 13355 78356 26956 69557 514
¬ Other services372 600390 35495 04699 24397 23498 830102 078