National accounts and business cycles
Disposable income in the household sector increased 1.8 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015.

National accounts, non-financial sector accountsQ4 2015


Rest of the world. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million
3rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 20153rd quarter 20154th quarter 2015
Imports246 732240 105238 106242 217248 989252 667
- Exports287 749320 464296 509285 711284 651295 899
= IMPORTS SURPLUS-41 017-80 359-58 403-43 494-35 662-43 232
- Compensation of employees1 1811 1871 2421 2311 2141 220
= OPERATING SURPLUS-42 198-81 546-59 645-44 725-36 876-44 452
+ Compensation of employees9 18810 0239 3439 3999 85210 628
+ Interest income21 74626 00225 49529 02624 05423 041
+ Dividends etc.4 55711 1155 61634 3915 7579 249
+ Other investment income-5 875-5 858-3 841-3 404-3 894-3 813
+ Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured-182-180-185-176-176-181
- Interest expenses29 33234 65333 49233 31735 62733 640
- Dividends etc.27 08446 42636 70677 16632 75233 106
- Other investment expenses5 7825 7824 3464 3464 3464 346
= BALANCE OF PRIMARY INCOME-74 962-127 305-97 761-90 318-74 008-76 620
+ Current taxes on income and wealth434335588955617462
+ Current transfers from Norway15 90026 40319 78018 15620 00627 925
- Current transfers to Norway8 0806 60910 0796 8168 6946 747
= DISPOSABLE INCOME-66 708-107 176-87 472-78 023-62 079-54 980
= SAVING-66 708-107 176-87 472-78 023-62 079-54 980
+ Capital transfers, net78187719122245
- Net aqcuisition of non-produced non-financial assets00-12000
= NET LENDING (+) / NET BORROWING (-)-66 630-106 989-86 741-77 901-62 055-54 975