National accounts and business cycles
Annual national accounts present the development of gross national product (GDP) for Norway. The volume growth for GDP 2012 was 2.9 per cent.

Annual national accounts2012

As of 16 May 2017 the statistics will be published as Quarterly national accounts.


Final consumption expenditure. Current prices. NOK million
Total1 396 3601 491 0881 558 3961 648 4221 722 2561 797 330
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs1952 0561 002 6471 027 7141 089 9531 130 1761 176 581
Final consumption expenditure of households911 319958 086979 2351 040 6271 076 9201 120 327
Final consumption expenditures of NPISH140 73744 56148 47949 32653 25656 254
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen444 304488 441530 682558 469592 080620 750
Final consumption expenditures of central government232 871253 776275 487284 910299 483314 523
Central government, individual120 670129 871139 637147 550154 427162 327
Central government, collective112 201123 905135 850137 360145 056152 196
Central government, defence31 47233 39335 53936 83638 31539 594
Final consumption of local government211 433234 665255 195273 559292 597306 227
Local government, individual172 191191 016206 824218 083233 020245 042
Local government, collective39 24243 64948 37155 47659 57761 185
Actual individual consumption1 244 9171 323 5341 374 1751 455 5861 517 6231 583 950
Actual collective consumption151 443167 554184 221192 836204 633213 380