National accounts and business cycles
Annual national accounts show the development in the gross national product (GDP) for Norway. GDP had a growth of 1.0 per cent in 2013.

Annual national accounts2013

As of 16 May 2017 the statistics will be published as Quarterly national accounts.


Household final consumption expenditure by function. Current prices. NOK million
1Consumption of goods and services include direct purchases in Norway by non-resident households, but not direct purchases abroad by resident households
Total956 286978 0571 038 3511 072 2951 121 0811 173 971
Food and non-alcoholic beverages113 514120 252123 004126 978133 829138 749
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc.40 69542 39442 23243 06643 49645 907
Clothing and footwear50 92152 91254 85454 97555 95856 862
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels194 532203 916225 174225 611228 746245 617
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance54 46854 17458 56161 55169 31770 409
Health26 25827 93029 38030 79331 67433 033
Transport146 813142 469158 061168 405175 170177 377
Communication26 37326 80127 90227 86427 11526 020
Recreation and culture113 532114 842117 173120 125120 175124 007
Education3 6574 0704 4494 9435 3285 813
Restaurants and hotels57 01556 83558 73362 25966 51070 512
Miscellaneous goods and services97 293100 258104 632105 950118 805124 460
Direct purchases abroad by resident households58 12357 32862 64569 52276 61788 352
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. households-26 908-26 124-28 449-29 747-31 659-33 147
Goods1488 351492 174527 781536 550548 458561 154
Services1436 720454 679476 374495 970527 665557 612
Dwelling services155 295164 729173 540180 661189 661202 621
Other services281 425289 950302 834315 309338 004354 991