Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Land use in urban settlements

The statistic describes land use and land cover within urban settlements, in Norway. Areas that are built-up are classified according to usage, while non-built-up areas are classified according to land cover.

Updated: 22 November 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Land use and land resources, by category and urban settlement size, 1st January. Per cent
    Land use and land resources, by category and urban settlement size, 1st January. Per cent
    200- 19 999 residents20 000- 99 999 residents100 000 or more residents
    Residential areas38.142.040.7
    Industrial, comercial and service areas10.410.110.0
    Other built-up areas19.116.817.7
    Other undeveloped areas3.62.63.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • New buildings, by land resource built on, and distance to existing urban settlement. 31st December
    New buildings, by land resource built on, and distance to existing urban settlement. 31st December1
    Within delimitation of last year's urban settlements1 In expansion between last year's and current urban settlement delimitationsWithin 1 km from current urban settlementsBetween 1-3 km from current urban settlementsMore than 3 km from current urban settlements
    Total9 0392 1261 4951 9055 013
    Fully cultivated land57350296124248
    Not fully cultivated land152656872186
    Forest1 6711 1536007092 179
    Open firm ground443200143202688
    Bare rock, gravel and blockfields6151123
    Inland waters43153
    Built-up area, roads etc6 1541645617661 597
    1Defined Land resource Type "before development" is the registered status 10 years ago. This can differ from the actual status before devolopment
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 November 2024.

Land use
Land use describes built-up areas by socio-economic purpose, and covers for example areas used for dwellings, business, recreation or roads.

Land resource
Collective term for non-built-up areas classified by soil type. The land resource type describes the land surface (soil conditions and vegetation) and its suitability for cultivation and natural plant growth.

Built - up area / site
All types of buildings, structures and permanently sealed surfaces and associated areas.

Non - built - up area
Areas/regions without a permanently built-up surface, including cultivated land.

Urban settlement
A cluster of buildings shall be registered as an urban settlement if it is inhabited by at least 200 persons. The distance between the buildings should normally not exceed 50 metres, but for some space-demanding building categories - such as apartment buildings, industrial buildings, offices / commercial buildings, schools, hospitals etc. - the distance can be increased to 200 metres. Adjacent built-up and constructed areas, such as parks, sports facilities and industrial areas, should be part of the urban settlement. Building clusters with at least 5 commercial buildings or 5 residential buildings are included up to a distance of 400 metres from the urban settlement core.

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