Nature and the environment;Public sector

Municipal environmental management2017


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Municipal environmental management
Topic: Nature and the environment

Responsible division

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Not relevant

Standard classifications

Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population size and economic workload 2013


The purpose of this report is to classify Norwegian municipalities according to three dimensions: Population size, economic workload and economic capacity. The measures of economic workload and capacity are estimated in a model of local government spending behaviour, and depend on variation in characteristics such as local government incomes, socio-demographic and geographic variables. The most extensive classification based on the three dimensions includes 29 groups. The resulting classification is based on data for 2013 and is compared to an earlier version based on data for 2008.

Administrative information

Regional level

Municipalities and County Authorities

Frequency and timeliness

Follows the dissemination of KOSTRA-indicators. (Municipality-State-Reporting, indicators)

Frequency: Annually

Preliminary figures: 15. March

Final figures: 15. June

Articles (analysis) with tables and graphs based on the figures will be announced.

Timeliness: Figures on the previous year, on the above given dates.

International reporting

Not relevant


As organized in KOSTRA and Statistics Norway's business model for the production of official statistics. In addition, auditing databases and local storage.


Background and purpose

KOSTRA (Municipal-State-rRporting) - in general:

The objective is to coordinate and increase the efficiency of all municipal reporting to the national authorities, and provide the local and national authorities with vital directing information.

KOSTRA was established in 1995, as a pilot poject. The number of municipalities and county authorities included in the reporting and dissemination system increased gradually up to 2001, when all were included. KOSTRA provides a web-portal for the reporting. In addition to the reported data from municiplaities and county authorities, the KOSTRA-indicators are based on register-data such as municipal accounts, manpower information and population data.

See also: http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/00/00/20/kostra_en/

Cultural monuments and local environment:

The objective is to obtain information on the municipal efforts to protect cultural monuments and safeguarding local environment.

The County Authorities (the County Curator) is responsibel for the protection of cultural monuments, and functions as a supervisory body for the municiplaities.

Users and applications

KOSTRA provides directing information on the municipalities and the county authorities. The most frequent users would be the municipalities themselves, other regional and national authorities, media and the general public.

Equal treatment of users

The main principle is that no external users have access to statistics or analyses before they are announced in the statistics calendar and published available for everyone at www.ssb.no. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally. The media is never given access to statistics or analyses prior to their release.

Coherence with other statistics

Land use planning in municipalities and counties - http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/01/01/20/fysplan_en/

Culture Statistics - http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/07/nos_cultural/nos_d444_en/

Legal authority

Data collection: Under the provisions of Local Government Act Section 49

Statistics compilation: Under the provisions of Statistics Act, Section 2.2

EEA reference

Not relevant



Mandatory reporting for all municipalities and county authorities.

Data sources and sampling

Data reported (web forms) from municipalities and county authorities on the following topics:

Municipal planning, building applications, mapping and surveying, recreational areas, management of nature resources and cultural monuments.

In addition to the above:

municipal accounts, number of inhabitants, length of coastline, cadastral information, protected areas and objects


Collection of data, editing and estimations

Deadline: 15. February.

The data reported through the web-portal are subject to control in three stages: First stage is automatic controls embedded in the web-forms. Second stage is at the SSB data sink. Third stage is the audit performed by the variuos divisions responsibel for statistics and indicators.

The basic data (level 3 in KOSTRA) is mainly web form data (annual sums, averages) reported as abolute data. The key figures (level 2 in KOSTRA) are mainly ratios based on level 3 and other datasources.

Most of the key figures have weighted averages. For the absolute data used as key figures, the averages are arithmetic.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

Comparability over time and in space
KOSTRA includes figures from 1999. Statistics dissemination (Statistics Articles and tables in StatBank) startet in 2001 when all the municipalities and counties had joined KOSTRA . It has since 2001 been adjustments and expansions in questionnaires , thus not all time series go back to 2001. Any breaks in time series will be explained in footnotes to the tables.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Measurement errors in the data reported by the municipalities is believed to be main source of error. The controls embedded in the online forms, provide an automatic and instant feedback to the users.
Partial non-repons occurs in varying degrees for the various parts of the statistics. Non-respons on June 15 usually  vary between 5-10 per cent, measured by number of municipalities.


Not relevant