Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
General government revenue and expenditure
The statistics provide information on expenditure in the central and local government sectors, broken down by expenditure type and function. It also shows how revenue is generated, such as taxes, fees, user payments, interest and dividends.
Selected figures from this statistics
- General government. Revenue and expenditure last four quarters, NOK billionDownload table as ...General government. Revenue and expenditure last four quarters, NOK billion
4th quarter 2022 4th quarter 2023 4th quarter 2024 Revenue 3 616 3 188 3 211 Expenditure 2 151 2 347 2 523 Net lending 1 464 841 688 Expenditure in per cent of GDP 37.5 46.0 48.5 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - General government. Revenue and expenditure. Quarterly. NOK millionDownload table as ...General government. Revenue and expenditure. Quarterly. NOK million
1st quarter 2024 2nd quarter 2024 3rd quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 A. Revenue 769 680 834 792 781 868 824 448 Taxes on income, wealth etc 258 494 265 974 259 105 291 198 Taxes on goods and services 124 934 133 213 129 730 142 876 Capital taxes 2 8 11 9 Social security contributions 117 570 130 373 121 270 129 521 Property income 223 000 259 081 225 860 211 899 Administrative fees and sales of goods and services 40 069 40 622 40 709 42 459 Current transfers 5 611 5 521 5 183 6 486 B. Expense 583 551 614 523 599 918 640 012 Compensation of employees 162 742 176 113 168 867 172 442 Use of goods and services 89 973 91 039 90 051 93 757 Consumption of fixed capital and R&D 45 999 47 017 47 209 48 214 Property expense 17 346 20 159 20 072 23 017 Social benefits in kind 26 546 27 183 25 459 27 339 Social benefits in cash 171 128 186 519 183 401 189 625 Subsidies 25 520 24 344 28 645 25 979 Current transfers 40 229 37 520 31 073 49 424 Capital transfers 4 068 4 629 5 141 10 215 C. Change in net worth from transactions (A-B) 186 129 220 269 181 950 184 436 D. Net acquisitions of non-financial assets 7 623 15 107 17 904 44 547 Gross acquisitions of fixed assets and R&D 54 372 63 671 71 333 93 034 Consumption of fixed capital and R&D (-) -46 824 -47 861 -48 054 -49 083 Net acquisitions of non-financial non-produced assets 75 -703 -5 375 596 E. Total expenditure 591 174 629 630 617 822 684 559 F. Net lending/borrowing (A-E) 178 506 205 162 164 046 139 889 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - General government. Revenue and expenditure. Annual. NOK millionDownload table as ...General government. Revenue and expenditure. Annual. NOK million
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 A. Revenue 1 874 458 2 447 425 3 615 516 3 188 374 3 210 786 Taxes on income, wealth etc 514 962 908 934 1 549 449 1 141 720 1 074 771 Taxes on goods and services 444 682 477 463 504 768 511 755 530 753 Capital taxes 64 48 32 46 30 Social security contributions 386 761 408 692 436 091 479 006 498 734 Property income 387 147 505 527 960 211 879 611 919 839 Administrative fees and sales of goods and services 123 683 128 629 145 062 154 590 163 859 Current transfers 17 158 18 132 19 903 21 647 22 800 B. Expense 1 893 657 1 932 051 2 080 315 2 265 893 2 438 002 Compensation of employees 538 376 566 166 598 767 639 356 680 164 Use of goods and services 268 306 291 643 320 766 346 987 364 820 Consumption of fixed capital and R&D 136 643 146 488 161 687 176 760 188 439 Property expense 23 937 18 815 30 600 56 403 80 594 Social benefits in kind 78 347 86 211 91 611 100 029 106 527 Social benefits in cash 579 330 594 546 615 363 673 385 730 673 Subsidies 91 388 87 870 117 813 102 025 104 488 Current transfers 123 200 128 494 127 768 154 152 158 245 Capital transfers 54 130 11 817 15 941 16 795 24 054 C. Change in net worth from transactions (A-B) -19 200 515 374 1 535 200 922 481 772 784 D. Net acquisitions of non-financial assets 69 406 70 620 71 122 81 262 85 181 Gross acquisitions of fixed assets and R&D 217 404 220 455 240 023 262 561 282 410 Consumption of fixed capital and R&D (-) -139 350 -149 366 -164 728 -180 004 -191 822 Net acquisitions of non-financial non-produced assets -8 648 -470 -4 173 -1 295 -5 407 E. Total expenditure (B+D) 1 963 064 2 002 671 2 151 437 2 347 156 2 523 184 F. Net lending/borrowing (A-E) -88 606 444 754 1 464 078 841 219 687 602 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - General government. Taxes and social security contributions. NOK millionDownload table as ...General government. Taxes and social security contributions. NOK million
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Taxes on income, wealth etc 514 962 908 934 1 549 449 1 141 720 1 074 771 Taxes on income and wealth, excluding extraction of petroleum 490 222 601 416 657 674 667 461 684 606 Corporate tax and national tax on individuals' income 393 615 478 297 485 421 494 041 509 399 Bracket tax and tax on ground rent income 77 032 98 970 137 200 131 651 129 599 Net wealth tax 17 719 18 905 27 145 30 469 32 200 Tax on dividends paid to foreign shareholders 1 855 5 244 7 909 11 300 13 407 Taxes on income and wealth from extraction of petroleum 16 800 299 222 882 800 465 111 381 000 Ordinary income tax on petroleum revenue 16 800 94 654 263 035 147 544 100 000 Special tax on petroleum income 0 204 568 619 765 317 567 281 000 Other taxes on income and wealth n.e.c. 7 941 8 296 8 975 9 147 9 165 Taxes on goods and services 444 682 477 463 504 768 511 755 530 753 Value added tax 311 600 338 900 371 700 377 500 390 000 Customs duties 3 942 4 697 4 579 4 204 4 450 Taxes on petroleum extraction 5 714 5 036 7 166 7 621 7 813 Taxes on motor vehicles 26 721 26 261 24 257 22 175 22 052 Energy and pollution taxes 28 627 34 807 33 337 33 844 37 299 Taxes on alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals and gambling 37 553 34 340 30 136 30 774 31 499 Real estate tax 14 818 15 566 16 091 17 626 17 843 Other taxes 15 707 17 856 17 502 18 012 19 796 Capital taxes 64 48 32 46 30 Taxes on inheritance and gifts 64 48 32 46 30 Social security contributions 386 761 408 692 436 091 479 006 498 734 Employees' contributions 159 974 169 637 177 255 187 099 195 261 Employees' contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 154 983 164 411 171 740 181 203 189 000 Employees' contributions to other public insurance schemes 4 991 5 225 5 515 5 896 6 261 Employers' contributions 226 787 239 055 258 836 291 907 303 473 Employers' contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 196 440 210 601 228 014 257 197 267 884 Employers' contributions to other public insurance schemes 30 347 28 455 30 822 34 710 35 589 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - General government. Social benefits to households. NOK millionDownload table as ...General government. Social benefits to households. NOK million
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Social benefits in kind 78 347 86 211 91 611 100 029 106 527 Transfers to private kindergartens 21 639 23 648 23 909 26 015 27 545 Transport services 5 092 5 327 5 541 5 758 5 926 Health services 49 602 55 125 57 535 63 458 68 312 Other social benefits in kind 2 014 2 111 4 626 4 799 4 744 Social benefits in cash 579 330 594 546 615 363 673 385 730 673 Pensions 375 521 397 562 421 016 456 346 486 164 Retirement pensions 264 885 282 288 299 360 326 167 346 675 Disability pensions 104 197 108 743 114 808 122 999 130 901 Other pensions 6 439 6 531 6 848 7 180 8 589 Emplyment related benefits 150 067 142 490 135 434 146 859 165 709 Unemployment benefits 40 411 27 544 12 425 9 940 13 281 Work Assessment Allowance 30 196 33 277 36 111 40 660 46 873 Vocational rehabilitation benefits 0 0 0 0 0 Sickness benefits 55 268 56 057 60 533 69 223 75 520 Parental benefits 21 781 23 259 24 056 24 713 27 334 Other emplyment related benefits 2 410 2 353 2 308 2 323 2 701 Family related benefits 20 133 21 020 21 507 24 629 28 844 Child benefit 16 269 17 351 18 154 21 364 25 629 Cash benefit for parents 1 550 1 417 1 170 1 104 1 006 Other family related benefits 2 314 2 252 2 183 2 161 2 210 Education benefits 13 276 13 076 14 568 15 602 17 177 Educational grant 3 659 3 638 4 102 3 723 4 005 Converted student loans 7 028 7 202 7 871 7 966 7 956 Other education benefits 2 589 2 236 2 596 3 913 5 216 Social assistance benefits 16 068 15 893 18 649 25 050 27 722 Municipal social assistance benefit 6 736 6 520 7 652 10 032 11 986 Housing allowances 4 171 4 143 5 332 5 636 5 261 Introduction benefit for immigrants 2 973 2 602 2 857 5 326 5 815 Other social benefits 2 188 2 628 2 809 4 057 4 660 Benefits in cash n.e.c. 4 265 4 504 4 188 4 900 5 057 Patient injury compensation 1 149 1 053 1 114 1 407 1 472 Compensation to victims of violence 358 459 374 522 520 Other compensation arrangments 413 465 457 476 727 Other benefits in cash n.e.c. 2 345 2 528 2 244 2 495 2 337 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - General government expenditure by function. NOK millionDownload table as ...General government expenditure by function. NOK million
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total expenditure 1 805 768 1 963 064 2 002 671 2 151 437 2 347 156 01 General public services 159 989 163 599 163 752 187 378 243 892 02 Defence 67 179 68 993 72 164 80 443 90 733 03 Public order and safety 43 433 43 777 44 963 49 403 51 787 04 Economic affairs 206 800 273 986 240 280 272 712 276 224 05 Environment protection 32 576 36 135 38 950 44 734 47 723 06 Housing and community amenities 28 998 30 736 29 803 35 140 39 885 07 Health 302 698 320 964 353 322 373 230 397 960 08 Recreation, culture and religion 63 195 65 632 69 012 70 564 73 716 09 Education 198 824 200 891 207 338 220 622 233 928 10 Social protection 702 077 758 349 783 086 817 211 891 308 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 5 March 2025.
See Definitions in government finance statistics for definitions of variables and other concepts used in government finance statistics.
National accounting standards
The statistics are based on the guidelines for financial accounting in the national accounting standards System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) and European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), as well as the IMF's Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014).
Sector classification
Each institutional sector comprises institutional units with broadly similar behaviour. The institutional units are grouped into mutually exclusive institutional sectors on the basis of economic activity, organizational structure and ownership. Institutional units are autonomous entities that are capable, in their own right, of owning assets, incurring liabilities and engaging in economic activities and in transactions with other entities. In most cases, the institutional unit is identical to the legal unit or persons or groups of persons in the form of households.
The institutional sector classification in the financial accounts is based on the recommendations of the SNA 2008 and ESA 2010.
Classification of expenditure by function
Grouping of expenditure by function or purpose is based on the UN's Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG).