Public sector;Svalbard
The statistics show tax payments to the central government, municipalities and county authorities. By the end of October 2016, total tax payments were NOK 630 billion.

Tax accountsOctober 2016


Tax accounts. Distributed taxes, tax revenues, by type. Accumulated. NOK million and change in per cent.
October 2014October 2015October 2016October 2014 - October 2015October 2015 - October 2016
1Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county taxes.
2Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
3Interest and tax collecting costs for taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders included from January 2015.
Distributed taxes, total695 368666 014630 034-4.2-5.4
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government23 75823 26432 694-2.140.5
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum56 97939 71119 862-30.3-50.0
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum93 07164 73230 824-30.4-52.4
Tax equalization contributions to the central government164 915164 919154 7630.0-6.2
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)122 65223 75825 3534.96.7
Ordinary taxes to municipalities105 337110 819120 0825.28.4
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme96 060103 773109 5058.05.5
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme2129 121134 084134 7703.80.5
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders3 4759532 182-72.6129.0
Advance tax arrangement487 518509 640527 6964.53.5
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government20 47419 41329 995-5.254.5
Tax equalization contributions to the central government112 203118 554107 5395.7-9.3
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)122 36923 47725 0865.06.9
Ordinary taxes to municipalities103 943109 441118 7465.38.5
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme95 934103 641109 3608.05.5
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme2129 121134 084134 7703.80.5
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders3 4751 0302 201-70.4113.7
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement207 304155 844101 749-24.8-34.7
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government3 2233 7542 64816.5-29.5
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum56 97939 71119 862-30.3-50.0
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum93 07164 73230 824-30.4-52.4
Tax equalization contributions to the central government52 59146 21747 062-12.11.8
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)12212212080.0-5.9
Ordinary taxes to municipalities1 2191 2091 145-0.8-5.3
Interest etc.545530589-2.811.1
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government62965154.8-46.9
Tax equalization contributions to the central government12014716222.510.2
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)1626059-3.2-1.7
Ordinary taxes to municipalities175169191-3.413.0
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1261321454.89.8
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme2.....
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders3.-76-19