General government revenue and expenditure

Updated: 11 December 2024

Next update: 6 March 2025

Government expenditure in per cent of GDP the last four quarters
Government expenditure in per cent of GDP the last four quarters
3rd quarter 2024
General government. Revenue and expenditure last four quarters, NOK billion
General government. Revenue and expenditure last four quarters, NOK billion
3rd quarter 20223rd quarter 20233rd quarter 2024
Revenue3 4873 2703 178
Expenditure2 1022 2872 495
Net lending1 384984683
Expenditure in per cent of GDP37.444.048.5
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • General government. Revenue and expenditure. Quarterly. NOK million
    General government. Revenue and expenditure. Quarterly. NOK million
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 2024
    A. Revenue809 644763 322831 178773 639
    Taxes on income, wealth etc306 238252 120263 953253 300
    Taxes on goods and services138 971124 071131 106127 485
    Capital taxes22811
    Social security contributions127 829118 435131 325121 924
    Property income190 051223 104258 718225 083
    Administrative fees and sales of goods and services40 21740 10040 66940 774
    Current transfers6 3365 4905 3995 062
    B. Expense608 284586 585616 748603 335
    Compensation of employees167 059162 941176 322168 923
    Use of goods and services90 58390 22291 76991 263
    Consumption of fixed capital and R&D45 33046 15746 36446 604
    Property expense17 74717 76021 23121 490
    Social benefits in kind26 83426 54727 18525 432
    Social benefits in cash178 161172 657187 963180 994
    Subsidies25 83826 13123 89227 136
    Current transfers51 55740 22937 51936 478
    Capital transfers5 1753 9414 5035 015
    C. Change in net worth from transactions (A-B)201 360176 737214 430170 304
    D. Net acquisitions of non-financial assets38 9206 95215 29819 076
    Gross acquisitions of fixed assets and R&D86 73053 89063 21971 909
    Consumption of fixed capital and R&D (-)-46 166-47 009-47 214-47 455
    Net acquisitions of non-financial non-produced assets-1 64471-707-5 378
    E. Total expenditure647 204593 537632 046622 411
    F. Net lending/borrowing (A-E)162 440169 785199 132151 228
    Explanation of symbols
  • General government. Revenue and expenditure. Annual. NOK million
    General government. Revenue and expenditure. Annual. NOK million
    A. Revenue2 040 3861 874 4582 447 4253 615 5163 188 374
    Taxes on income, wealth etc619 007514 962908 9341 549 4491 141 720
    Taxes on goods and services438 262444 682477 463504 768511 755
    Capital taxes4464483246
    Social security contributions382 860386 761408 692436 091479 006
    Property income458 788387 147505 527960 211879 611
    Administrative fees and sales of goods and services126 968123 683128 629145 062154 590
    Current transfers14 45717 15818 13219 90321 647
    B. Expense1 721 1731 893 6571 932 0512 080 3152 265 893
    Compensation of employees527 151538 376566 166598 767639 356
    Use of goods and services254 528268 306291 643320 766346 987
    Consumption of fixed capital and R&D127 128136 643146 488161 687176 760
    Property expense26 06823 93718 81530 60056 403
    Social benefits in kind78 23578 34786 21191 611100 029
    Social benefits in cash524 244579 330594 546615 363673 385
    Subsidies65 39991 38887 870117 813102 025
    Current transfers109 070123 200128 494127 768154 152
    Capital transfers9 35054 13011 81715 94116 795
    C. Change in net worth from transactions (A-B)319 212-19 200515 3741 535 200922 481
    D. Net acquisitions of non-financial assets84 59569 40670 62071 12281 262
    Gross acquisitions of fixed assets and R&D214 169217 404220 455240 023262 561
    Consumption of fixed capital and R&D (-)-129 848-139 350-149 366-164 728-180 004
    Net acquisitions of non-financial non-produced assets274-8 648-470-4 173-1 295
    E. Total expenditure (B+D)1 805 7681 963 0642 002 6712 151 4372 347 156
    F. Net lending/borrowing (A-E)234 618-88 606444 7541 464 078841 219
    Explanation of symbols
  • General government. Taxes and social security contributions. NOK million
    General government. Taxes and social security contributions. NOK million
    Taxes on income, wealth etc619 007514 962908 9341 549 4491 141 720
    Taxes on income and wealth, excluding extraction of petroleum491 941490 222601 416657 674667 461
    Corporate tax and national tax on individuals' income388 278393 615478 297485 421494 041
    Bracket tax and tax on ground rent income82 43177 03298 970137 200131 651
    Net wealth tax17 00417 71918 90527 14530 469
    Tax on dividends paid to foreign shareholders4 2281 8555 2447 90911 300
    Taxes on income and wealth from extraction of petroleum114 24116 800299 222882 800465 111
    Ordinary income tax on petroleum revenue34 03416 80094 654263 035147 544
    Special tax on petroleum income80 2070204 568619 765317 567
    Other taxes on income and wealth n.e.c.12 8247 9418 2968 9759 147
    Taxes on goods and services438 262444 682477 463504 768511 755
    Value added tax307 000311 600338 900371 700377 500
    Customs duties3 7253 9424 6974 5794 204
    Taxes on petroleum extraction5 4805 7145 0367 1667 621
    Taxes on motor vehicles31 62526 72126 26124 25722 175
    Energy and pollution taxes30 06328 62734 80733 33733 844
    Taxes on alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals and gambling31 17037 55334 34030 13630 774
    Real estate tax14 74814 81815 56616 09117 626
    Other taxes14 45115 70717 85617 50218 012
    Capital taxes4464483246
    Taxes on inheritance and gifts4464483246
    Social security contributions382 860386 761408 692436 091479 006
    Employees' contributions156 092159 974169 637177 255187 099
    Employees' contributions to the National Insurance Scheme151 190154 983164 411171 740181 203
    Employees' contributions to other public insurance schemes4 9014 9915 2255 5155 896
    Employers' contributions226 768226 787239 055258 836291 907
    Employers' contributions to the National Insurance Scheme196 621196 440210 601228 014257 197
    Employers' contributions to other public insurance schemes30 14730 34728 45530 82234 710
    Explanation of symbols
  • General government. Social benefits to households. NOK million
    General government. Social benefits to households. NOK million
    Social benefits in kind78 23578 34786 21191 611100 029
    Transfers to private kindergartens22 48521 63923 64823 90926 015
    Transport services5 2165 0925 3275 5415 758
    Health services48 45649 60255 12557 53563 458
    Other social benefits in kind2 0772 0142 1114 6264 799
    Social benefits in cash524 244579 330594 546615 363673 385
    Pensions361 290375 521397 562421 016456 346
    Retirement pensions255 147264 885282 288299 360326 167
    Disability pensions99 753104 197108 743114 808122 999
    Other pensions6 3896 4396 5316 8487 180
    Emplyment related benefits109 516150 067142 490135 434146 859
    Unemployment benefits9 45940 41127 54412 4259 940
    Work Assessment Allowance29 66130 19633 27736 11140 660
    Vocational rehabilitation benefits00000
    Sickness benefits47 60555 26856 05760 53369 223
    Parental benefits20 45121 78123 25924 05624 713
    Other emplyment related benefits2 3392 4102 3532 3082 323
    Family related benefits19 77320 13321 02021 50724 629
    Child benefit15 75716 26917 35118 15421 364
    Cash benefit for parents1 6111 5501 4171 1701 104
    Other family related benefits2 4052 3142 2522 1832 161
    Education benefits13 23313 27613 07614 56815 602
    Educational grant3 4193 6593 6384 1023 723
    Converted student loans7 0687 0287 2027 8717 966
    Other education benefits2 7462 5892 2362 5963 913
    Social assistance benefits16 86816 06815 89318 64925 050
    Municipal social assistance benefit7 0186 7366 5207 65210 032
    Housing allowances3 9824 1714 1435 3325 636
    Introduction benefit for immigrants3 5392 9732 6022 8575 326
    Other social benefits2 3302 1882 6282 8094 057
    Benefits in cash n.e.c.3 5644 2654 5044 1884 900
    Patient injury compensation1 0711 1491 0531 1141 407
    Compensation to victims of violence270358459374522
    Other compensation arrangments360413465457476
    Other benefits in cash n.e.c.1 8642 3452 5282 2442 495
    Explanation of symbols
  • General government expenditure by function. NOK million
    General government expenditure by function. NOK million
    Total expenditure1 805 7681 963 0642 002 6712 151 4372 347 156
    01 General public services159 989163 599163 752187 378243 892
    02 Defence67 17968 99372 16480 44390 733
    03 Public order and safety43 43343 77744 96349 40351 787
    04 Economic affairs206 800273 986240 280272 712276 224
    05 Environment protection32 57636 13538 95044 73447 723
    06 Housing and community amenities28 99830 73629 80335 14039 885
    07 Health302 698320 964353 322373 230397 960
    08 Recreation, culture and religion63 19565 63269 01270 56473 716
    09 Education198 824200 891207 338220 622233 928
    10 Social protection702 077758 349783 086817 211891 308
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics provide information on expenditure in the central and local government sectors, broken down by expenditure type and function. It also shows how revenue is generated, such as taxes, fees, user payments, interest and dividends.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 1 September 2023.

See Definitions in government finance statistics for definitions of variables and other concepts used in government finance statistics.

National accounting standards

The statistics are based on the guidelines for financial accounting in the national accounting standards System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) and European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), as well as the IMF's Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014).

Sector classification

Each institutional sector comprises institutional units with broadly similar behaviour. The institutional units are grouped into mutually exclusive institutional sectors on the basis of economic activity, organizational structure and ownership. Institutional units are autonomous entities that are capable, in their own right, of owning assets, incurring liabilities and engaging in economic activities and in transactions with other entities. In most cases, the institutional unit is identical to the legal unit or persons or groups of persons in the form of households.

The institutional sector classification in the financial accounts is based on the recommendations of the SNA 2008 and ESA 2010.

Classification of expenditure by function

Grouping of expenditure by function or purpose is based on the UN's Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG).

Name: General government revenue and expenditure
Topic: Public sector

6 March 2025

Division for Public Finance

National level only.

Preliminary annual figures are released in March after the end of the reference period. Updated figures are released in June and in September. Quarterly figures are released approximately 75-80 days after the end of the reference period.




Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The purpose of the statistics is to provide long time series for revenue and expenditure in general government based on the international guidelines for national accounts and government finance statistics. Further, Norway is obliged to compile and report such statistics to EU’s statistical organization – Eurostat.

There are comparable figures from 1978 to the present.

General government revenue and expenditure is part of the national accounting system, which is important for analyzing the economic development. Statistics Norway's macroeconomic models are largely based on national accounts statistics. Other users are Norges Bank, the Ministry of Finance, research institutes and media.

The statistics can, among other things, contribute to describe the total size and composition of the general government and its impact on overall demand and supply, investments and tax burden. In addition, it can be used to compare general government in Norway and other countries.

No external users have access to statistics before they are released at 8 a.m. on after at least three months’ advance notice in the release calendar. This is one of the most important principles in Statistics Norway for ensuring the equal treatment of users.

In principle, the statistics are incorporated directly into the national accounts. General government revenue and expenditure can be found in central and local government tables in the non financial sector accounts.

The budgetary central government fiscal account is published annually and quarterly. These figures are based on the Ministry of Finance’s own definitions, which deviates from the definitions used in the national accounts and government finance statistics. In addition, annual municipal accounts and county authority accounts are published according to the definitions in the Local government act.

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).

The statistics are part of the national program for official statistics 2021-2023, main area Public finances.

The population includes the institutional sector general government, as it is defined in the international guidelines. This sector consists of all government units and all non-market institutions that are controlled by central or local government units. Market based non-financial and financial corporations owned by government are not included.

The principal administrative register used is the budgetary central government fiscal account collected from The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management. This covers a number of government units such as the Parliament, all ministries, directorates, the Norwegian Armed Forces, police and prison services, law courts, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service and the National Insurance Scheme. Data can also be downloaded from

Public hospitals, as well as the Government Pension Fund, transmit financial statements directly to Statistics Norway.

Other extra-budgetary accounts, such as financial statements from public universities and university colleges public, research institutes, pension funds are collected from

Government controlled cultural institutions and various public funds are collected individually – from the respective units’ webpage or by special agreement.

Municipalities, county authorities, municipal companies (KF/FKF), inter-municipal companies (IKS) and joint parish councils are obliged to submit financial statements directly to Statistics Norway, via KOSTRA.

Accrued taxes on income and wealth are based on tax statistics for personal tax payers and tax statistics for companies.

Government expenditures related to research and development are estimated on the basis of statistics on R&D in the university and college sector and R&D in the institute sector.

In principle, all accounts are included. In practice some minor accounts are not collected.

The classification of transactions in government finance statistics are based on information in the collected datasets. These datasets contain a classification of transactions by type. Taxes, fees and charges, interest revenue and dividends are all examples of revenue types – while wages and salaries, interest expense, transfers to other sectors and acquisitions of fixed assets are examples of expenditure types. In addition, most accounts contain a classification by function or chapter that gives details regarding the various purposes of government spending – health, education, culture, etc.

Controls consist mainly of checking that the accounts are in balance (i.e. that expenditures equal revenues plus financing). The individual accounts from public hospitals, municipalities, county authorities and joint parish councils are subject to a number of automatic checks when they are reported electronically to Statistics Norway. Remaining checks are done on a macro level and based on the applied characteristics.

When quarterly and preliminary annual figures are released, not all data sources are available. As a consequence, these releases are to some degree based on estimations.

No seasonal adjustments are made.

Employees of Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures if there is a risk of the respondent’s contribution being identified. This means that, as a general rule, figures are not published if fewer than three units form the basis of a cell in a table or if the contribution of one or two respondents constitutes a very large part of the cell total.

Statistics Norway can make exceptions to the general rule if deemed necessary to meet the requirements of the EEA agreement, if the respondent is a public authority, if the respondent has consented to this, or when the information disclosed is openly accessible to the public.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

There are comparable figures from 1978 to the present.

Government finance statistics are compiled in the same way, and according to the same framework, every year to ensure comparability over time. One tries to avoid substantial breaks in the time series by carrying out any large changes in connection with retroactive revisions.

For the central government minor breaks may occur, since the fiscal account's chart of accounts is often adjusted through resolutions in the Parliament. Breaks in the time series occur relatively seldom for the local government accounts, since the chart of accounts is established by the Local Government Act.

When quarterly and preliminary annual figures are, not all data sources are available. As a consequence, these releases are to some degree based on estimations.

For some revenue and expenditure items the specifications in the administrative registries or submitted financial statements are not good enough to satisfy the international requirements for detailing level. In addition, the chart of accounts is not always adhered to well enough.

In connection with the collected financial statements the respondents may sometimes misunderstand the questionnaires. In addition, errors can be made by Statistics Norway with regards to the classification of transactions by type or function.

When final figures are released, all accounts and other data sources are normally available and will replace preliminary figures and estimations. Taxes from the petroleum industry and gross acquisitions of fixed assets are among the items that, under normal circumstances, are revised the most from preliminary to final release.
