House prices and house price indices
Price index for existing dwellings
The statistics measure the value of the stock of existing dwellings.
Price index for new dwellings
The index measure the price development of new dwellings.
Rental market survey
The rental market survey measures rent levels in Norway.
Rental price index for commercial properties
The purpose of the index is to measure the price development for commercial property rents, overall and for different types of properties.
Analyses, articles and publications
Showing 2 of 2
Hedonic regression models for housing tax valuation
Different types of taxation include the market value of housing or housing returns in their tax base, making it essential to obtain accurate and up-to-date assessments of property values.
The empirical modelling of house prices and debt revisited: A policy-oriented perspective
The recent boom in house prices in many countries during the Covid-19 pandemic and the possibility of household financial distress are of concern among some central banks.
Older analyses, articles and publications
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