Prices and price indices;Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Wholesale trade, price index (discontinued)15 November 2012


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Wholesale trade, price index (discontinued)
Topic: Prices and price indices

Responsible division

Division for Business Cycle Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Representative commodity: Each United the weights are based on and the prices are obtained for.

Prices that are obtained are generally the prices the establishments use for its wholesale trade customers, and have to be homogenous.

A Laspeyre priceindex is a price index that is combined by several other price indices and is used to compute a index for total.

Standard classifications

Price: Prices measured in this index are excluding VAT and including discounts at the 15th in the middle month of the quarter

Indices published by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007)

Administrative information

Regional level

National level only

Frequency and timeliness


Published approximately 5 days after given quarter

International reporting

not relevant


Micro data, information about selected units, population, and catalogues are stored in the programming language SAS  


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to measure the price development for businesses classified within wholesale trade. The data series date back to 1985.

Users and applications

Users include public- and private sector agencies, organisations and individuals index is also used as a basis for the regulation of various contracts.  

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Coherence with other statistics

The Wholesale trade price index is used to calculate volume indexes for wholesale trade.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, § 2-2 and §2-3

EEA reference

not relevant



The population consists of all establishments in wholesale trade with a yearly annual sales over NOK 10 million in industrial Wholesale trade (SIC2007:46), except of industry group agency trading (SIC2007:46.1).



Data sources and sampling

From Establishments and Enterprises we get information about the geographic location, number of employees and the company's age. Prices are collected from the companies via a separate form survey.

The sample of about 1000 units contributes about 40 per cent of the total turnover and about 15 per cent of the establisments in the total population. The sample consists of establishments with an annual turnover in excess of NOK 10 million, and a quarter of the sample is rotated annually, in first quarter. Companies that have been in the sample for four years replaced if they do not belong to a full census strata.

The population is stratified according to industrial classification and turnover. The grouping of strata according to turnover will vary between different industrial classification groups.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Questionnaires are sent by post or over the Internet.  Establishments normally receive the questionnaire around the 15th in the second month of the quarter. The submission deadline is approximately two weeks later.

There are logical controls in the data entry routine, big difference in price compared to previously provided, and missing price or percentage of groups will be checked and corrected if needed.

For each respondent the reported prices are compared with the prices reported in the previous quarter. Longer data series for prices are also evaluated. Finally, prices of the same commodity are compared. In case of any major differences respondents are contacted by telephone. When a price is missing, the company is contacted by telephone. If the commodity in question is discontinued, the company is asked to report the price of the most similar commodity.

Price changes are compared with the Price index of first-hand domestic sales.

The calculation of the index use the formula of Laspeyres type. The index is calculated in 6 steps;

Step 1: For each establishment in the sample the index is computed for the representative commodities that have prices in the base period and the calculationperiod.

Step 2: A price index is computed for each group of commodities as an unweighted average of the representative commodities within the group of commodities.

Step 3: An index is computed for establishments as a weighted average of the index of the group of commoditites.

Step 4: A price index for each stratum within a group of industriy is computed as an unweighted average of the price indices for the establisments within the stratum. The establishments are divided into 3 stratum based on the establishments' Revenue. The stratums varies between different industries.

Step 5: For each group of industry a price index is computed as a weighted average of the price indices for stratums with revenue within each stratum as weight.

Step 6: The price indices for groups of industries and main industries, in addition to whole sale trade as a whole is computed as a weighted average following the same Method. For each level the indices are weighted as a whole together with corrosponding ratio of Revenue and are summed.

From the establishments information about the weights for the different groups of commodities are also obtained. The revenue for each stratum and each group of industry is obtained from the wholesale and Retail trade statistics. The Revenue from the most recent publication of the mentioned statistics is used as weights.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


It is not possible to identify information on individual establishments in the statistics. The data collected from respondents are used in accordance with the regulations in the Statistics Act.

Comparability over time and space

The index has been published in its present form since 1985.

In compliance with Eurostat regulations the reference year was changed to 2015=100 when indices for Q1 2018 were published. Prior to this the reference year of the Wholesale trade price index was 2005=100.

Prior to 1989 the name "Wholesale price index" was used on what today is called "Price index of first-hand domestic sales" (PIF), https://www.ssb.no/pif.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The respondent may have filled out the form incorrectly. The information can also be recorded incorrectly when the form is read optically. We attempt to correct such errors through a separate control system.

The response rate is about 98 percent at the time of the publishing.

Reminders are sent to companies that fail to respond in time, and failure to respond is subject to fines. Large companies that do not respond will be reminded by telephone before publication. Delayed reporting, including underreporting is difficult to estimate, but is not believed to represent a significant source of error.

The sample of companies that are used to calculate the index is updated once a year.



The published figures are final.