Prices and price indices;National accounts and business cycles;Energy and manufacturing
The producer price index (PPI) measures price changes for oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity. The PPI fell by 1.6 per cent from August to September 2016.

Producer price indexSeptember 2016


Producer price index for main industrial groupings. Domestic market. 2000=100
Industrial Classification1September 2016Change in per cent
July 2016 - August 2016August 2016 - September 2016August 2015 - August 2016September 2015 - September 2016
1Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007).
Extraction, mining, manuf. and elec165.5-1.1-
Extraction and related services175.9-0.9-2.4-9.3-12.4
Extraction of oil and natural gas127.6-2.5-0.5-8.8-11.3
Extraction and related services171.90.1-3.6-9.1-12.7
Mining and quarrying169.8-0.8-0.10.7-1.0
Food, beverages and tobacco167.1-0.4-
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather137.70.4-
Wood and wood products137.7-
Paper and paper products127.80.80.0-0.3-1.5
Refined petroleum products154.7-5.10.5-2.72.7
Chemical and pharmaceutical prod.195.7-3.80.1-2.7-2.6
Rubber and plastic products133.
Non-metallic mineral products155.7-
Basic metals136.51.3-
Fabricated metal products150.
Computer and electrical equipment113.40.8-
Machinery and equipment168.
Transport equipment n.e.c125.60.3-0.30.4-0.2
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.125.41.0-
Repair, installation of machinery185.
Electricity, gas and steam244.8-1.90.552.937.2