Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Measuring working hours in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey: a pilot study of data quality using administrative registers Reports 2009/3 Labour market and earnings
Employment and education among young immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents: how different are youth with background from Eastern-Europe outside the EU, Asia, Africa and South- and Central-America compared to the majority? Reports 2008/44 Labour market and earnings
Twice as many employed persons Articles Labour market and earnings
Immigrant participation in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey. 2006-2007 Documents 2008/7 Labour market and earnings
A simple model for studying the effects of proxy interviewing: the Norwegian Labour Force Survey as a case study Documents 2008/2 Labour market and earnings
Labour Force Survey non-response in relation to immigrant origin: some results from the period 2000-2005 Documents 2007/15 Labour market and earnings
Are young immigrants a marginalised group? Articles Education, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Quality report on the Norwegian structure of Earnings Survey 2002 Reports 2007/14 Labour market and earnings
Where are the women in trade and industry? Articles Population, Labour market and earnings
Urban and regional labour market mobility in Norway Social and economic studies 110 Labour market and earnings
The gender-divided labour market Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
One in four works part-time Articles Labour market and earnings
Only one in ten executive managers are women Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
Equal development of women and men's salaries Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
One in three works flexible hours Articles Labour market and earnings