Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Employment within the power supply industry and power related establishments in 2016 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Young people who are not in employment or education Labour market and earnings
What do we know about immigrants who do not work, study or receive benefits? Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Stable employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased unemployment and decreased employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Decreased labour force participation Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in the labour force Articles Labour market and earnings
Growth in NI contributions Articles Labour market and earnings
Decrease in man-weeks worked Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.9 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 4.0 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Stable unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.9 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in employment Articles Labour market and earnings