Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Household data in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey Documents 2010/46 Labour market and earnings
Evaluating employment classification: a quality study linking survey data and register data Documents 2010/09 Labour market and earnings
Technological changes and skill composition: evidence from matched employer-employee data Documents 2010/06 Labour market and earnings
Measuring the stock of human capital for Norway: a lifetime labour income approach Documents 2009/12 Labour market and earnings, National accounts and business cycles
Immigrant participation in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey. 2006-2007 Documents 2008/7 Labour market and earnings
A simple model for studying the effects of proxy interviewing: the Norwegian Labour Force Survey as a case study Documents 2008/2 Labour market and earnings
Labour Force Survey non-response in relation to immigrant origin: some results from the period 2000-2005 Documents 2007/15 Labour market and earnings
Collecting data on wages for the labour force survey: a pilot Documents 2004/7 Labour market and earnings
Exploring the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing Documents 2003/9 Labour market and earnings
Past and future changes in the structure of wages and skills Documents 2002/4 Labour market and earnings
Impacts on women's work and child care choices of cash-for-care program Documents 2000/13 Social conditions, welfare and crime, Labour market and earnings, Population
Regional variation in sick leave among nurses and health workers Reports 2021/19 Labour market and earnings, Health
Teacher Projections 2019-2040 Reports 2021/11 Labour market and earnings, Education
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2019 Reports 2021/05 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
The lowest paid jobs: Who occupies these jobs and how long do they occupy them Reports 2021/01 Labour market and earnings