Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Turnover in child welfare among municipalities Reports 2014/18 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Employment and education among young people with immigrant background. 2012 Reports 2014/17 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Long projections of the demand for health services and long-term care in Norway Reports 2014/14 Labour market and earnings, Health
Do we have to work more? Macroeconomic effects of less materialistic growth Reports 2014/13 National accounts and business cycles, Labour market and earnings
Unaccompanied minor refugees 2011: Employment, education and income Reports 2014/09 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Refugees and the labour market, 4th quarter 2012 Reports 2014/06 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Job changes among older employees Reports 2013/60 Labour market and earnings
Disabled people on the labour market in 2013 Reports 2013/51 Labour market and earnings, Health
Immigrants on the labour market: Data from the Labour Force Surveys Reports 2013/49 Labour market and earnings
Forecasting demand and supply of labour by education Reports 2013/48 Labour market and earnings, Education
The demand for labour by education: a sectoral model of the Norwegian economy Reports 2013/41 Labour market and earnings
Employment and education among young people with immigrant background. 2011 Reports 2013/36 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Long-term unemployment among immigrants, May 2011-2012 Reports 2013/35 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Statistics Norway from cell offices to open landscape: a survey from Department of Administration Reports 2013/22 Labour market and earnings
Employment in central government Reports 2013/20 Labour market and earnings, Public sector