Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
More employed persons with a health care education Articles Labour market and earnings
Fewer employed in Rogaland Articles Labour market and earnings, Svalbard
Half a million local authority employees Articles Labour market and earnings
One in ten work on Sundays Articles Labour market and earnings
Lowest growth in earnings in the 2000s Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in unemployment rate among persons with higher education Articles Labour market and earnings
Oil FTE cost NOK 1.2 million Articles Labour market and earnings
Twice as many employed persons Articles Labour market and earnings
Are young immigrants a marginalised group? Articles Education, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Where are the women in trade and industry? Articles Population, Labour market and earnings
The gender-divided labour market Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
One in four works part-time Articles Labour market and earnings
Only one in ten executive managers are women Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
Equal development of women and men's salaries Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
One in three works flexible hours Articles Labour market and earnings