Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Employment in the power supply industry and power related establishments 2013 Reports 2014/40 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Employment in the power supply industry and related industries 2011 Reports 2012/34 Labour market and earnings
Employment within the power supply industry and power related establishments in 2016 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Equal development of women and men's salaries Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
Estimation of training costs for the Norwegian Labour Cost Survey (LCS) Documents 2019/05 Labour market and earnings
Evaluating employment classification: a quality study linking survey data and register data Documents 2010/09 Labour market and earnings
Exit from the labour market among immigrants Reports 2017/24 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Exploring the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing Documents 2003/9 Labour market and earnings
Fewer Swedes, more Poles and Lithuanians Articles Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Fewer employed in Rogaland Articles Labour market and earnings, Svalbard
Fewer exposed to health risks at work Articles Labour market and earnings
Forecasting demand and supply of labour by education Reports 2013/48 Labour market and earnings, Education
Growth in NI contributions Articles Labour market and earnings
Growth in NI contributions Articles Labour market and earnings
Growth in NI contributions Articles Labour market and earnings