Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Labour Force Survey non-response in relation to immigrant origin: some results from the period 2000-2005 Documents 2007/15 Labour market and earnings
Labour Market Projections for Teachers Reports 2015/41 Labour market and earnings, Education
Labour cost index: quality report 2012 Documents 2013/41 Labour market and earnings
Labour demand until 2040 in the Norwegian Specialist Health Care sector Reports 2015/29 Health, Labour market and earnings
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform Reports 2015/12 Labour market and earnings
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform Reports 2014/19 Labour market and earnings
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform Reports 2013/12 Labour market and earnings
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform. 2015 Reports 2016/10 Labour market and earnings
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform. 2016 Reports 2017/05 Labour market and earnings
Labour market flows Reports 2015/14 Labour market and earnings
Life expectancy and disbursement of early retirement pension in different occupations Reports 2015/39 Health, Population, Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Long projections of the demand for health services and long-term care in Norway Reports 2014/14 Labour market and earnings, Health
Long-term unemployment among immigrants, May 2011-2012 Reports 2013/35 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Lowest growth in earnings in the 2000s Articles Labour market and earnings
Measuring the stock of human capital for Norway: a lifetime labour income approach Documents 2009/12 Labour market and earnings, National accounts and business cycles