Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
1 in 10 over 66 has to use stairs to enter their dwelling | Artikler | Construction, housing and property | |
Norske lastebiler taper markedsandeler tross økt godsmengde | Artikler | Transport and tourism | |
Increase in extraction of natural resources | Artikler | Nature and the environment | |
Foundations’ assets increased | Artikler | Establishments, enterprises and accounts | |
Facts about education in Norway 2021: Key figures 2019 | Booklets | Education | |
This is Norway 2020 | Booklets | Population, Income and consumption, Education, Construction, housing and property, Culture and recreation, Transport and tourism, Elections, Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime, National accounts and business cycles, Energy and manufacturing, Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities, Health | |
Facts about education in Norway 2020: Key figures 2018 | Booklets | Education | |
This is Norway 2019 | Booklets | Population | |
Facts about education in Norway 2019: Key figures 2017 | Booklets | Education | |
This is Norway 2018: what the figures say | Booklets | Population | |
Women and men in Norway 2018 | Booklets | Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Health, Income and consumption, Education, Labour market and earnings, Culture and recreation, Elections | |
Facts about education in Norway 2018: Key figures 2016 | Booklets | Education | |
This is Norway 2017: what the figures say | Booklets | Population | |
This is Svalbard 2016: What the figures say | Booklets | Population, Svalbard, | |
Facts about education in Norway 2017: Key figures 2015 | Booklets | Education |