Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
Large increase in waste incineration | Articles | Nature and the environment | |
Large majority own their dwelling | Articles | Construction, housing and property | |
Largest decline in naturalisation | Articles | Population, Immigration and immigrants | |
Largest growth for motor vehicles and motorcycles in five years | Articles | Wholesale and retail trade and service activities | |
Largest growth in five years for motor vehicles | Articles | Wholesale and retail trade and service activities | |
Largest increase in family counselling cases in 15 years | Articles | Social conditions, welfare and crime | |
Largest increase in foreign direct investment in real estate and manufacturing | Articles | External economy | |
Largest trade deficit since 1981 | Articles | External economy, National accounts and business cycles | |
Late Easter impacted on sale of alcohol | Articles | Wholesale and retail trade and service activities | |
Leicure activities 1997-2014 | Reports 2015/25 | Culture and recreation | |
Less Norwegians smoke, more use snus | Artikler | Health | |
Less children received measures from the Child Welfare Services | Articles | Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants | |
Less expensive air transport | Articles | Prices and price indices | |
Less greenhouse gases - more waste | Articles | Nature and the environment | |
Less guest nights in February | Articles | Transport and tourism, Svalbard |