Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Wind power generation continues to rise Articles Energy and manufacturing
With mother, with father or shared residence?: Individual changes in residential arrangements for children of parents living apart Reports 2014/27 Population
Women and men in Norway 2006: what the figures say Booklets Population
Women and men in Norway 2010: what the figures say Booklets Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Health, Income and consumption, Education, Labour market and earnings, Culture and recreation, Elections
Women and men in Norway 2018 Booklets Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Health, Income and consumption, Education, Labour market and earnings, Culture and recreation, Elections
Women and men – Please, mind the gap! Statistical analysis 2017 Education, Immigration and immigrants
Women in the minority Articles Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Women’s wages and fertility revisited: evidence from Norway Discussion Papers no. 784 National accounts and business cycles
Work less but stay longer - Mature workerresponse to a flexibility reform Discussion Papers no. 937 National accounts and business cycles
Work – goal and arena for integration Statistical analysis 2017 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Working hours in dual-earner couples: does one partner work less when the other works more? Discussion Papers no. 670 National accounts and business cycles
Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: Findings from employees in child care centers Discussion Papers no. 882 National accounts and business cycles
Workplace presence, wages and employment Reports 2020/51 Labour market and earnings
Workplace segregation among employed with immigrant background in Norway Reports 2019/24 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
World Health Survey Articles Health