Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
Wind power generation continues to rise | Articles | Energy and manufacturing | |
With mother, with father or shared residence?: Individual changes in residential arrangements for children of parents living apart | Reports 2014/27 | Population | |
Women and men in Norway 2006: what the figures say | Booklets | Population | |
Women and men in Norway 2010: what the figures say | Booklets | Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Health, Income and consumption, Education, Labour market and earnings, Culture and recreation, Elections | |
Women and men in Norway 2018 | Booklets | Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Health, Income and consumption, Education, Labour market and earnings, Culture and recreation, Elections | |
Women and men – Please, mind the gap! | Statistical analysis 2017 | Education, Immigration and immigrants | |
Women in the minority | Articles | Establishments, enterprises and accounts | |
Women’s wages and fertility revisited: evidence from Norway | Discussion Papers no. 784 | National accounts and business cycles | |
Work less but stay longer - Mature workerresponse to a flexibility reform | Discussion Papers no. 937 | National accounts and business cycles | |
Work – goal and arena for integration | Statistical analysis 2017 | Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants | |
Working hours in dual-earner couples: does one partner work less when the other works more? | Discussion Papers no. 670 | National accounts and business cycles | |
Workload, staff composition, and sickness absence: Findings from employees in child care centers | Discussion Papers no. 882 | National accounts and business cycles | |
Workplace presence, wages and employment | Reports 2020/51 | Labour market and earnings | |
Workplace segregation among employed with immigrant background in Norway | Reports 2019/24 | Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants | |
World Health Survey | Articles | Health |