Energy prices increased in April
9 May 2018
Prices and price indices, Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles
Energy use in buildings in the services sector 2011
Reports 2013/62
18 December 2013
Energy and manufacturing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Energy use in your municipality
18 May 2004
Energy and manufacturing
Entry into work following childbirth among mothers in Norway: recent trends and variation
Discussion Papers no. 702
1 September 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Environment statistics: improvement of methodologies for water statistics
Documents 2008/15
24 September 2008
Nature and the environment
Environmental goods and services sector: new reporting requirements and basic data needed
Documents 2014/04
3 February 2014
Nature and the environment
Environmental impacts and indicators for the state of the nature on Svalbard
8 April 2014
Nature and the environment, Svalbard
Environmental pressure increasing - better pollution control
31 May 2006
Nature and the environment
Environmental pressure information system (EPIS) for the pulp and paper industry in Norway
Documents 2000/3
10 February 2000
Nature and the environment
Environmental pressure information systems (EPIS) for the household sector in Norway
Documents 2001/12
6 November 2001
Nature and the environment
Environmental protection expenditure: methodological work for the oil and gas extraction industry (NACE 11) and preliminary figures for 2002 for the manufacturing,
mining, quarrying and steam and hot water supply industries in Norway : report to Eurostat
Documents 2005/3
25 February 2005
Nature and the environment
Environmental protection expenditure accounts: new reporting requirements and basic data needed
Documents 2014/08
3 February 2014
Nature and the environment
Environmental taxes in Norway 1991-2004
17 November 2005
Public sector
Environmentally motivated transfers in Norway 2007: A test of the methodology proposed by Eurostat Task Force on Environmentally Related Transfers
Documents 2011/15
15 April 2011
National accounts and business cycles, Nature and the environment
Environmentally related taxes in Norway: totals and divided by industry
Documents 2009/5
13 February 2009
Nature and the environment