Preliminary figures

Statistics published on 12 May 2025 (table 10454) are preliminary figures for wages, pensions, and benefits, collected from the tax return.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Tax for personal tax payers

The statistics gives an overview of taxable income, income deductions and taxable assets, as well as taxes and tax allowances, for people with a tax obligation in Norway.

Updated: 18 December 2024
Next update: 12 May 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Tax statistics for residents 17 years and older
    Tax statistics for residents 17 years and older
    2023Percentage change of average amount
    Number of persons with amountAverage for persons with amount (NOK)2022 - 20232018 - 2023
    Gross income4 417 380595 4006.026.2
    Basis for surtax/bracket tax4 317 250559 9005.222.9
    Ordinary income, after deductions4 338 257466 2005.327.7
    Taxable gross wealth4 428 9391 744 4003.537.4
    Debt3 512 5551 246 900-2.911.6
    Bracket tax3 970 63927 20011.060.0
    Property taxes654 94744 0006.046.7
    Assessed taxes4 068 964165 0003.724.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • Survey of tax assessment for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons with amount and average
    Survey of tax assessment for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons with amount and average
    Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and olderResidents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and olderAverage for residents 17 years and older with amount (NOK)
    Basis for surtax/bracket tax4 256 5282 265 5664 317 2502 417 238559 900
    Ordinary income after special deduction4 248 5741 880 7344 338 2572 022 288466 200
    Personal income wages3 211 8751 700 9113 241 0301 806 858557 500
    Personal income pension1 080 012360 8321 112 815394 702354 700
    Personal income disability benefits424 377116 768427 766124 570291 200
    Personal income from fishing etc.11 2868 81711 2708 995798 100
    Personal income from other industry255 54287 679237 01979 248334 400
    County wealth tax623 42318 044654 94719 50529 800
    County income tax3 950 111221 2573 935 832230 58958 600
    State wealth tax623 0807 807654 6809 31614 200
    Surtax on gross income.....
    Bracket tax3 784 21093 9833 844 951105 86427 500
    Community tax3 950 032143 3583 935 715142 41836 200
    Membership contribution to the national insurance4 091 589172 0674 145 323181 08343 700
    Delay duty:::::
    Additional tax:::::
    Finnmark deduction69 6191 16868 9161 18617 200
    Home investment savings for young people (BSU)230 365928212 0503921 800
    Tax limitation according to paragraph 175 6161224 6269219 900
    Tax deduction for old age pensioners912 19013 993901 09113 88515 400
    Deduction for foreign services21 1001 86422 4092 259100 800
    Assessed taxes4 016 653638 9844 068 964671 305165 000
    Number of persons4 441 2784 441 2784 504 3954 504 3954 504 395
    Explanation of symbols
  • Taxable income for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
    Taxable income for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
    Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Average for residents 17 years and older with amount (kr)
    Gross income4 355 8492 446 5564 417 3802 630 126595 400
    Personal income from wages and salaries3 211 8751 700 9113 241 0301 806 858557 500
    ¬ Wages and remuneration3 085 3911 587 9623 123 3221 687 568540 300
    ¬ Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 881 0886 5981 889 2627 2063 800
    ¬ Free car96 9296 67198 9517 27073 500
    ¬ Estimated taxable income from employer-subsidized electronic communication equipment764 7352 926762 7362 9463 900
    ¬ Unemployment Benefits246 62512 006140 5779 76069 400
    ¬ Work Assessment Allowance182 31035 496190 28739 935209 900
    Personal income from pensions1 080 012360 8321 112 815394 702354 700
    ¬ Old-age pensions963 808260 635983 150284 113289 000
    ¬ Contractual pension (AFP), public sector41 2169 41038 5429 927257 600
    ¬ Contractual pension (AFP), private sector112 4306 381122 4367 25559 300
    Personal income disability benefits424 377116 768427 766124 570291 200
    Net entrepreneurial income275 971105 677269 911107 252397 400
    Property income4 020 166157 7374 138 512189 11145 700
    ¬ Interest received3 898 30615 5824 023 24740 30410 000
    ¬ Taxable share dividends374 97671 325383 95379 900208 100
    ¬ Tax-free share dividends and gains619 6442 460696 1344 4286 400
    ¬ Taxable realised capital gains from sales of shares394 06534 077504 86729 07557 600
    Deductions4 317 818628 2254 379 831702 862160 500
    ¬ Minimum deductions4 207 414414 0144 268 116400 96493 900
    ¬ Travelling expenses276 1415 257292 8725 94820 300
    ¬ Interest paid3 161 651122 6833 338 174206 29861 800
    ¬ Realised capital gains from sales of shares291 51216 219252 65012 85350 900
    Special deductions152 1805 914141 8201 1998 500
    Ordinary income, after deductions4 248 5741 880 7344 338 2572 022 288466 200
    Number of persons4 441 2784 441 2784 504 3954 504 3954 504 395
    Explanation of symbols
  • Taxable property for residents 17 years and older. Number of persons that have amount on different codes, NOK million and average.
    Taxable property for residents 17 years and older. Number of persons that have amount on different codes, NOK million and average.
    Number of persons with amountNOK millionNumber of persons with amountNOK millionAverage for persons that have amount on different codes (NOK)
    Taxable gross wealth4 363 9107 355 5854 428 9397 725 9211 744 400
    Taxable gross finacial capital4 356 4083 785 1784 422 5554 032 844911 900
    Bank deposits4 352 8921 562 3934 419 5681 619 535366 400
    Capital assets in mutual funds1 951 710150 995961 203184 901192 400
    Share savings account1 933 194241 6191 024 839301 651294 300
    Shares and securities unit trusts1 686 9821 563 089683 9531 639 5672 397 200
    Taxable real capital3 273 7583 570 4073 317 3503 693 0761 113 300
    Assessed tax value primary residence2 472 1472 043 2052 510 3282 091 526833 200
    Assessed tax value secondary residence321 814827 988325 502881 8762 709 300
    Debt3 276 9124 207 3803 512 5554 379 8521 246 900
    Taxable net wealth4 377 8373 148 2054 442 3623 346 069753 200
    Number of persons4 441 2784 441 2784 504 3954 504 3954 504 395
    1From 2017 it is possible through a share savings account to own listed shares, mututal fund holdings and mutual fund holdings and exchange traded funds in companies domiciled in the EEA. This wealth is included in the variable "share savings account"
    Explanation of symbols
  • Taxable incomes, numbers from the pre-filled tax return.
    Taxable incomes, numbers from the pre-filled tax return.1
    NumberNOK MillionAverage for persons with amount (NOK)
    Residents 17 years and older
    Wages and remuneration3 122 8511 686 953540 200
    Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 888 8707 1923 800
    Free car98 7047 24073 300
    Estimated taxable income from employer-subsidized electronic communication equipment765 7532 9563 900
    Unemployment Benefits140 6469 79069 600
    Work Assessment Allowance190 28239 979210 100
    Old-age pensions983 097284 073289 000
    Old-age pensions, persons 62-66 years84 46117 191203 500
    Disability pension---
    Disablement376 944114 460303 700
    Contractual pension (AFP), public sector38 7719 932256 200
    Contractual pension (AFP), private sector122 4397 25559 300
    Persons with amount, total
    Wages and remuneration3 366 6371 735 120515 400
    Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 927 1707 3573 800
    Free car100 6737 30172 500
    Estimated taxable income from employer-subsidized electronic communication equipment775 0572 9833 800
    Unemployment Benefits147 76510 13368 600
    Work Assessment Allowance192 54740 456210 100
    Old-age pensions1 075 247295 148274 500
    Old-age pensions, persons 62-66 years87 27117 430199 700
    Disability pension---
    Disablement388 673116 922300 800
    Contractual pension (AFP), public sector39 13010 005255 700
    Contractual pension (AFP), private sector124 6957 33358 800
    1The pre-filled tax return figures are published in the spring after the annual pre-filled tax returns have been sent out for viewing, editing and submission. The rest of the statistics from “Tax for personal tax payers” are based on the final tax assessment and published later in the year.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 January 2024.

Back tax

Back tax is the difference when the total assessed taxes exceed the total advance. Waived back tax are included.

Basis for surtax on gross income

Basis for surtax on gross income (combined personal income) is a gross income term including employment income (personal income pay and estimated personal entrepreneurial income) and taxable pensions for personal taxpayers. Capital income is not included in this income term. The state surtax is calculated on this basis.

Capital income

Capital income consists of interest income, dividends, realised capital gains, rent and other income from property.

Entrepreneurial income

Entrepreneurial income consists of all local and non-local income from self-employment, both in the primary and other industries.

Excess advance

Excess advance is the difference when the total advance exceeds total assessed taxes.

Finance capital

Finance capital is made up of bank deposits, share of unit trusts, securities registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities, other securities not registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities, other claims, and properties.

Gross income

Gross income is total wages and salaries, pensions, entrepreneurial income, and property income.

Interest due

Interest due is interest on excess advance.

Interest to pay

Interest to pay is interest on back tax.

Median income

Median income is the exact income amount that splits a distribution in two equally sized groups, when income is sorted ascending (or descending). The number of persons with income over the median income will be the same as the number of persons with income under the median income.

Net property

Net property includes the value of real capital and financial capital. Debt is deducted. The individual types of property are assessed by tax value. Some types of property are included only beyond set tax-free allowances.

Ordinary income after special deductions

Ordinary income after special deductions includes the sum of taxable incomes such as wage income, entrepreneurial income, capital income, pension income and certain social benefits less statutory tax-deductible expenses such as the minimum deduction and income earning expenses, interest on debts, obligatory maintenance payments and pension premiums etc. Any special deductions are deducted from this. Income tax to municipalities and counties and tax equalization tax are calculated from ordinary income after special deductions.


Pensions cover all benefits paid by social security and private pension and life insurance benefit.

Real capital

Real capital comprises the assessed value of all real properties, plants, forests etc., production capital and other business assets and house contents and movables. Also included are the assessed value of dwellings and shares of the assessed value of housing cooperatives. From the fiscal year 2000, real properties in foreign countries are assessed in Norway.

Total advance

Total advance is the sum of settled advance tax deduction, settled advance tax, and paid additional advance tax.

Total assessed taxes

Total assessed taxes cover wealth and income taxes paid to municipalities, county and state, National Insurance Scheme members' contributions, taxes on individual pension plans, late delivery fee and supplementary tax. All deduction and reductions of taxes are deducted.

Total deduction

Total deduction covers minimum deductions, travelling expenses, union subscriptions, entrepreneurial deficit, and interest on debt.

Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries are payments in cash and in kind, taxable sick pay, and unemployment benefit.

Waived back tax

Waived back tax is not required paid. From the fiscal year 1999 tax arrears under NOK 300 is not required paid. This limit was changed to NOK 100 from the fiscal year 2000.

The statistics concern residents aged 17 years and older, as of December 31st in the fiscal year.

Age is the number of years lived at the end of the fiscal year.

Marital status is the registered marital status at the end of the fiscal year.

Marital status contains nine different categories. These categories are unmarried, married, separated, divorced, widow/widower, partnership contracted, separated partnerships contracted, divorced partnerships contracted and surviving partnerships contracted. Partnerships contracted, separated partnerships contracted, divorced partnerships contracted and surviving partnerships contracted are included in the tables with married, separated, divorced and widow/widower.

Socio-economic status

A person is classified as economically active if income from employment or self-employment is greater than twice the basic amount of the National Insurance Scheme. For the income year 2010 and earlier, persons with income from employment or self-employment greater than the minimum benefit for single pensioners were regarded as economically active.

To be classified as self-employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing, total entrepreneurial income must be greater than both wages and pensions. At the same time, entrepreneurial income from agriculture, forestry and fishing must be greater than entrepreneurial income from other industries. If the opposite is true, the person will be classified as self-employed in other industries. This classification is in close accordance with Statistics Norway’s Standard Sosio-Economic Status Divisions (SNS 5/84).

Pensioners are persons who have income from pensions greater than wages and/or entrepreneurial income. This classification also includes persons who do not receive benefits from the National Insurance Scheme.

If a person does not receive any income from pensions and the sum of income from employment and/or self-employment is less than the minimum benefit from the National Insurance Scheme, the person is classified as others. These persons can be students, persons who have income from assets without any income from employment and/or self-employment, or spouses without any income from employment and/or self-employment.

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