Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Work assessment allowance

The statistics provide an overview of recipients of the work assessment allowance pursuant to the regulations of the National Insurance Scheme. A core part of the statistics is the description of work assessment allowance recipients according to various identifiers, as well as their attachment to the labour market.

Updated: 9 October 2024
Next update: 23 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age, 18-67 years
    Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age, 18-67 years
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexes188 0215.3
    Males76 9084.2
    Females111 1136.3
    18-24 years16 5083.5
    25-34 years39 6285.2
    35-44 years41 6735.6
    45-54 years44 2726.0
    55-61 years30 2166.1
    62-67 years15 7244.3
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and education level
    Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and education level
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years
    Total188 02176 908111 1135.34.26.3
    Basic school level65 72431 83633 8889.58.211.0
    Upper secondary education70 87330 92039 9535.44.17.3
    Higher education47 96412 42135 5433.42.14.3
    Unknown or no completed education3 4601 7311 7292.01.72.3
    18-24 years
    Total16 5087 0459 4633.52.94.2
    Basic school level11 8675 4296 4387.66.09.7
    Upper secondary education4 0991 4532 6461.91.32.6
    Higher education4661223440.60.40.7
    Unknown or no completed education7641350.50.50.4
    25-34 years
    Total39 62816 73122 8975.24.36.1
    Basic school level17 0228 4578 56513.411.216.7
    Upper secondary education13 3465 7647 5826.24.29.9
    Higher education8 8542 2856 5692.41.53.0
    Unknown or no completed education4062251810.70.80.7
    35-44 years
    Total41 67315 68725 9865.64.17.1
    Basic school level13 4376 6476 79010.89.213.1
    Upper secondary education13 8645 5568 3086.44.29.7
    Higher education13 4033 00610 3973.82.15.0
    Unknown or no completed education9694784911.81.52.5
    45-54 years
    Total44 27216 78827 4846.04.57.6
    Basic school level11 0905 1685 92210.38.812.1
    Upper secondary education18 4617 85110 6106.54.89.0
    Higher education13 6873 30710 3804.32.55.7
    Unknown or no completed education1 0344625723.32.44.7
    55-61 years
    Total30 21612 68517 5316.15.07.2
    Basic school level7 9033 8824 0218.27.78.8
    Upper secondary education13 6606 1267 5346.45.27.9
    Higher education8 0112 3495 6624.63.15.9
    Unknown or no completed education6423283145.14.85.5
    62-67 years
    Total15 7247 9727 7524.34.34.2
    Basic school level4 4052 2532 1525.35.74.9
    Upper secondary education7 4434 1703 2734.64.74.4
    Higher education3 5431 3522 1913.12.53.5
    Unknown or no completed education3331971364.55.53.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and country background
    Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and country background
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years
    Immigrants, total41 68319 69121 9925.34.95.7
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand13 8727 3026 5704.23.84.8
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions27 81112 38915 4226.05.86.3
    The rest of the population146 33857 21789 1215.24.06.5
    18-24 years
    Immigrants, total1 1496355141.71.81.6
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand3891822071.61.51.7
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions7604533071.82.01.5
    The rest of the population15 3596 4108 9493.93.14.6
    25-34 years
    Immigrants, total4 8642 5172 3472.72.82.6
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand1 4636598042.01.72.4
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions3 4011 8581 5433.23.62.8
    The rest of the population34 76414 21420 5505.94.77.2
    35-44 years
    Immigrants, total11 6604 9576 7034.84.05.6
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand3 7741 7282 0463.72.84.8
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions7 8863 2294 6575.65.16.0
    The rest of the population30 01310 73019 2836.04.27.9
    45-54 years
    Immigrants, total13 2885 7957 4937.66.48.9
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand4 1502 1571 9935.44.56.9
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions9 1383 6385 5009.48.610.0
    The rest of the population30 98410 99319 9915.53.87.2
    55-61 years
    Immigrants, total7 3633 7813 5829.39.09.6
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand2 5821 5461 0367.77.67.9
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions4 7812 2352 54610.410.310.5
    The rest of the population22 8538 90413 9495.54.26.8
    62-67 years
    Immigrants, total3 3592 0061 3537.78.86.4
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand1 5141 0304848.59.96.6
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions1 8459768697.17.96.3
    The rest of the population12 3655 9666 3993.83.73.9
    Explanation of symbols
  • New recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age.
    New recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age.
    New recipients of work assessment allowanceNew recipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years61 98926 38935 6001.71.42.0
    18-24 years7 1063 1193 9871.51.31.8
    25-34 years13 0025 6347 3681.71.42.0
    35-44 years13 2845 2508 0341.81.42.2
    45-54 years13 9665 5748 3921.91.52.3
    55-61 years9 8184 2365 5822.01.72.3
    62-67 years4 8132 5762 2371.31.41.2
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of work assessment allowence by sex, age and work-intensity.
    Recipients of work assessment allowence by sex, age and work-intensity.
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance (per cent)
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years
    All intensity levels188 02176 908111 113100.0100.0100.0
    None108 89850 45658 44257.965.652.6
    Low28 95711 59117 36615.415.115.6
    HIgh12 3094 1108 1996.55.37.4
    Full37 85710 75127 10620.114.024.4
    18-24 years
    All intensity levels16 5087 0459 463100.0100.0100.0
    None11 4655 1436 32269.573.066.8
    Low2 5291 0611 46815.315.115.5
    HIgh1 0433656786.35.27.2
    Full1 4714769958.96.810.5
    25-34 years
    All intensity levels39 62816 73122 897100.0100.0100.0
    None24 89711 55413 34362.869.158.3
    Low6 3442 6563 68816.015.916.1
    HIgh2 6098521 7576.65.17.7
    Full5 7781 6694 10914.610.017.9
    35-44 years
    All intensity levels41 67315 68725 986100.0100.0100.0
    None23 84310 29813 54557.265.652.1
    Low6 5152 4324 08315.615.515.7
    HIgh2 7748751 8996.75.67.3
    Full8 5412 0826 45920.513.324.9
    45-54 years
    All intensity levels44 27216 78827 484100.0100.0100.0
    None23 68210 55413 12853.562.947.8
    Low6 6012 5104 09114.915.014.9
    HIgh3 0299102 1196.85.47.7
    Full10 9602 8148 14624.816.829.6
    55-61 years
    All intensity levels30 21612 68517 531100.0100.0100.0
    None15 8617 7988 06352.561.546.0
    Low4 5951 8422 75315.214.515.7
    HIgh1 9156711 2446.35.37.1
    Full7 8452 3745 47126.018.731.2
    62-67 years
    All intensity levels15 7247 9727 752100.0100.0100.0
    None9 1505 1094 04158.264.152.1
    Low2 3731 0901 28315.113.716.6
    Full3 2621 3361 92620.716.824.8
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 15 June 2021.

Resident. The statistics cover persons who were registered in the National Registry as resident in Norway as of 31 December. The Act of Population Registration of 16 January 1970 (with subsequent amendments) and associated regulations from 1994 set out the criteria for classification as a resident in Norway. The total number of residents in an area is also referred to as the population.

Information on place of residence, gender and age is retrieved from the National Registry. Information on place of residence and age relates to the end of the statistical year.

Work assessment allowance from the National Insurance Scheme is intended to provide an income for persons between 18 and 67 years of age who, due to illness, injury or disability, have a reduced working capacity and are actively receiving treatment, or participating in a return-to-work initiative or receiving other treatment aimed at finding employment or remaining in work. The capacity for work must be reduced by at least half. The work assessment allowance is calculated on the basis of the income in the year preceding the reduction in capacity for work, or of the average of the 3 preceding years if this results in a higher amount. Everyone is guaranteed a minimum annual amount, including those without an employment history. The main rule for qualifying for work assessment allowance is that recipients must remain in Norway. The allowance can be paid for up to three years, but this may be extended by a further two years under certain conditions. Several changes were introduced to the regulations for work assessment allowance on 1 January 2018, including in relation to length of entitlement (see

Recipients of work assessment allowance are persons who receive work assessment allowance from the National Insurance Scheme for at least one month in a year. The vast majority of the tables in the statistics only include recipients of work assessment allowance who are resident in Norway (see definition). Two tables also include non-resident recipients, and a distinction is made in the figures between residents and non-residents.

New recipients of work assessment allowance are persons who received work assessment allowance in month m during the course of a year, but who did not receive it in month m-1. In cases where m represents January, m-1 will represent December in the preceding year. It is possible to restart the allowance several times following a break of at least one month in a 12-month period, but recipients are only counted as a new recipient once in such cases.

Access to work assessment allowance refers to the number of times that work assessment allowance was restarted after a break of at least one month in a 12-month period. Access to the allowance can be restarted several times during the period, and each restart following a break of at least one month is counted as a reaccess.

Work intensity is a measure of a person’s degree of employment as an employee whilst receiving work assessment allowance. The measurement requires receipt of work assessment allowance and paid employment to have occurred in the same month, and is calculated as ‘the number of months in which income from work and work assessment allowance is received / the number of months that work assessment allowance is received’. The results are shown as Zero (no months where both conditions occur), Low (employed for at least one but less than half of the months when work assessment allowance was received), High (employed for more than half but not all months when work assessment allowance was received) and Full (employed in all months when work assessment allowance was received).

Employees are defined as persons who performed paid work, with compensation in the form of wages or similar, for at least one hour in the reference week, as well as persons who had such work but were temporarily absent due to illness, holiday leave, paid leave or similar. Persons undertaking military or civilian national service are considered to be in employment. Persons on government employment initiatives who receive wages from an employer are also classified as employees. This follows the recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Statistics Norway’s statistics use the terms ‘employee’ and ‘wage earner’ interchangeably. Note that the self-employed are not therefore included in the measurement of work intensity in these statistics.

See also About the statistics at

Immigrants are persons born abroad to two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents. Country of birth is normally the mother’s country of residence at the time of the person’s birth.

EU/EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand include immigrants with the following countries of birth: Denmark, Greenland, Finland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Andorra, Estonia, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Lithuania, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Vatican City, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania, except Australia and New Zealand and Europe except EU/EEA include immigrants born in the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Asia, Africa, America excluding USA and Canada and Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand. Persons who were stateless at birth or with an unknown country of birth are also included.

Data on education relates to 1 October in the statistical year. In these statistics, a variant of the Classification of education is used, where the highest completed education is classified as follows:

The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education 2016 forms the basis for this classification:

The classification of municipalities is in line with the list of municipalities as of 31 December in the statistical year.

Classification of municipalities:

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