Work assessment allowance

Updated: 25 September 2023

Next update: 9 October 2024

Recipients of work assessment allowance as a share og the population 18-67 years
Recipients of work assessment allowance as a share og the population 18-67 years
Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age, 18-67 years
Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age, 18-67 years
Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
Both sexes181 2245.1
Males74 1254.1
Females107 0996.2
18-24 years15 5863.4
25-34 years38 6075.1
35-44 years39 7205.5
45-54 years43 5205.9
55-61 years28 8496.0
62-67 years14 9424.1
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and education level
    Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and education level
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years
    Total181 22474 125107 0995.14.16.2
    Basic school level64 07030 80533 2659.28.010.8
    Upper secondary education69 09729 95839 1395.34.07.1
    Higher education45 00011 80033 2003.32.14.2
    Unknown or no completed education3 0571 5621 4951.71.61.9
    18-24 years
    Total15 5866 7368 8503.42.83.9
    Basic school level11 1785 1666 0127.25.79.3
    Upper secondary education3 8851 4162 4691.81.32.4
    Higher education4461133330.60.40.7
    Unknown or no completed education7741360.50.50.4
    25-34 years
    Total38 60716 28122 3265.14.26.0
    Basic school level17 2398 4608 77913.310.916.7
    Upper secondary education12 7335 4687 2655.94.09.4
    Higher education8 2172 1266 0912.31.52.8
    Unknown or no completed education4182271910.70.80.7
    35-44 years
    Total39 72015 01324 7075.54.06.9
    Basic school level12 8486 3506 49810.69.012.8
    Upper secondary education13 6255 4158 2106.34.19.7
    Higher education12 4252 8219 6043.72.14.8
    Unknown or no completed education8224273951.51.31.8
    45-54 years
    Total43 52016 41827 1025.94.37.5
    Basic school level10 7464 9325 8149.98.411.7
    Upper secondary education18 6707 85710 8136.44.78.9
    Higher education13 1873 2069 9814.22.45.6
    Unknown or no completed education9174234943.02.33.9
    55-61 years
    Total28 84912 19816 6516.04.97.0
    Basic school level7 9693 8354 1348.17.58.8
    Upper secondary education12 9545 8557 0996.25.07.6
    Higher education7 3642 2125 1524.53.05.7
    Unknown or no completed education5622962664.64.54.7
    62-67 years
    Total14 9427 4797 4634.14.14.1
    Basic school level4 0902 0622 0285.15.44.8
    Upper secondary education7 2303 9473 2834.44.44.4
    Higher education3 3611 3222 0393.02.53.4
    Unknown or no completed education2611481133.64.33.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and country background
    Recipients of work assessment allowance by sex, age and country background
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years
    Immigrants, total37 72117 81619 9055.14.65.5
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand12 4356 4975 9383.93.54.4
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions25 28611 31913 9675.95.76.1
    The rest of the population143 50356 30987 1945.14.06.3
    18-24 years
    Immigrants, total1 0085704381.61.71.5
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand3231511721.41.31.5
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions6854192661.72.01.4
    The rest of the population14 5786 1668 4123.63.04.3
    25-34 years
    Immigrants, total4 5272 3022 2252.62.62.5
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand1 3656077581.91.62.2
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions3 1621 6951 4673.13.52.7
    The rest of the population34 08013 97920 1015.84.67.1
    35-44 years
    Immigrants, total10 6704 5536 1174.63.85.4
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand3 4201 5911 8293.32.64.4
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions7 2502 9624 2885.65.16.0
    The rest of the population29 05010 46018 5905.94.17.7
    45-54 years
    Immigrants, total12 0445 3096 7357.46.38.7
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand3 7201 9191 8015.14.26.6
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions8 3243 3904 9349.48.79.9
    The rest of the population31 47611 10920 3675.43.87.1
    55-61 years
    Immigrants, total6 6163 3623 2549.08.69.5
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand2 3191 3419787.37.07.9
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions4 2972 0212 27610.310.110.5
    The rest of the population22 2338 83613 3975.44.36.6
    62-67 years
    Immigrants, total2 8561 7201 1367.28.36.0
    Nordic countries except Norway, EU/EFTA, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand1 2888884007.79.15.8
    Europe except EU/EFTA/UK, Africa, Asia, America except USA and Canada, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, polar regions1 5688327366.87.56.1
    The rest of the population12 0865 7596 3273.73.63.9
    Explanation of symbols
  • New recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age.
    New recipients of work assessment allowance by sex and age.
    New recipients of work assessment allowanceNew recipients of work assessment allowance, per cent of population
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years60 02225 34134 6811.71.42.0
    18-24 years6 6442 9783 6661.41.31.6
    25-34 years12 7185 5717 1471.71.41.9
    35-44 years12 6234 9587 6651.71.32.2
    45-54 years13 8845 3498 5351.91.42.4
    55-61 years9 5014 1105 3912.01.72.3
    62-67 years4 6522 3752 2771.31.31.3
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of work assessment allowence by sex, age and work-intensity.
    Recipients of work assessment allowence by sex, age and work-intensity.
    Recipients of work assessment allowanceRecipients of work assessment allowance (per cent)
    Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales
    18-67 years
    All intensity levels181 22474 125107 099100.0100.0100.0
    None104 80248 19456 60857.865.052.9
    Low26 72211 06215 66014.714.914.6
    HIgh12 2123 9988 2146.75.47.7
    Full37 48810 87126 61720.714.724.9
    18-24 years
    All intensity levels15 5866 7368 850100.0100.0100.0
    None11 0285 0266 00270.874.667.8
    Low2 2999341 36514.813.915.4
    Full1 3524828708.77.29.8
    25-34 years
    All intensity levels38 60716 28122 326100.0100.0100.0
    None24 09911 06813 03162.468.058.4
    Low6 1232 6623 46115.916.415.5
    HIgh2 7389321 8067.15.78.1
    Full5 6471 6194 02814.69.918.0
    35-44 years
    All intensity levels39 72015 01324 707100.0100.0100.0
    None22 5129 73912 77356.764.951.7
    Low6 0402 3483 69215.215.614.9
    HIgh2 7468081 9386.95.47.8
    Full8 4222 1186 30421.214.125.5
    45-54 years
    All intensity levels43 52016 41827 102100.0100.0100.0
    None23 14010 14912 99153.261.847.9
    Low6 2272 4913 73614.315.213.8
    HIgh2 9929022 0906.95.57.7
    Full11 1612 8768 28525.617.530.6
    55-61 years
    All intensity levels28 84912 19816 651100.0100.0100.0
    None15 2287 4467 78252.861.046.7
    Low4 0281 6332 39514.013.414.4
    HIgh1 8726451 2276.55.37.4
    Full7 7212 4745 24726.820.331.5
    62-67 years
    All intensity levels14 9427 4797 463100.0100.0100.0
    None8 7954 7664 02958.963.754.0
    Low2 0059941 01113.413.313.5
    Full3 1851 3021 88321.317.425.2
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics provide an overview of recipients of the work assessment allowance pursuant to the regulations of the National Insurance Scheme. A core part of the statistics is the description of work assessment allowance recipients according to various identifiers, as well as their attachment to the labour market.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 15 June 2021.

Resident. The statistics cover persons who were registered in the National Registry as resident in Norway as of 31 December. The Act of Population Registration of 16 January 1970 (with subsequent amendments) and associated regulations from 1994 set out the criteria for classification as a resident in Norway. The total number of residents in an area is also referred to as the population.

Information on place of residence, gender and age is retrieved from the National Registry. Information on place of residence and age relates to the end of the statistical year.

Work assessment allowance from the National Insurance Scheme is intended to provide an income for persons between 18 and 67 years of age who, due to illness, injury or disability, have a reduced working capacity and are actively receiving treatment, or participating in a return-to-work initiative or receiving other treatment aimed at finding employment or remaining in work. The capacity for work must be reduced by at least half. The work assessment allowance is calculated on the basis of the income in the year preceding the reduction in capacity for work, or of the average of the 3 preceding years if this results in a higher amount. Everyone is guaranteed a minimum annual amount, including those without an employment history. The main rule for qualifying for work assessment allowance is that recipients must remain in Norway. The allowance can be paid for up to three years, but this may be extended by a further two years under certain conditions. Several changes were introduced to the regulations for work assessment allowance on 1 January 2018, including in relation to length of entitlement (see

Recipients of work assessment allowance are persons who receive work assessment allowance from the National Insurance Scheme for at least one month in a year. The vast majority of the tables in the statistics only include recipients of work assessment allowance who are resident in Norway (see definition). Two tables also include non-resident recipients, and a distinction is made in the figures between residents and non-residents.

New recipients of work assessment allowance are persons who received work assessment allowance in month m during the course of a year, but who did not receive it in month m-1. In cases where m represents January, m-1 will represent December in the preceding year. It is possible to restart the allowance several times following a break of at least one month in a 12-month period, but recipients are only counted as a new recipient once in such cases.

Access to work assessment allowance refers to the number of times that work assessment allowance was restarted after a break of at least one month in a 12-month period. Access to the allowance can be restarted several times during the period, and each restart following a break of at least one month is counted as a reaccess.

Work intensity is a measure of a person’s degree of employment as an employee whilst receiving work assessment allowance. The measurement requires receipt of work assessment allowance and paid employment to have occurred in the same month, and is calculated as ‘the number of months in which income from work and work assessment allowance is received / the number of months that work assessment allowance is received’. The results are shown as Zero (no months where both conditions occur), Low (employed for at least one but less than half of the months when work assessment allowance was received), High (employed for more than half but not all months when work assessment allowance was received) and Full (employed in all months when work assessment allowance was received).

Employees are defined as persons who performed paid work, with compensation in the form of wages or similar, for at least one hour in the reference week, as well as persons who had such work but were temporarily absent due to illness, holiday leave, paid leave or similar. Persons undertaking military or civilian national service are considered to be in employment. Persons on government employment initiatives who receive wages from an employer are also classified as employees. This follows the recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Statistics Norway’s statistics use the terms ‘employee’ and ‘wage earner’ interchangeably. Note that the self-employed are not therefore included in the measurement of work intensity in these statistics.

See also About the statistics at

Immigrants are persons born abroad to two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents. Country of birth is normally the mother’s country of residence at the time of the person’s birth.

EU/EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand include immigrants with the following countries of birth: Denmark, Greenland, Finland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Andorra, Estonia, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Lithuania, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Vatican City, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania, except Australia and New Zealand and Europe except EU/EEA include immigrants born in the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Asia, Africa, America excluding USA and Canada and Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand. Persons who were stateless at birth or with an unknown country of birth are also included.

Data on education relates to 1 October in the statistical year. In these statistics, a variant of the Classification of education is used, where the highest completed education is classified as follows:

The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education 2016 forms the basis for this classification:

The classification of municipalities is in line with the list of municipalities as of 31 December in the statistical year.

Classification of municipalities:

Name: Work assessment allowance
Topic: Social conditions, welfare and crime

9 October 2024

Division for Income and social welfare statistics

Most of the statistics are published at national level, but some are also published for counties and municipalities.

Annual statistics. The census period is a full calendar year.

Publishing dates: see the statistics release calendar.

Not relevant

Sources at an individual level are stored long term and documented.

The purpose of the statistics is to provide a description of persons who have received work assessment allowance from the National Insurance Scheme, as well as combinations of work assessment allowance and employment. Developments are followed over time through annual publications of the statistics. The statistics also aim to meet the need for municipality level breakdowns of numbers and percentages of recipients.

Key users are various ministries and directorates, local and county authorities, as well as research institutions and organisations carrying out official studies. The general public and the media are also key users of these statistics.

Not relevant

NAV’s statistics on recipients of work assessment allowance, (Norwegian only)

NAV publishes quarterly statistics on the number of work assessment allowance recipients. NAV’s statistics show how many people received work assessment allowance at the end of each quarter. Much of the source data for Statistics Norway’s statistics on work assessment allowance is retrieved from NAV. Differences in the measurement period mean that there are some discrepancies between NAV’s statistics and Statistics Norway’s statistics (see Definitions, Definitions of the main concepts and variables). In practice, Statistics Norway’s statistics will cover more recipients than NAV’s statistics because we count recipients of work assessment allowance over the year as a whole.

Recipients of work assessment allowance are also included as a group in existing income statistics (Table 12599 in StatBank,

For income statistics, see Income,

The sources used for the register-based employment statistics are also the basis for tables on combinations of work assessment allowance and employment in the work assessment allowance statistics. For further details of register-based employment, see Employment, register-based (

For statistics on the population’s level of education, see Education, (

For statistics on immigrants, see Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, (

Pursuant to Section 2-2 of Act no. 54 of 16 June 1989 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway, Statistics Norway will use the information for the production of official statistics.

Not relevant

Applies to persons registered as receiving work assessment allowance in a calendar year. One of the main qualifying conditions for work assessment allowance is being registered as resident at the end of the relevant year. For a definition of resident in Norway, see ‘Definitions, Definitions of the main concepts and variables’.

Data on the work assessment allowance is retrieved from NAV. The information is obtained from NAV’s case processing system Arena. See also information from NAV,

The information about employment is retrieved from the data source for register-based employment, ‘a-ordningen’:

A-ordningen is a coordinated digital collection of data on employment, income and tax deductions from the Norwegian Tax Administration, NAV and Statistics Norway. The system was introduced in 2015. Further details are available at

Data on highest completed level of education is retrieved from the National Education Database (NUDB;

Data on gender, age, place of residence and immigrant category is retrieved from various population statistics. See About the statistics, Production, Data sources and sampling for the following:

Population and population changes:

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents:

Statistics Norway receives annual data from NAV on individuals’ receipt of benefits administered by NAV. The data contains monthly information about each individual, and Statistics Norway adapts the annual data for use in the statistics.

See also About the statistics, Production, Collection of data, editing and estimations for statistics listed under Data sources and sampling.

Not relevant

One of the aims of the statistics on work assessment allowance is to provide statistics with combinations of identifiers, as well as for small geographical areas. The information in the statistics must not be traceable to individuals. For reasons of privacy, therefore, it is necessary in many tables to ensure that combinations of variable values that only appear once or twice are not identifiable. In table matrices, all 1s and 2s at the most detailed level for each are substituted with a 0 or 3. The numbers 0 and 3 also occur naturally, and the statistics must not show any difference between the two types of 0 and 3. Substitution is done in a way that ensures minimal effect on the figures that can be retrieved at a higher aggregated level. However, minor deviations from the original figures will still occur. These deviations will generally be very small and will not impair the utility value of the statistics. When the same table is created on the basis of two different matrices, small discrepancies between the tables may also occur.

Not relevant

Some minor deviations from original figures can occur due to rounding up/down, see Confidentiality.

Data on employment is retrieved from ‘a-ordningen’. The quality in the a-ordningen is good, but errors and omissions may still occur in the data. For more details, see the section on sources of error in About the statistics for the register-based employment statistics:, or About the statistics for Number of employments and earnings:

Not relevant
