New data regarding the Qualification programme

New data regarding the Qualification programme is published 10 October 2024.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Social assistance

The statistics comprise recipients of social assistance, figures on fixed levels of payments of municipal assistance, participants in qualification programs, other municipal social services, municipal programs for drug and alcohol abusers, shelters and violence in close relations.

Updated: 10 October 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Social assistance
    Social assistance
    Recipients of social assistance152 645
    Single males total53 171
    Single females total38 141
    Social assistance as primary source of income54 779
    Expenditure on social assistance (1 000 NOK)9 770 381
    Average payment per month12 078
    The 2020 figures are corrected on 15 March 2022.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of social assistance, by duration of benefit and family cycle
    Recipients of social assistance, by duration of benefit and family cycle
    Average duration, months
    Family cycle phase, total5.45.15.3
    Single males total5.35.05.1
    Single males - 19 years4.34.24.5
    Single males 20 - 24 years5.04.85.0
    Single males 25 - 44 years5.24.95.0
    Single males 45 - 66 years5.95.45.5
    Single males 67 years or more4.04.04.5
    Single females total5.35.05.3
    Single females - 19 years4.44.24.6
    Single females 20 - 24 years4.84.54.8
    Single females 25 - 44 years5.14.74.8
    Single females 45 - 66 years5.95.55.7
    Single females 67 years or more5.85.26.7
    Single parents with children 0-17 years5.85.66.0
    Single males with children 0-17 years5.25.05.2
    Single females with children 0-17 years5.95.66.1
    Couples without children 0-17 years5.14.75.0
    Couples with children 0-17 years5.95.55.7
    Unknown family cycle phase0.00.00.0
    The 2020 figures are corrected on 15 March 2022.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Recipients of social assistance, by labour force status, year and family cycle phase
    Recipients of social assistance, by labour force status, year and family cycle phase
    Recipients of social assistance
    Labour force status, total119 432131 087152 645
    Employed full-time9 28111 04913 228
    Employed part-time10 29011 07712 781
    On governmental employment measures4 7444 3494 575
    On municipal employment measures9379921 063
    In education8 1657 1196 121
    Unemployed44 68944 83250 980
    Not in the labour force33 26839 43646 493
    On introductory programme for newly arrived immigrants4 8548 89113 808
    With qualification benefit3 2043 3423 596
    The 2020 figures are corrected on 15 March 2022.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 30 January 2023.

Number of cases and recipients of social assistance

The statistics is divided in number of cases and recipients. The number of cases is higher than receivers since it is possible for one person to receive social assistance in several municipalities. A person receiving social assistance in more than one municipality will be counted as several cases, but as one recipient.

In cases where a married couple receive economic social assistance it is arbitrary which of them that is regarded as a recipient, however the guidelines say that the person who first seeks assistance is to be counted.

Economic assistance

The statistics only cover payments in cash. Social assistance includes both allowances and loans. All figures in the statistics refer to the gross amount received. Neither public reimbursements nor repayment of loans are registered. Economic assistance does not include expenses for different social services such as institutionalisations.

Main income source for life subsistence

The main source of income in the last reported month for receiving social assistance is classified as the main income source for the recipient.

Figures are given after different classifications, for instance age, family cycle phase, municipality, county and size of the municipality.

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