Changes to Statbank tables – archive 2016–2023


Updtated: 20 December 2023

Archive 2016-2023 concerning tables that have been structurally changed, replaced by new tables or discontinued.
These changes may affect saved searches and API queries in the tables. 

Changes 2023

Date of changeStatisticsChange

Survey of consumer expenditure

All tables are replaced by new tables.

Working environment, survey on living conditions

All tables are replaced by new tables.

Housing conditions, survey on living conditions

All tables are replaced by new tables.


There are extensive changes in tables 13700, 13705, 13759, 14000 and 14001.

Property tax

Table 06980 is replaced by new table 14155.

Income and wealth statistics for households

Tables 07893 and 09534 are discontinued.

Research personnel

Field of R&D “Agricultural sciences” is removed from table 13922.

Research personnel

The classification variable "Sex" has been removed in tables 13921 and 13923.

Specialist health service

Table 09544 is replaced by new table 14080.
20.10.2023Number of employments and earningsTable 13631 is extended with two new content variables.

Norwegian for adult immigrants

Content participants and test results in per cent are removed from all tables: 11308, 11309, 11310, 11311, 11312, 11313, 11314, 11360, 11317, 12722, 11318, 11315, 12466, 12469, 12723, 12470, 12467 and 12471.

Labour force survey

Variable “Contractual working hours” is changed to “Full time/part time” in tables 07202 and 07203.

Price index for new dwellings

In tables 11386 and 13500 the variable "Type of building" is corrected to "Type of dwelling".
13.10.2023Price index for existing dwellingsIn tables 05963, 06035, 06695, 06696, 07221, 07230, 07240 and 07241 the variable "Type of building" is corrected to "Type of dwelling".

Transfer of properties

In tables 08968 and 11503 the variable "Type of building" is corrected to "Type of dwelling".

Income and wealth statistics for households

In table 10316, the contents "Unsecured debt (NOK)" has been added.

Number of employments and earnings

In table 12821, business code 77-82 has been replaced by codes 77-82u78.2 and 78.2.

ICT usage in enterprises

Tables 10975, 10980 and 13271 are extended with new contents.
04.09.2023Registered vehiclesTable 10336 is replaced by new table 14006.

Cross border trade

Table 08460 is discontinued and followed by new table 14044.

ICT usage in enterprises

Table 13271 s extended with one new content variable.

Specialist health service

Table 03750 is replaced by new table 14045.
16.08.2023EnterprisesIn table 13705 two codes has been removed. In table 13759 one code has been removed. 

Living conditions of disabled people

In tables 13653, 13654, 13655, 13656, 13657, 13658, 13659, 13660 and 13661 the age group 18-66 years is replaced by 18-67 years.

Digitalisation and ICT in the public sector

Table 12019 and 12029 are discontinued and replaced by table 14023, 14024 and 14025. Tables 12620, 12621, 12037, 12956, 12040, 10610, 12033, 10846 and 12034 are discontinued.

Museums and collections

Table 08885 is extended with three new content variables.

Municipal and county council election, candidates and representatives

Tables 12705, 12710 and 12711 are extended with county and municipality codes that apply from 2024.

Labour force survey

Tables 09791, 11424, 11430, 11432, 11429, 11517, 11431, 09731, 09734, 09733, 09882, 09873, 09732, 09730 and 09883 are discontinued.

Introduction programme for immigrants

In table 08437 measure code 16 Parental guidance and life skills is split into two new codes 17 and 18.

Sickness absence

Tables 11177, 11122 and 11176 are discontinued and replaced by tables 12446, 12451 and 12447.
26.06.2023EnterprisesTables 07195, 07196, 07197, 06104, 08774, 08228, 08229, 06681, 10219, 08316, 06707, 09431, 13307, 13308 and 13309 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13700, 13705, 13759, 14000 and 14001. More new tables will be released in November.

Specialist health service

Tables 06464, 09447, 03745, 03720, 08831 and 07181 are discontinued and replaced by new table 14022. Tables 06922, 11209, 04434, 04511 and 04513 are discontinued and replaced by new table 13942.

Number of employments and earnings

Table 11676 is replaced by new table 13888, which also contains industry and selected countries.

Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions

Table 13966 is extended with new classification variable for type of contributions.
15.06.2023Social assistanceTables 12210, 13138, 12203, 12213, 12266, 12204 and 12201 are followed by new tables 14019, 13995, 13992, 13994, 13991, 13993 and 13990.

Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy account

Table 11563 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13929.

Employment, register-based

Table 06161 is extended with two new content variables.

Life and non-life insurance companies, accounts

Tables 07693 and 11580 are extended with new content: Technical provisions. Tables 08489, 08490, 08491, 08492 and 08493 are discontinued. 

Emissions to air

New tables 13931 and 13932 show emissions due to Paris agreement, and they should be used instead of tables 08940 and 09288, which are based on the Kyoto protocol.


Economic trends

Table 12880 is extended with new content: GDP in current prices (NOK billion).

International accounts

Table 10740 is discontinued, as the figures now are available in table 11644.

Norwegian media barometer

"Age" has been expanded to include "80 years and older" and the summation has been changed from "9-79 years" to "Total" in tables 12947 and 12952.

Labour force survey

The classification variable has been changed from "contractual working hours" to "full-time/part time" in tables 08417 and 08420.

Index of wholesale and retail sales

Table 07129 is extended with a new content variable for seasonally adjusted value index.

Norwegian media barometer

Table 05244 is discontinued.

Persons entitled to vote

Tables 12758, 05453 and 12638 are extended with county and municipality codes that apply from 2024. Tables 12634 and 12635 are discontinued and replaced by new table 12753. Tables 12636 and 12637 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13967 and 13968.

Completion rates of students in higher education

Table 09166 is dicontinued, because it is now covered by table 13960.


In table 13234 the variable «country» is changed to «citizenship».

Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions

Tables 13635, 13639 and 13643 have been extended with total value for centrality. Tables 13636, 13640 and 13644 have been extended with total value for economic status.

Building statistics

Tables 13633 is extended with figures on municipality level.

Specialist health service

Tables 09547, 08063, 08064, 09548, 09549, 09551, 09550 and 09552 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13953 and 13954.

Research personnel

Table 13520 is extended with variable for sex.
22.03.2023Labour force surveyTables 13618 and 13619 are extended with new content variables for margin of error.

Completion rates of students in higher education

In tables 12925, 12927 and 13063, the figures for study, total have been removed, as they were misleading.

Income and wealth statistics for households

Table 12599 is extended with two new content variables and classification variable Main income earner's income from work.

Employment, register-based

Table 12827 is extended with a new content variable for number of leaders.


Farmers’ income and debt

Tables 09832, 05038, 09833, 05034 and 05034 are extended with new content variables.

Child welfare

Tables 12238 and 12600 are replaced by new tables 13939 and 13941.

Care services

Table 12228 and 12229 is extended with content variable of 
psychologist. Table 12292, 12293, 12418 and 12435 is extended with content variable of institution.

Cultural facilities

Table 11758 is extended with content variable for number of public libraries.

Social assistance

Table 12221 is extended with content variable for payment according to municipal regulations (NOK).

Municipal environmental management

Table 12294 is replaced by new table 13853.

Municipal management of planning and building applications

Table 12294 is replaced by new table 13858.

Farmers’ income and debt

Tables 04984, 04985 and 04987 are extended with four new content variables.

Number of employments and earnings

In table 13630 the code for Nordic countries is changed from 00 to 00N.


In table 12525 the code for Nordic countries is changed from 00 to 00N.

National accounts

Table 09785 is discontinued.

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parentsPersons with refugee backgroundEmployment among immigrants, register-based and more

Desciptions of country groups have been changed according to new standards and

Cost index for road goods transport

In table 12535 the variable «Type of road goods transport» is extended with value «Transport by van».

External trade in goods

Tables 08891 and 12902 are discontinued.

Income and deductions for companies

Figures for the years 2012 and 2013 have been moved from table 10335 to table 11182. Table 10335 has therefore been removed.

Municipal environmental management

Table 13227 has been moved to 

Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities


Employment, register-based

Table 13164 is discontinued.

Persons with disabilities, Labour force survey

Alle tables are discontinued and moved to 

Labour force survey

Changes 2022

Date of changeStatisticsChange

Income and wealth statistics for households

Table 06944 is extended with figures for statistical tracts.

Research personnel

Table 13593 has been given new codes for citizenship, as a result of the new standard for world division.

Volunteering, political participation and trust, survey on living conditions

In tables 13811-13817 the variable «Average hours last month» has been replaced by «Average hours per year».

Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration

Table 08784 is extended with two new arenas.
Table 08790 is extended with two new contents.
Table 05916 is discontinued and replaced with new table 13859.

Activity in organisations, political participation and social networks, survey on living conditions

All titles under Organisation participation, Organisation membership, Inter-human trust and Political participation are discontinued and replaced by new tables.

General government revenue and expenditure

Table 11130 is extended with new variable sector.

Labour force survey

Table 13332 is replaced by new table 13760.

Specialist health service

Table 12766 is replaced by new table 13772.

Accounts for private kindergartens

Tables 12412 and 12413 are extended with new content: Allocation for sole proprietorships.


Tables 07604, 07666, 07667, 07668 and 07684 are discontinued.


Sea catches of salmon and sea trout

Table 07492 is discontinued.
12.11.2022Penal sanctionsIn table 13734 the codes for world division are changed according to the standard.

Business statistics for the electricity industry

Table 11011 is extended with two new contents:  Electricity support and  Total price of electricity, grid rent and taxes. Electricity support deducted.

Number of employments and earnings

Table 13161 is extended with a sector variable. Tables 11652, 11655, 11658 and 12315 are extended with the variables Average age (years) and Average contractual working hours per week (hours).

Business statistics

Table 12817 is extended with employment groups and with industries P, Q and R plus corresponding sub divisions.

External trade in goods

Table 08864 is extended with unadjusted figures and more detailed trade flows.

Child welfare

In tables 13337, 13338 og 13339 the codes for subject have been changed.

Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions

In tables 13637, 13641 and 13645 , the variable country background has become mandatory.

Sports and outdoor activities, survey on living conditions

In tables 13378, 13386, 13394, 13402, 13410, 13418 and 13426, the variable country background has become mandatory. In tables 13372, 13373, 13374, 13375, 13376 and 13378, the variable outdoor activity has become mandatory. In tables 13388, 13389, 13390, 13391, 13392, 13393 and 13394, the variable exercising activity has become mandatory.


In table 1251 is the variables “Average age” and “Average contractual working hours per week” removed.


Cost index for passenger transport by bus

Table 11931 is extended with regional figures for electricity.  Table 12004 is temporarily removed due to restructuring of the statistics.

Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions

In tables 13641 and 13645 the variable Reason for immigration and in table 13637 the variable Immigration background are both changed to Country background.

Living conditions of disabled people

Tables 12840, 12984, 12997, 12999, 13001, 13279, 13319 and 13320 are replaced by new tables 13654-13661.


Table 03037 is extended with figures for the whole country.

Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions

Tables 12075, 12077, 12080, 12087, 12124 and 12127 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13635, 13636, 13639, 13640, 13643 and 13644.


Child welfare

New codes for reason of notification were added in tables 10674, 10675, 10667, 10668, 10782 and 10663. New code for placement measure was added I tables 11600 and 12845. New code for measure was added in tables 10660, 10661 and 10662. New age groups added in tables 01353, 09050, 10674, 10760, 10665, 10667, 09074, 10661, 10663, 10664, 10673, 10666, 11292, 11296, 11297, 11600, 12845 and 11298.


National population projections

Tables 12881, 12883, 12884, 12885, 12886, 12888, 12889 and 12890 are replaced by new tables 13599, 13601, 13602, 13603, 13604 and 13606.


Regional population projections

Tables 12882, 12887, 12978, 12979, 12980 and 12981 are replaced by new tables 13600, 13605, 13609, 13610, 13611 and 13612.


Production of potatoes and forage plants

Tables 05771, 05772, 05774 og 05776 are discontinued and replaced by new table 13648.


Labour force survey

In tables 09731, 09732, 09733, 09734, 09873, 09882 and 10586 variable text «work hours arrangement» is changed to «working time arrangement».


Working environment, survey on living conditions

In tables 07809, 07810, 07854, 07863, 07877 and 07914 variable text «work hours arrangement» is changed to «working time arrangement».


Social assistance

In table 08524 the variable “Labour force status” is extended with new values. Table 05074 is discontinued. Figures at national level are available in table 05973 and at county and municipal level in table 13138.


Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying

Tables 07345 and 10455 are extended with figures for sold production under sub-contracted operations.

Cost index for domestic sea transport

Tables 11585 and 11586 will have new basetime 4th quarter 2021=100. Tables with old basetime will be available under closed time series.

Regional population projections

Region code 21 Svalbard was removed from table 12822, 12887 and 12981, since no figures were attached.

Completion rates of students in higher education

Table 09165 is replaced by new table 13063.

Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits

In table 13563 we have added aggregation from municipalities to centrality and other higher regional levels. Aggregated time series for municipalities now have codes starting with «K-» instead of «K.».

Cost index for passenger transport by bus

Tables 11931, 11934, 11935, 12004 and 12006 will have new basetime 4th quarter 2021=100. Tables with old basetime will be available under closed time series.

Small game and roe deer hunting

In tables 07513 and 07514 we have removed aggregation from municipality to a higher regional level, since figures were missing for some municipalities. Aggregated time series for municipalities now have codes starting with «K.» instead of «K-».

Norwegian cultural barometer

Tables 05285, 05286, 05299, 05287, 05297, 05296, 05295, 05292, 05582, 05288, 05289, 05290, 05298 and 05583 are discontinued and followed by 13503 and 13504.  In addition, new tables 13505, 13506, 13507 and 13508 are published.

Operating survey for vessels in water transport

Table 11584 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13530.

Upper secondary education

Tables 04556, 05326, 05336, 05363, 05364, 05376, 05430 and 05958 previously contained two versions of some years before 2013. Only revised versions of the years are now retained.

Labour force survey

In the tables 03780, 03781, 04544, 04547, 04553, 05111 and 05612, the period 2006 Gml has been removed. In the tables 03778, 04542, 04545, 04552, 05110 and 05611 the periods 2006K1 Gml, 2006K2 Gml, 2006K3 Gml and 2006K4 Gml have been removed.

Care services

In tables 11642 and 11643, we have removed aggregation from municipal figures to a higher regional level, since the figures were not summable. Aggregated time series for municipalities now have codes starting with «K.» instead of «K-».

Business statistics

In table 08039 the cities now have new municipality codes according to the standard from 2020.

Cost index for road goods transport

Tables 12535 and 12538 will have new basetime 4th quarter 2021=100. Tables with old basetime will be available under closed time series.

Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels

Table 11185 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13615.

Labour force survey

Tables 11754 and 11755 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13583 and 13584.

Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels

Table 11174 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13585.

Storting election, election survey

Tables 11661 and 11662 are replaced by new tables 13554 and 13555.

Price index for new dwellings

Table 03364 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13500.

Upper secondary education

Tables 12250, 11969 and 12252 are replaced by new tables 13587, 13588 and 13586.


Tables 12562 and 12573 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13502 and 13529.


Municipal management of planning and building applications

Table 13111 is replaced by new table 13434.

Municipal environmental management

Tables 13111 is replaced by new table 13526.

Municipal accounts

Tables 13292, 13178, 13291, 13290, 13174, 13226, 13220, 13200, 13186, 13212, 13210, 13211 and 12330 are replaced by new tables 13551, 13552, 13543, 13557, 13545, 13542, 13566, 13540, 13544, 13553 and 13541.

County authority accounts

Tables 13301, 13169, 13287, 13289, 13166, 13223, 13192, 13201, 13187, 13221, 13209, 13214 and 12331 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13547, 13548, 13567, 13559, 13558, 13565, 13562, 13560, 13561, 13549 and 13539.

Municipal health care service

Table 12191 is replaced by new table 13533.

Completion rates of students in higher education

Tables 09045 and 11017 are replaced by new tables 12925, 12926 and 12927.

Table 19847 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13063 with new code list and other classification.

Tables 05159, 05152, 10847, 05158,10857, 09109 and 09072 are replaced by new tables 13461, 13462, 13463, 13464, 13465, 13466, 13467 and 13468.


Storting election, election survey

In tables 11659 and 11666, the code lists have been changed so that it will be easier to distinguish which parties the voters came from and went to.

Municipal accounts

In table 12367 we have removed from the variable accounting scope code C Municipality/county authorities consolidated accounts. No figures were attached to this code.

County authority accounts

In table 12368 we have removed from the variable accounting scope code C Municipality/county authorities consolidated accounts. No figures were attached to this code.

KOSTRA - Municipality-State-Reporting

In tables 11918 and 11919 we have removed from the variable accounting scope code C Municipality/county authorities consolidated accounts. No figures were attached to this code.

Production index for construction

Tables 03165 and 09015 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13430 and 13431.

Census of agriculture

In table 09666 region code 0000 All municipalities is removed  since it is covered by code 0 The whole country. The table is prepared for 2020 municipalities.

Completion rates of students in higher education

In tables 10808 and 10905 single years are replaced by 8-year intervals.

External trade in goods

In tables 08799, 08801, 11008 and 11009, all the commodity codes will be changed. The 8-digit commodity codes will have an addition that shows the year when each code was first used.
It may take a few days before all years are back in place in the tables after the change.


Number of employments and earnings

Tables 11653 and 11657 are arranged with aggregated time series for municipalities 2020. At the same time, code9999g has been removed.

Changes 2021

Date of changeStatisticsChange

Employment, register-based

Tables 13122, 12907, 11606 and 11687 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13472 and 13470.

Sports and outdoor activities, survey on living conditions

All tables are discontinued and replaced by new tables.

Persons entitled to vote

Tables 07361, 07362, 07364 and 07369 are discontinued. New tables are 13445, 13446, 13447 and 13448.

Municipal management of planning and building applications

Table 13115 is replaced by new table 13438.
26.10.2021Electoral turnoutTables 11693 and 11699 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13359 and 13358.

Storting election

In tables 08092, 08093, 08219, 08243, 08287, 08310, 09474 and 11691 the county codes are replaced by codes for election districts.

Electoral turnout

In tables 11693 and 11699  the county codes are replaced by codes for election districts.

Transfer of properties

In tables 11502, 11503 and 11504 the code for unknown county is corrected.
01.10.2021Persons entitled to voteIn tables 07360, 07361, 07362, 07363 and 07369 the county codes are replaced by codes for election districts. In tables 07361 and 07369 the code for the whole country is changed from 00 to 0.
29.09.2021Building stockTables 03158, 03173, 03174 and 03175 are updated with numbers on municipality level.
17.09.2021Waste treatment in waste treatment plantsIn table 12359 the codes 70, 77, 78 and 85 were removed from variable material since they were not used.
01.09.2021Labour force survey, seasonally-adjusted figuresTable 08931 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13332.
20.08.2021Post-secondary vocational educationThe per cent variable was removed from table 11634 due to errors in the figures.

Dental health care

Table 05680 is discontinued and will later be replaced by a new table.


The regional grouping «Centrality» has been changed so that each municipality retains its 2020-centrality for the time series. In the previous version, if changes in municipalities (merger/splitting), 2020-centrality was calculated for each municipality based on centrality of the basic statistical units.
21.06.2021Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy accountTable 09704 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13276.
15.06.2021Municipal accountsTables 13219, 13218 and 13224 are replaced by new tables 13291, 13292 and 13290.
15.06.2021County authority accountsTables 13217, 13216 and 13222 are replaced by new tables 13287, 13301 and 13289.
15.06.2021Municipal housingTable 12197 is discontinued and replaced by new table 13277.
11.06.2021Public support for business R&DIn tables 12643, 12644, 12645 and 12646, centrality is updated with new index limits. In tables 12644, 12645 and 12646, the regional division has been changed. New county codes have been added to table 12643. New policy agencies and a new type of aid (temporary compensation schemes) have been added to the tables.
28.04.2021Index of retail salesTables 07129 and 09296 are extended to include industry codes 45 and 46 with subgroups.
26.04.2021Entrepreneurs in business enterprise sectorTable 05991 is replaced by new table 13258.
26.04.2021MigrationsTables 09204 and 09498 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13234 and 13235. Tables 09585 and 09586 are extended to cover new classification of regions.
22.04.2021Employment, register-basedTables 11606 and 11687 are extended with a sum code for industry. The table structures are changed to fewer subtables.
20.04.2021DeathsTable 07995 is extended with a sum code for age. Missing figures are now shown as dot instead of 0.
09.04.2021Employment, register-basedIn table 09315 codes for industry groups have been changed.
24.03.2021Students in higher education Table 08103 is discontinued and replaced by table 07960.
17.03.2021Census of agricultureTables 09841, 09859, 09860, 08848, 08832 and 08808 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13193, 13194, 13195, 13196, 13197 and 13198.
16.03.2021Care servicesTable12922 is replaced by new table 13232.
15.03.2021Waste from householdsTable 12313 is replaced by new table 13136.
15.03.2021Social assistanceTable 13006 is replace by 13138.
15.03.2021Municipal environmental managementTables 12680 and 12150 are replaced by new tables 13112 and 13231.
15.03.2021Municipal management of planning and building applicationsTables 12295, 12684, 11879, 12001, 12699, 12667, 12669 and 12678 are replaced by new tables 13111, 13026, 13124, 13125, 12997, 13115, 13127, 13120 and 13117. Tables 12685 and 12986 are removed.
15.03.2021KindergartensTable 12930 is replaced by new table 13163.
15.03.2021Municipal housingTables 12437, 12196, 12432, 12198, 12434 and 12437 are replaced by new tables  13203, 13140, 13139, 13142 and 13141.
15.03.2021Municipal water supplyTable 11792 is replaced by new table 13143.
15.03.2021Municipal wastewaterTable 11794 is replaced by new table 13144.
15.03.2021Municipal accountsTables 12328, 12320, 12177, 12913, 12914 and 12179 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13218, 13178, 13202, 13219, 13174 and 13220. 
15.03.2021County authority accountsTables 12365, 12322, 12176, 12916, 12912 and 12180 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13216, 13169, 13213, 13217, 13166 and 13192. 
11.03.2021Employment, register-basedTable 07979 is replaced by new table 13122. Tables 07984, 08536 and 12539 have new codes for municipalities 2020, aggregated time series. Other groupings that add up municipal figures are removed. The reason for the changes is confidential figures for some municipalities when stricter legislation applies from 1.1.2021. Table 12747 is changed so that the time series only shows figures for the new county division.
01.03.2021AccommodationTables 03524 and 03526 are discontinued and replaced by new table 13100.
26.02.2021Upper secondary educationTables 09236 and 06382 are discontinued and followed by new tables 13159 and 13160.
25.02.2021Cross border tradeTable 08862 is discontinued and followed by new table 13147.
22.02.2021Storting election, persons entitled to voteIn tables 09839 and 09853 the county codes are replaced by codes for election districts.
18.02.2021Cultural facilitiesTable 12060 is replaced by new table 13135.
15.02.2021Registered vehiclesTable 07848 is removed. The table title was misleading, and the table is covered by the contents of table 08581.
10.02.2021Employment, register-basedTable 07984 was extended with totals for industry and sex.
19.01.2021BankruptciesContents Export value and Import value are removed from table 12972.
14.01.2021Credit indicatorTable 11597 is expanded with new statistical variables and new codes. Classification "Debt by industry" is replaced with "Debt".


Changes 2020

Date of changeStatisicsChange
24.11.2020PopulationChanged grouping for region: Centrality is changed according to new standard for 2020.
24.11.2020Turnover index for transport, tourism and ICTNew Statistical variable in table 08541.
18.11.2020Activity in organisations, political participation and social networksTables 09131, 09138, 09145, 09152, 09160 and 09194 are discontinued and followed by new tables 13070, 13071, 13072, 13073, 13074 and 13075.
12.11.2020Environmental protection expenditureTables 10774 and 10775 are replaced by new table 13062. 
04.11.2020Employees in kindergartens and schoolsIn Table 12994, unnecessary region variable ("The whole country") is removed.
28.10.2020Sports and outdoor activitiesTables 09102 and 09118 are discontinued and followed by new tables 13078 and 13079.
15.10.2020Business statisticsTable 12817 has been changed so that only the latest year contains preliminary figures. Figures before 2016 have been removed from the table. In the industry list at the 2-digit level, some codes have been removed so that the table corresponds with other tables in the same statistics.
02.10.2020Registered vehiclesTable 12906 is extended with new content motorhomes and new classification type of registration.
17.09.2020ICT usage in enterprisesTable 10971 is extended with more contents.
15.09.2020Waste from households
Municipal water supply
Municipal wastewater
Table 13036 is replaced by new table 13056.
09.09.2020ICT usage in householdsTable 06998, 07001 and 11435 are extended with more contents.
28.08.2020Land use in urban settlementsNew urban settlements for 2020 are added to tables 10810 and 04859.
18.08.2020Regional population projectionsTables 11668 and 11673 are replaced by new tables 12882 and 12887. Also new tables 12978, 12979, 12980 and 12981 are added.
08.07.2020Construction in the coastal zoneIn the tables 08917, 06505, 10547 and 10921 the figures are recounted according to new division of counties and municipalities in 2020. Old counties and municipalities are removed from the tables.
23.06.2020GDP per capita, price level adjustedTable 10258 is replaced by new table 13007.
22.06.2020Completion rates of pupils in upper secondary educationTables 09253, 09262, 09254, 10994, 10972, 10973, 08814, 11552, 11554, 11592, 08777, 09326, 11576, 11588, 09330, 11222, 11223, 11224 and 11593 is discontinued and replaced by new tables 12971, 12965, 12962, 12961, 13012, 13011, 13010, 12970, 12958, 12959, 12964, 12963, 12967, 12966, 12969, 13009, 12968, 12960, 13015 og 13014.
18.06.2020Lifelong learningTables 09680, 09684, 09713 and 09688 are replaced by new tables 12864, 12865, 12867, 12868 and 12869.
16.06.2020Population etc.Changed grouping for region: Economic regions are changed according to new standard for 2020.
15.06.2020Municipal environmental managementTable 12701 is removed.
15.06.2020Municipal management of planning and building applicationsTables 12920, 12665, 12675, 12679, 12679, 12683 and 12684 are replaced by new tables 13013, 12986, 12987, 13008, 13021, 13026 and 12976.
15.06.2020Waste from householdsTables 12298, 12917 and 12920 are replaced by new tables 13024, 13025 and 13036.
15.06.2020Municipal wastewater
Municipal water supply
Tables 12298 and 12920 are replaced by new tables 13024 and 13036.
15.06.2020Dental health careTable 11959 is discontinued and is replaced by new table 13033.
15.06.2020Social assistanceTable 12219 is replaced by new table 13006.
11.06.2020Victims of offences reported to the policeTable 08637 is extended with 5-years age groups.
03.06.2020Population projectionsTables  11667, 11669, 11670, 11671, 11672 and 11674 are replaced by new tables 12881, 12883, 12884, 12885, 12886, 12888, 12889 and 12890.
22.05.2020Employment among immigrants, register-basedNew codes and New code list in tables 12693, 12694 and 12695
20.05.2020Employees in kindergartens and schoolsTables 12094 and 12095 are extended with numbers for counties.
19.05.2020Norwegian media barometerTables 04499, 04517, 04502, 05240, 05237, 04501, 05239, 05238, 05241, 04519 and 11555 are discontinued and followed by tables 12947 and 12948.
15.05.2020Municipal and county council election, electoral surveyTable 11241 is extended with more  cataegories under level of education and age. Code for "All age" is changed.
04.05.2020BankruptciesTable 12955 is replaced by new table 12972.
27.04.2020Protected areasIn table 08936, the content “Protected area” has changed text to “Protected area on land”. The table is expanded with new contents for protected area at sea and total. The classification “Protected area” has changed text to “Protection purpose” and is expanded with new codes for “All protection purposes” and “Marine protected area”.
21.04.2020Holdings, agricultural area and livestockAggregation groupings under region are removed from tables 06447, 06459, 06462, 08646 and 12660, due to unavailable figures for many municipalities.
15.04.2020Health, care and social relations, survey on living conditionsTables 06181, 07743, 08250, 11277 and 11278 had the wrong classification variable «Symptom» and this is changed to «Living habit».
26.03.2020Housing conditions, register-basedTables 11039 and 11040 are currently unavailable due to data errors.
20.03.2020MigrationsRegional selections that aggregate municipalities to larger regional units were removed from table 05471 on 20 March 2020. Aggregation of municipality figures will not give correct figures for larger regions, since also migrations within the region then are counted.
20.30.2020Housing conditions, register-basedIn tables 11038, 11046, 11509, 11084, 11093 og 11508 new codelist for Urban district are added.
16.03.2020Dental health careTable 11775 is discontinued and replaced by two new tables: 12900 and 12901.
16.03.2020Pupils in primary and lower secondary schoolTable 12247 is discontinued and replaced by new table 12919.
16.03.2020Municipal chargesTable 12492 is discontinued and replaced by new table 12842.
16.03.2020Property taxTable 12503 is replaced by new table 12843.
16.03.2020Upper secondary educationTable 12185 is discontinued and replaced by two new tables: 12932 and 12933. Due to changes in population, the figures will not be identical. Table 11899 is discontinued.
16.03.2020Property management, local governmentTable 12047 is replaced by new table 12905.
16.03.2020Municipal wastewaterTable 12155 is replaced by new table 12921. The same goes for Municipal water supply
16.03.2020Waste from householdsTable 12299 is replaced by new table 12920. The same goes for Municipal water supplyMunicipal wastewater and Municipal management of planning and building applications
16.03.2020Municipal accounts
County authority accounts
Type classification code AG37 is replaced by AGD51 (operational accounts) and AGI37 (capital accounts).
Table 12321 is removed and are replaced by new table 12914.
Table 12329 is removed and are replaced by new table 12913.
Table 12323 is removed and are replaced by new table 12912.
Table 12363 is removed and are replaced by new table 12916.
05.03.2020Employment, register-basedIn the tables 12623, 12624, 12625, 12626, 12627, 12628 and 12827 the code for Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi) is changed from 02.07 to 10.47, the code for for Meteorologisk institutt is changed from 10.20 to 07.07 and the code for Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet is changed from 14.07 to 08.33.
03.03.2020AccommodationOnly the tables 08403 and 08405 are updated further. Tables 03614, 08402, 08353, 08404, 05444, 08352, 08406 and 08407 are discontinued. Table 08344 is followed by new table 12896. Tables 08401 and 09374 are merged to new table 12892. Tables 06212, 03615, 03616, 06211 and 03706 are merged to new table 12897. Tables 03618, 03622 and 08339 are merged to new table 12893. A new table 12895 is created.
17.02.2020ElectricityTable 08583 is removed and are replaced by new table 12824.
07.02.2020National accountsIn tables 09170, 09181 and 09174 industry codes A88NP2X19, A88NP2X20 and A88NP2X21 are merged into new industry code A88NP2X19_21 Refined petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical Products.
05.02.2020PopulationCode lists for counties, municipalities and urban districts are expanded and ready for the publishing of 2020 figures on 27 February 2020. Region grouping Size of municipalities 1.1.2019 is removed from municipality tables. Instead we have created a new table 12871: Population, by size of municipality, sex and age.
20.01.2020Area of land and fresh waterIn table 06198 all the basic statistical units in the new counties 30 Viken, 34 Inland, 38 Vestfold og Telemark, 42 Agder, 46 Vestland and 54 Troms og Finnmark have new codes, where the first two digits correspond to the county number. The changes also apply to tables with basic statistical units in other statistics.
16.01.2020EstablishmentsTable 09029 is removed, and the figures can be found in 10309.
16.01.2020Municipal and county council election, candidates and representativesTables 04798, 04979 and 05005 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 12872, 12873 and 12874. Region lists and groupings are adapted to new classification for 2020. Country regions 2020 and Regions are based on municipalities instead of counties, and can therefore be used both before and after 2020. The changes also apply to municipality tables in a several other statistics.
10.01.2020FisheriesTables 08867, 08868, 05278, 11516, 06367 and 08204 are discontinued. New table 12846 replace tables 05278 and 11516.

Changes 2019

Date of changeStatisicsChange
17.12.2019Family counselling serviceTable 10524 is expanded with more types of external activity. Table 10525 is expanded with more subjects, and the code for relationship is changed. Table 10526 is expanded with extra participant.
04.12.2019National accounts, non-financial sector accountsTable 10799: Code I3371_ is changed to I337_, and U3371_ is changed to U337_ 
03.12.2019Accounts for private kindergartensTable 12410 is removed and replaced by new table 12487.
06.11.2019Electoral turnoutTable 11059 is removed and replaced by new tables 12812, 12813 and 12814.
05.11.2019Business statisticsMost tables under discontinued and moved to Tables 09940 and 09941 continues. New table 12817 is published. 
22.10.2019Waste treatment in waste treatment plantsTable 12360 is discontinued and replaced by new table 12818.
17.10.2019PopulationTable 05231 is discontinued.
15.10.2019External trade in goodsTable 09226 is replaced by new table 12780.
12.10.2019Tobacco, alcohol and other drugsThe variable 'Sex' was removed from table 12391.
11.10.2019Innovation in the business enterprise sectorTables 10877, 10878, 10879, 10880, 10881, 10882, 10877, 10878, 10883, 10884, 10885, 10886, 10887, 10888, 10889, 10890, 10953 and 10954 are discontinued and are replaced by tables 12791, 12792, 12793, 12794, 12795, 12796, 12797, 12798, 12799, 12800, 12801, 12802, 12803, 12804, 12805, 12806, 12807 and 12808.
10.10.2019Election results for municipal and county council electionTables 09475, 09476 and 11059 are moved to 
04.10.2019Municipal and county council electionNew region lists in tables 11001, 09476, 01177, 08346, 10804 and 09475.
02.10.2019Employment among immigrantsTable 12551 has changed codelistes for classification country background.
01.10.2019 Municipal and county council electionIn table 01180, party codes 50 and 92 for "Other lists" are merged to code 92. Code 50 is removed from the table.
01.10.2019Storting electionIn table 08092, party codes 50 and 92 for "Other lists" are merged to code 92. Code 50 is removed from the table.
01.10.2019Municipal and county council election, candidates and representativesIn table 04772, party codes 50 and 92 for "Other lists" are merged to code 92. Code 50 is removed from the table.
27.09.2019Environmental economic instrumentsTables 10646, 11639 and 11640 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 12788, 12789 and 12740.
27.09.2019Credit indicator"Loans from banks" and "Loans from mortgage companies" are merged to "Loans from banks and mortgage companies" in tables 06718 and 11596.
25.09.2019Norwegian for adult immigrantsTables 11316 and 12468 are replaced with new tables 12722 and 12723.
20.09.2019General government revenue and expenditureTables 10721, 10722, 10723, 10727 and 10909 are expanded with more choices under type. Type codes A55 and B43 have new text in table 10721. Code A13 has new text in Table 10722, while codes A14 and A257 have been removed. Code A55 has new text in table 10727.
12.09.2019Municipal and county council election, persons entitled to voteTable 12753 is removed, and the figures can be found in table 12758.
12.09.2019Construction cost index for residential buildingsBase year in the tables changed from 2000 to 2015.
19.08.2019Municipal and county council election, persons entitled to voteTable 06595 is replaced with new table 12758.
03.07.2019Employees in kindergartens and schools Tables 12071, 12091 and 12092 are expanded with more contents.Tables 12072, 12082 and 12083 are discontinued and are replaced by tables 12696, 12697 and 12698.
25.06.2019Municipal and county council election, candidates and representativesTables 10912, 06535 and 06537 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 12705, 12710 and 12711. Tables 06524, 06525, 06530, 06531, 06534, 06540, 06550, 06551, 06552, 06556, 06557 and 10922 are discontinued.
17.06.2019Municipal management of planning and building applicationsTables 11882, 12595, 12225, 11887, 11986, 12616, 12312, 12224, 11211, 11881, 12000, 11886, 12281 and 11888 are replaced by tables 12690, 12665, 12671, 12675, 12699, 12679, 12691, 12676, 12683, 12685, 12667, 12240, 12678 and 12686.
07.06.2019Municipal environmental managementTables 12242, 12302, 12193 and 11289 are replaced by tables 12243, 12680, 12703 and 12701.
31.05.2019Care servicesTables 11642, 11643, 11644, 10135, 10137 and 10138 have changed municipality list.
30.04.2019Employment, register-basedTables regarding government employees (10188, 10189, 09904, 10461, 09911, 09915) are discontinued and replaced by new tables 12623-12629.
26.04.2019Municipal and county council election, persons entitled to voteTables 06599, 06598, 08295, 06596, 06597, 10959, 06600, 05474, 05497, 08703 and 08701 are closed. New tables: 12633, 12634, 12635, 12636, 12637 and 12638.
26.04.2019Cost index for road goods transportTables 07105, 07106 and 08802 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 12535 and 12538.
02.04.2019Income and wealth statistics for households Tables 10502 and 10503 are replaced by new tables 12598 and 12599.
21.03.2019Road traffic volumes Tables 07301, 07302, 07304 and 07305 are merged into new table 12575. 07306 and 07307 are merged into new table 12576. 07308 and 07311 are merged into new table 12577. 07947 and 07946 are merged into new table 12578. 08740 and 08741 are merged into new table 12579. The new tables contain a more detailed breakdown of fuel types.
20.03.2019Sickness absenceTables 09665, 08720, 07869, 09040, 09041 (Self- and doctor-certified sickness absence (adjusted for vacation)), and tables 08320, 08321, 03218, 07905, 08322, 08323, 11928 (Doctor-certified sickness absence (adjusted for vacation)) are closed and replaced with these new tables: 12439, 12440, 12441, 12442, 12443 (Self- and doctor-certified sickness absence), and 12446, 12447, 12448, 12449, 12450, 12451, 12452 (Doctor-certified sickness absence).
15.03.2019KindergartensTable 11929 is replaced by table 12562.
Table 12517 is replaced by table 12573.
15.03.2019Environmental management in local and county authoritiesTable 12593 replaced table 11263.
Table 12302 replaced table 11891.
Tables 11262, 11263, 11264, 11265, 11287 and 11295 were closed.
15.03.2019Land use and regional planningTable 12596 replaced table 11220.
Table 12611 replaced table 11276.
Table 12613 replaced table 11218.
Table 12616 replaced table 11987.
Table 12229 replaced table 11214.
Table 11211 replaced tables 12223 and 11219.
Tables 10485, 10505, 10506, 11215, 11216, 11212, 11221, 11285 and 11288 were closed. Table 11213 was removed.
08.03.2019Upper secondary educationTable 11986 is replaced by table 12609.
25.02.2019Employment, register-based New Tables: 12539, 12540, 12541, 12542 and 12543.
21.02.2019Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyTable 08050 is expanded with new estimation moment “Estimates made in February in the year before the investment year”.
11.02.2019Producer price indexTables 07097 and 07098 are replaced by new tables 12462 and 12463. Base time will be changed from 2000 to 2015.
11.02.2019Price index of first-hand domestic salesTables 03675 and 03768 are expanded with figures for import market and more commodity groups. Base time will be changed from 2000 to 2015.
09.02.2019Property management, local government Tables 12045 and 12048 are replaced by new tables 12559 and 12560.
09.02.2019Earnings Table 12521 is changed in order to show deciles and percentiles.
09.02.2019National accountsTables 09170, 09171, 09174, 09175, 09181, 09183, 11189 are expanded with several main industries.
05.02.2019Number of employments and earningsTable 11676 has changed codelistes for classification immigration category.
30.01.2019Environmental management in local and county authorities Table 11821 is replaced by table 12153.

Changes 2018

Date of change


19.12.2018EarningsTable 11418 is expanded with more occupation levels. Tables 11419, 11420 and 11421 are expanded with new list for industry group.
18.12.2018Property taxTable 12120 is replaced by table 12503. More contents and figures for 2007-2014 are added.
17.12.2018Tobacco, alcohol and other drugsTable 07664 is removed, and the figures can be found in table 07692.
14.12.2018Emissions from Norwegian economic activityIn tables 09288, 09289, 09290 and 09291 the industries “Oil and gas extraction” and “Service activities incidental to oil and gas” are merged to “Oil and gas extraction, including service activities and transport via pipelines”.
11.12.2018Emissions to airIn tables 09298, 09299, 09300 and 09301 the industries “Oil and gas extraction” and “Service activities incidental to oil and gas” are merged to “Oil and gas extraction, including service activities and transport via pipelines”.
05.12.2018Population etc.New grouping for region: Centrality 2018. Old groupings have been removed: Centrality 2008-2017, Police districts 2002-2015, Major city regions2002-2017, Regions.
27.11.2018Income and wealth statistics for householdsNew statistical variable in tables 10316 and 10317. New code in table 10315.
27.11.2018Employed short-term immigrantsTables 11613, 11610, 11612 and 08069 have changed time unit from quarter to year.
03.10.2018Upper secondary educationTable 12262 is replaced with new table 12399.
01.10.2018ICT usage in enterprisesNew Tables: 12350, 12351, 12352, 12356 and 12357.
27.09.2018Number of employmentsNew statistical variable in table 12314.
27.09.2018Banks and mortage companiesNew codes in table 08113.
30.08.2018ICT usage in householdsNew Tables: 12344, 12345, 12346, 12348 and 12349.
07.08.2018The Norwegian Coastal Administration's activitiesThe statistic is discontinued. All tables are closed.
02.08.2018Number of employmentsNew statistical variables in tables 11652, 11654, 11655 and 11658.
02.07.2018Waste from householdsTable 12156 is replaced with new table 12313.
25.06.2018Child welfareTable 11942 is replaced with new table 12305.
21.06.2018Waste from households
Land use and regional planning
Municipal water supply
Municipal wastewater
Table 12296 is replaced with new table 12299.
19.06.2018Banks and mortage companiesNew codes i in list of codes for Balance sheet in tables 08428, 08691, 08692 and 07880. Tables 08104, 09563, 10769, 09562 and 09564 are discontinued.
18.06.2018Cost index for passenger transport by busThe tables 10151 and 10152 are discontinued, and five new tables are made: 11931, 11934, 11935, 12004 and 12006.
14.06.2018County authority accountsThe tables 12099, 12113, 12117, 12167, 12168, 12181 and 12182 has temporarily been removed.
14.06.2018Municipal accountsThe tables 12096, 12097, 12111, 12166, 12170, 12171, 12174 and 12205 has temporarily been removed.
13.06.2018Cultural facilitiesTable 12066 is replaced with new table 12264.
08.06.2018Land use and regional planningThe tables 11883 and 11890 are replaced by new tables 12158 and 12230.
30.05.2018Social assistanceThe tables 11809, 11863, 11870, 11868 and 11869 are replaced by new tables 12131, 12160, 12201, 12203 and 12204.
29.05.2018ICT usage in public sectorTable 10619  is being discontinued and replaced with new table 12019.

The tables 10584, 09677 and 10858 are replaced by new tables 12029, 12030 og 12031.

New Tables: 12032, 12033, 12034, 12036, 12037, 12038, 12039, 12040, 12041 and 12042.

The tables 10619, 09669, 09670, 09671 and 09674 are discontinued.
03.05.2018Dental health careThe tables 11766, 11767, 11768, 11769, 11770, 11771 and 11775 are replaced by new tables 11959, 11961, 11985, 12073 and 12074.
23.04.2018Construction turnoverAll tables are discontinued.
20.04.2018Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, turnoverAll tables are discontinued.
19.04.2018Labour force surveyNew code lists for age in tables 07971, 07972 and 09793. New statistics variables in tables 08337 and 08338.
18.04.2018Index of orders in manufacturingAll tables are discontinued.
18.04.2018Construction, new orders All tables are discontinued.
26.03.2018Regional accountsTable 09390 is being discontinued and replaced with new table11713.
06.03.2018Credit indicatorText in classifacation variabable "credit source" is changed to "loan dept" in tables 06718, 11596 and 11598. Ny code "Dept Securities" added in tables 06718 and 11596.
23.02.2018Population and population changesNew county 50 Trøndelag is added to the tables that include numbers for counties.
New municipalities are added to all tables that include numbers for municipalities. For Vestfold will this be 0712 Larvik, 0715 Holmestrand and 0729 Færder. The municipalities in former Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag have been given new municipality codes with 50 as first two digits.
18.02.2018Tax accountsNew county 50 Trøndelag and new municipalities are added to table 07022. For Vestfold will this be 0712 Larvik, 0715 Holmestrand and 0729 Færder. The municipalities in former Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag have been given new municipality codes with 50 as first two digits. 
15.02.2018External trade in goodsNew county 50 Trøndelag is added to the tables 08817 and 10482. The tables 08799, 08801, 11008 and 11009 are extended with 24 new commodity numbers.

Changes 2017

Date of change


08.11.2017Tax statistics for personal tax payersThe tables 04263 and 08780 are being discontinued and replaced with new tables 11680 and 11681.
01.11.2017Storting electionNew list of codes for election districts in tabel 07362
24.10.2017National accountsNew statistical variables in table 09175. Wages, seasonally adjustet.
24.10.2017ImprisonmentsThe tables 10531, 10532, 10533, 10536, 10537, 10538, 10549, 10550, 10551, 10552, 10556, 10557, 10558 and 10559 are extended with new classifications for type of offence from 2015. Previously used classifications for category, group and type of offence until 2014 can still be found as closed series in the tables.
17.10.2017Harmonized index of consumer pricesIn table 03700 there are two new contents: monthly change and 12-month rate.
27.09.2017Victims of offences reported to the policeThe tables 08631, 08634, 08635, 08636, 08637 and 08638 are extended with new classifications for type of offence from 2015. Previously used classifications for category, group and type of offence until 2014 can still be found as closed series in the tables. The tables 08639, 08640, 08641, 08642, 08643 and 08644 are being discontinued and replaced with new tables 11624, 11625, 11626, 11627, 11628 and 11629.
26.09.2017SanctionsThe tables 10622, 10624, 10625, 10626, 10627, 10628, 10629, 10650, 10651, 10652, 10654, 10655, 10656, 10657, 10631, 10632, 10633, 10634, 10635, 10636 and 10637 are extended with new classifications for type of offence from 2015. Previously used classifications for category, group and type of offence until 2014 can still be found as closed series in the tables.
07.09.2017The credit indicator C2The tables 06712 and 06713 are being discontinued and replaced with new table 11597. Table 06615 is being discontinued and replaced with new table11596. The tables 06714 and 06715 are being discontinued and replaced with new table 11599. Table 06718 is uncharged. Table 06715 is being discontinued.
07.09.2017The credit indicator C3Table 07477 is being discontinued and replaced with new table11598.
17.08.2017DeathsIn table 08739 the age group ‘Less than 1 year’ has changed code from 00-01 to 00-00.
14.08.2017Employed short-term immigrantsThe tables 08066 and 08069 are being discontinued and replaced with new tables 11612 and 11614.
14.08.2017Employment among immigrants, register-basedThe tables 07285, 08560, 07284, 08434, 09633 and 08435 are being discontinued and replaced with new tables 11607, 11608, 11609, 11610, 11611 and 11613.
01.08.2017Employment, register-basedThe tables 11425, 03877, 03333, 07983, 09316 and 11410 are being discontinued and replaced with new tables 11606, 11615, 11616, 11617, 11618 and 11619.
13.07.2017Life and non-life insurance companies, accountsTable 07694 is being discontinued.
28.06.2017Ownership and roles in business enterprise sectorAll tables are discontinued.
28.06.2017Production and consumption of energy, energy accountNew tables 11557 og 11558. The Statbank tables 04371, 04372, 10703, 10704, 10705, 10776, 10777 and 10908 are being discontinued.
28.06.2017Production and consumption of energy, energy balanceThe tables 09380, 09386, 10950 and 10842 are being discontinued and replaced with new tables 11561, 11562, 11563 og 11564.
The tables 07515, 05494 and 05500 are being discontinued.
23.06.2017Cost index for domestic sea transportTable 08576 is being discontinued and replaced with new table 11585. New table 11586.
19.06.2017External trade in servicesTable 10192 is being discontinued and replaced with new table11519. Figures for 2015-2016 are moved from table 10192 to 11519.
07.06.2017Operating survey for vessels in water transportTable 07321 is being discontinued and replaced with new table11584.
01.06.2017Completion rates of pupils in upper secondary educationNew tables: 11552, 11554 and 11576. The tables 08775 and 08813 are being discontinued and replaced with 11592.
Table 11261  is being discontinued and replaced with new table 11588.
24.05.2017Working environment, survey on living conditionsThe tables 07807, 07808, 07853, 07876 and 07862 are being discontinued.
04.05.2017District heatingIn table 04730 type of energy is extended with value ‘Memo: Waste not utilized’. In table 04727 code 03 under variable district heating has changed text to ‘Memo: Heat not distributed’ and is moved to the bottom of the list.
27.04.2017Completion rates of pupils in upper secondary educationTable 09337 is being discontinued.
25.04.2017Household payments for KindergartenTable 04691 and 09573 are being discontinued.
25.04.2017Households’ payments in kindergartens, rates of changeTable 08488 is being discontinued.
24.04.2017Commercial roundwood removalsTable 07406 is being discontinued and replaced with new table 11551.
05.04.2017Employment among immigrants, register-based and Employed short-term immigrantsTable 08434 and 08066 are temporary unavailable.
31.03.2017Employed short-term immigrantsTable 08070, 08067, 08079, 08065, 08083 and 08068 is being discontinued.
24.03.2017Employment, register-basedThe Statbank tables 11396, 03877, 08536, 07979, 11425, 09315, 09316, 03333 and 07983 are currently unavailable pending necessary efforts to anonymize certain figures.
21.03.2017Housing conditions, register-basedCodes for "total" added to most of the classification variables. Sex addedt to tables 11024, 11031, 11033, 11040, 11042.
14.03.2017Upper secondary educationTables 06481 and 05354 are being discontinued.
06.03.2017Offences investigatedThe tables 09405, 09406, 09408, 09409, 09410, 09411, 09416, 09417, 09421, 09423, 09425 and 09426 are extended with new classifications for type of offence from 2015. Previously used classifications for category, group and type of offence until 2014 can still be found as closed series in the tables. Table 09422 is being discontinued and replaced with new table 11453.
06.03.2017Offences reported to the policeThe tables 08484, 08485, 08486 and 08487 are extended with new classifications for type of offence from 2015. Previously used classifications for category, group and type of offence until 2014 can still be found as closed series in the tables.
Table 08485 is also extended with new classification for police districts from 2016. Police district 2002-2015 can still be found as closed series in the table.
23.02.2017Population and population changesNew municipality, 0710 Sandefjord, is added to all tables that includes numbers for municipalities.
Default list for regions is changed to ‘Municipalities 2017-‘.
The options ‘Municipalities 2002-‘, ‘Municipalities 1977-‘ and ‘Coastal/inland municipalities 2008-‘ are removed.
15.02.2017External trade in goodsThe tables 08799, 08801, 11008 and 11009 are extended with about 400 new commodity numbers.
10.02.2017Producer price index for oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricityNew code "Water supply" addet to tables 07097 and 07098.
10.02.2017Consumer Price IndexAll the running Statbank tables which temorary has been empty, are published with new timeseries with base year 2015.
Tables with base year 1998 og 1999 are kept as closed times series.
Tables with base year 2014 are removed, i.e. tables 11442, 11443, 11444, 11445.
01.02.2017Earnings of all employeesAll tables for area ‘Earnings of all employees’ are being discontinued and replaced by new tables 11417- 11423.
27.01.2017Registered unemployedTable 11021 is being discontinued and replaced by a new table 11393. New Statistical varable: Registered unemployed in per cent.
24.01.2017Consumer Price IndexAll running Statbank tables get new base year 2015, and the time series will be temorary empty untill February 10th. Today's time series with base year 1998 are moved to "closed time series" with new ID:
- 03013 to 11446
- 03014 to 11450
- 05327 to 11447
- 05335 to 11451
- 06444 to 11448
- 08184 to 11452
- 08981 to 11449
18.01.2017Smoking habitsTable 07695 and 07696 is being discontinued and replaced by new tables 11426 and 11427. New classification variable "age".
09.01.2017Income, self-employedTable 11126 is being discontinued and replaced by a new table 11428.
09.01.2017Domestic transport performancesTable 03983 is being discontinued and replaced by a new table 11403.

Changes 2016

Date of change


20.12.2016Price index for new dwellingsTable 07562 and 10988 is being discontinued and replaced by a new table 11386. Statistical variable Price index and total type of building.
19.12.2016Extraction and related servicesTables 10255 and 10256 are being discontinued and replaced by table 07840.
09.12.2016Emissions of greenhouse gasesRemoved code PAH in table 09842 and  09290.
09.12.2016Upper secondary educationChanged codes for classification variable ‘Results’ in table 09336 Completed educational programmes in upper secondary education, by sex og results.
08.12.2016Pupils in primary and lower secondary schoolTable 03742 is being discontinued.
06.12.2016Population and land area in urban settlementsNew urban settlements for 2016 are added to tables 05277 Population, by age and sex (US) and 04859: Area and population of urban settlements (US).
08.12.2016Quarterly non-financial sector accounts, national accountsTable 11020: Added more values to the list ‘Main transactions’. Changed the list ‘Detailed transactions’ to ‘Detailed transactions - Only unadjusted figures’. Removed value ‘MEMO: Saving in 2005-prices’ from both lists.
07.12.2016Commercial roundwood removalsTable 03908 is being discontinued. 
23.11.2016Property taxTable 06980: Added new content Municipalities with a property tax exemption for holiday Properties. 
19.11.2016Sales of petroleum productsRemoved code 04 Autodiesel, added code 04b Autodiesel in table 11174.
26.10.2016Throughput of pupils in upper secondary educationAdded new content variable showing pupils (per cent) in the tables 09262, 09326, 09330 and 09337. For the other tables the variable pupils (per cent) is changed from none to one decimal. 
30.09.2016Energy use in the manufacturing sector
Production and consumption of energy, energy account
Added classification variable for industry in table 10908.
23.09.2016Income and wealth statistics for householdsTable 10502: Reconstructured classifiaction variables low income and group to three variables: population, group and identification mark
23.09.2016Income and wealth statistics for householdsTable 10503: Reconstructured classifiaction variables group to two variables: population and identification mark
07.09.2016Index of industrial productionAdded extra group P128 Petroleum-related manufacturing and support activities P129 Petroleum-related manufacturing P130 Manufacturing ex. Petroleum-relates industries. Removed Motor vehicle registration tax - imputed CO2 component and Motor vehicle registration tax - imputed NOx component.
07.09.2016Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyAdded extra group P128 Petroleum-related manufacturing and support activities P129 Petroleum-related manufacturing P130 Manufacturing ex. Petroleum-relates industries.
28.09.2016Environmental economic instrumentsAdded two tax types: Research tax fisheries and State licence fees (hydroelectric plants), in table 10646.
31.08.2016Annual national accountsNew macroeconomic indicator ‘Acquisitions less disposals of valuables’ in the table 09189 Final expenditure and gross domestic product.
31.08.2016Quarterly national accountsNew macroeconomic indicator ‘Acquisitions less disposals of valuables’ in the table 09190 Final expenditure and gross domestic product.
31.08.2016Mutual fundsChanged codes for Sum all issuing sectors in table 09470: Mutual funds' assets, by type of assets and issuing sector.
22.08.2016Sickness absenceAdded two new content variables showing per cent change last year for tables 11177, 11176 and 11122.
24.06.2016Taxi transportThe table 07273 is replaced by table 11271.
23.06.2016Specialist health serviceThe tables 07244, 07245, 09556, 09447, 08221, 07397, 03735, 06923, 03747, 06142, 03749, 06136, 03753, 06473, 03757 are being discontinued.
21.06.2016Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributionsThe table 08892: Basis for employer's National insurance contributions and calculated employer's National insurance contributions, by sector, zone, type of contribution method of calculating employer's National Insurance contributions: Two new content variables are added: ‘Sector-exempt activity’ and ‘Road freight transport’.
21.06.2016Holiday house areasFour new contents in table 10329: Holiday house areas, by size of holiday area.
21.06.2016Population projectionsStatbank tables 10212, 10213, 10214, 10215, 10216, 10217 and 10218 are to be replaced with new tables 11167, 11168, 11169, 11170, 11171, 11172 and 11173 with the same structure, but a new projection for 2016.
17.06.2016Interest rates in banks and mortgage CompaniesChanged name of content variables in tables 10648: Interest rates and the belonging loan amount, by type of loan, sector and fixed-rate period, 10738: Interest rates on new repayment loans, by type of loan, sector and fixed-rate period and 10748: Interest rates on new loans secured on dwellings, by type of loan, sector and fixed-rate period.
15.06.2016Town and country planning in municipalities and county authoritiesThe table 11175: Building applications and subdivision of land. Main figures for volume and resource use (M) is replaced by table 11275: Building applications and subdivision of land. Main figures and background figures for volume and resource use (M).
27.05.2016Immigrants by reason for immigrationThe table 06308: Immigrations, by reason for immigration and year of immigration, is replaced by table 07113: Immigrations, by reason for immigration, first citizenship and year of immigration.
24.05.2016Taxi transportThe tables 07272, 07279 and 07273 are being discontinued.
24.05.2016Debt securitiesThe statistics have been merged with Securities. Tables 09454, 09455, 09456 and 09907 are replaced with tables 11199 and 11198. Tables 09908 and 09909 will no longer be updated.
24.05.2016Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities DepositoryThe statistics have been merged with Securities. The table 07217 is replaced with table 11229.
27.04.2016Labour force surveyAdded extra age group 20-64 years, and new uncertainty measure values in tables 09937 and 09938.
26.04.2016Production and consumption of energy, energy balanceAdded new purchaser group Manufacturing, mining and quarrying in tables 05494 and 05500.
22.04.2016Post-secondary vocational educationNew variable Duration in table 09400.
15.04.2016Housing conditions, survey on living conditionsChanges area value South Eastern Norway with Eastern Norway n.e.c. in tables 09820, 09771, 09760 og 09756.
08.04.2016Area of land and fresh waterNew basic statistical units in table 6198: Area of land and fresh water (m²) (BU).
05.04.2016Sales of petroleum productsTable 10449 is being discontinued and replaced by a new table 11185: Deliveries of petroleum products, by industry (SIC2007) and product (1 000 litres). Final figures (C).
15.03.2016Small game and roe deer huntingTable 3947 is being replaced with a new table 11183: Felled roe deer, by age and sex (C).
10.03.2016Consumer price indexChanged codes and texts for levels «Sub-groups 2» and «Items and items groups» for tables 03013: Consumer Price Index (monthly) and 03014: Consumer Price Index (yearly).
09.03.2016Wage indexNew total code for industry in table 07235: Wage index, manufacturing (2005=100).
04.03.2016Retail sales, investment statisticsNew statistics variables with seasonally-adjusted figures and trends in table 07266: Retail sales, investment statistics. Value index.
03.03.2016Marine casualtiesThe statistics have been discontinued, and Statbank tables 06719, 06720, 06721, 09640, 09642, 09643, 09644, 09646, 09647, 09648 and 09650 will no longer be updated.
03.03.2016Central government units, expenditureThe statistics have been discontinued and Statbank tables 08335, 08822, 08849, 08850, 08851, 08852, 09206 and 09207 will no longer be updated.
03.03.2016Foreign aid expenditure in OECD countriesThe statistics have been discontinued, and Statbank table 04498 will no longer be updated.
19.02.2016Population and population changesNew basic statistical units in table 04317: Population, by basic statistical unit (BU).
15.02.2016External trade in goodsNew commodity numbers in the tables for grouping with customs tariff/HS nomenclature: 08799, 11008, 08810 and 11009.

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