Church of Norway

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06929: Church of Norway, members, church ceremonies and services, by contents and year


Andreas Østhus, Statistics Norway
+47 47 64 99 08
2024-06-17 08:00
Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway:
Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway:
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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06929: Church of Norway, members, church ceremonies and services, by contents and year

Members of the Church of NorwayMedlemmer av Dnk Members of the Church of Norway3 938 7233 871 0063 873 8473 874 8233 848 8413 835 4773 851 1453 848 2953 843 7213 835 9733 799 3663 758 0703 740 9203 724 8573 686 7153 655 5563 526 1333 500 4383 476 211

Saved query 10092602
Fixed start time point and all newer time periods
A duplicate scheme in the year 2005 for the municipality number 1630 is found. Unknown diocese do not include members living aboard. From 2011 figures for unknown diocese are included. Total figure for the country can thus not be compared to earlier years. Up to and including 2020 the variable included members of the Church of Norway as well as not baptized child (until 18 year) of a parent who is a member. From 2021 the variable only includes members of the Church of Norway.



Emigrated members count 140 259 members in 2019.
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