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Local administration of agricultural areas
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Local administration of agricultural areas
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06138: Local administration of agricultural areas - basic data (M) (closed series) 2005 - 2016
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Berit Bjørlo, Statistics Norway
+47 408 11 376
2018-03-15 08:00
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 approved completely or partially:
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 refused:
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12, total:
Cultivated area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for service sector under the provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communications under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of th Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of th Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to other agriculture area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to other agriculture area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to afforestation under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to afforestation under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for open-air recreation which exclude further agricultural activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for open-air recreation which exclude further agricultural activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to scattered settlement in agricultural areas and areas for open-air recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to scattered settlement in agricultural areas and areas for open-air recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to combinations of main purposes under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to combinations of main purposes under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Land Act:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved without terms:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for biodiversity:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for cultural monument:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for landscape:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for outdoor life:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms and reduced area as a consequence of environmental considerations:
Number of applications for land reclamation denied:
Number of applications for land reclamation, total:
Applied area for land reclamation:
Approved area for land reclamation:
Approved area for land reclamation registered as A-range of biodiversity:
Approved area for land reclamation registered as B-range of biodiversity:
Denied area for land reclamation:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act granted completely or partially:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act granted in whole or in part with the purpose of additional land to other agricultural property:
Antall søknader om deling etter jordloven innvilget av hensyn til bosettingen i området:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act denied:
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved without terms:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms, total:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, total:
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper innvilget:
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper avslått:
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper i alt:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, ection 9, approved without terms, total:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9 and 11, approved with terms:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation:
Number of applications approved under provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, with limited exemption from the residence obligation:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total:
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved without terms, 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Søknader etter konsesjonsloven innvilget med vilkår gitt i medhold av konsesjonsloven §11 , 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation, 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total:
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act:
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, total:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9 and 11, approved with terms. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 7, 0-concession cases:
Number of applications denied under the provision of the Concession Act, 0-concession cases:
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, 0-concession cases, total:
Antall søknader innvilget, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft:
Antall søknader avslått, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft:
Antall søknader i alt, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft:
Number of applications with permanent exemption from the operation obligation:
Number of applications denied for exemption from the operation obligation:
Number of applications for exemption from the operation obligation, total:
Number of decisions to impose operation obligation under provision of the Land Act:
Order to rent out:
Order to afforestation:
Order to take measures because of the cultural landscape:
Net operating expenditures to agricultural management and agricultural business:
NOK 1000
Adjusted gross operating expenditures to agricultural management and agricultural business:
NOK 1000
Gross operating expenditures to agricultural managemnet and agricultural business:
NOK 1000
Reference time
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 approved completely or partially:
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 refused:
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12, total:
Cultivated area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for service sector under the provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communications under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of th Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of th Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to other agriculture area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to other agriculture area under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to afforestation under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to afforestation under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for open-air recreation which exclude further agricultural activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for open-air recreation which exclude further agricultural activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to scattered settlement in agricultural areas and areas for open-air recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to scattered settlement in agricultural areas and areas for open-air recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area approved converted to combinations of main purposes under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area approved converted to combinations of main purposes under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Planning and Building Act:
Cultivated area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Land Act:
Cultivable area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Land Act:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved without terms:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for biodiversity:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for cultural monument:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for landscape:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for outdoor life:
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms and reduced area as a consequence of environmental considerations:
Number of applications for land reclamation denied:
Number of applications for land reclamation, total:
Applied area for land reclamation:
Approved area for land reclamation:
Approved area for land reclamation registered as A-range of biodiversity:
Approved area for land reclamation registered as B-range of biodiversity:
Denied area for land reclamation:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act granted completely or partially:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act granted in whole or in part with the purpose of additional land to other agricultural property:
Antall søknader om deling etter jordloven innvilget av hensyn til bosettingen i området:
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act denied:
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved without terms:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms, total:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, total:
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper innvilget:
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper avslått:
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper i alt:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, ection 9, approved without terms, total:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9 and 11, approved with terms:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation:
Number of applications approved under provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, with limited exemption from the residence obligation:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total:
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved without terms, 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Søknader etter konsesjonsloven innvilget med vilkår gitt i medhold av konsesjonsloven §11 , 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation, 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total:
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act:
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, total:
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9 and 11, approved with terms. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017:
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 7, 0-concession cases:
Number of applications denied under the provision of the Concession Act, 0-concession cases:
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, 0-concession cases, total:
Antall søknader innvilget, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft:
Antall søknader avslått, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft:
Antall søknader i alt, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft:
Number of applications with permanent exemption from the operation obligation:
Number of applications denied for exemption from the operation obligation:
Number of applications for exemption from the operation obligation, total:
Number of decisions to impose operation obligation under provision of the Land Act:
Order to rent out:
Order to afforestation:
Order to take measures because of the cultural landscape:
Net operating expenditures to agricultural management and agricultural business:
Adjusted gross operating expenditures to agricultural management and agricultural business:
Gross operating expenditures to agricultural managemnet and agricultural business:
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 approved completely or partially , Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 refused , Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12, total ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 approved completely or partially
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12 refused
Number of applications for conversion of cultivated or cultivable area under provision of the Land Act section 9 and 12, total
Cultivated area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to residential area under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to leisure buildings under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for business activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for service sector under the provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for service sector under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to other buildings area under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communications under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for general transport and communication under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of th Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of th Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for outdoor recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to area for golf course under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to area necessary for defence under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to other agriculture area under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to other agriculture area under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to afforestation under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to afforestation under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to areas for open-air recreation which exclude further agricultural activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to areas for open-air recreation which exclude further agricultural activity under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to scattered settlement in agricultural areas and areas for open-air recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to scattered settlement in agricultural areas and areas for open-air recreation under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to area for use or protection of sea and watercourses under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area approved converted to combinations of main purposes under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area approved converted to combinations of main purposes under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area in total approved converted under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area in total approved converted under provision of the Land Act
Cultivated area in total approved converted under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area in total approved converted under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivable area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Planning and Building Act
Cultivated area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Land Act
Cultivable area in total approved converted to other purposes than agriculture under provision of the Land Act
Number of applications for land reclamation approved without terms
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for biodiversity
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for cultural monument
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for landscape
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms based on concern for outdoor life
Number of applications for land reclamation approved with terms and reduced area as a consequence of environmental considerations
Number of applications for land reclamation denied
Number of applications for land reclamation, total
Applied area for land reclamation
Approved area for land reclamation
Approved area for land reclamation registered as A-range of biodiversity
Approved area for land reclamation registered as B-range of biodiversity
Denied area for land reclamation
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act granted completely or partially
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act granted in whole or in part with the purpose of additional land to other agricultural property
Antall søknader om deling etter jordloven innvilget av hensyn til bosettingen i området
Number of applications for splitting of agricultural property under provision of the Land Act denied
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved without terms
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms, total
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, total
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper innvilget
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper avslått
Søknader om konsesjon fra aksjeselskaper i alt
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, ection 9, approved without terms, total
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9 and 11, approved with terms
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation
Number of applications approved under provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, with limited exemption from the residence obligation
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved without terms, 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Søknader etter konsesjonsloven innvilget med vilkår gitt i medhold av konsesjonsloven §11 , 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation, 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, approved with terms on personal residence obligation. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, denied. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Number of applications from limited companies to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, total
Number of applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9 and 11, approved with terms. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Applications to concession under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, approved with terms on impersonal residence obligation. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 9, total. 1.9.2017-31.12.2017
Number of applications approved under the provision of the Concession Act, Section 7, 0-concession cases
Number of applications denied under the provision of the Concession Act, 0-concession cases
Number of applications under the provision of the Concession Act, 0-concession cases, total
Antall søknader innvilget, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft
Antall søknader avslått, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft
Antall søknader i alt, der slektskapsunntaket er satt ut av kraft
Number of applications with permanent exemption from the operation obligation
Number of applications denied for exemption from the operation obligation
Number of applications for exemption from the operation obligation, total
Number of decisions to impose operation obligation under provision of the Land Act
Order to rent out
Order to afforestation
Order to take measures because of the cultural landscape
Net operating expenditures to agricultural management and agricultural business
Adjusted gross operating expenditures to agricultural management and agricultural business
Gross operating expenditures to agricultural managemnet and agricultural business
Select at least one value
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2005 , 2006 , 2007 ,
wave temp fix..
of total
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Classification of municipalities
Codelist for KOSTRA counties authority division
Codelist for KOSTRA - municipalities
--- Select classification ---
All regions
The country
Kostra groups
All municipalities
Municipalities 2017-
Optional variable
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Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).
Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.