Central government units, expenditure (discontinued)

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08852: StatRes. Employed, by sector and place of work (C) (closed series) 2009 - 2013

Sølve Mikal Nerland, Statistics Norway
+47 2109 4418
2014-07-01 10:00
Employed in main position (persons):
Employed in main-position in per cent of sector-group:
per cent
All positions (positions):
All positions in per cent of sector-group:
per cent
Employed in main position (persons):
4th quarter
Employed in main-position in per cent of sector-group:
4th quarter
All positions (positions):
4th quarter
All positions in per cent of sector-group:
4th quarter
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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Selected 1 of total 4


Selected 1 of total 5

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.01 Østfold (-2019) , 02 Akershus (-2019) , 03 Oslo ,

Selected 0 of total 22

Optional variable
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.All sectors , Public sector , General government ,

Selected 0 of total 10

Optional variable
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Register-based employment statistics. Includes employed 15 years of age or older, both residents and non-residents. Residents are people who are expected to stay in Norway for at least six months. Enterprises owned by central government includes the sectors 150 (The Central Bank of Norway), 190 (State lending institutions), 610 (Central government unincorporated enterprises), 630 (Central government incorporated enterprises) and 635 (Central government incorporated enterprises regulated by special law). Oslo performs both county-tasks and municipality-tasks. Forsvarsbygg lacks roughly 400 man-years in 2010, and this also affects the associated groups 'Other defence services', 'Defence, public order and safety' and the central government in total.
Locally employed staff in the Norwegian foreign service missions are not included. According to the web page of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are approximately 900 locally employed.
Break in the time series for contracted man-years from 2012-2013, as a consequence of 26 new units included in central government from2013. From the overall increase in contracted man- years of about 3 per cent from 2012 to 2013, one of these per cent is the result of including the 26 new units, which leads to an actual increase in nearly 2 per cent. In the published figure for central government in 2009-2011, the number conscripts and officers' training school are too few. We have collected new level numbers from The National Service Administration, and on the basis of that made new estimates on the number of employed persons in Central government in 2009 (268 400), 2010 (273 200) and 2011 (279 300).


See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).

Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.


Private sector

Private sector includes the following classifications from Institutional sector classification 2006: 210, 217, 250, 310, 317, 370, 377, 380, 390, 397, 410, 417, 470, 477, 490, 497, 710, 717, 740, 760, 770, 810 and 890.

contents: All positions (positions) , year: 2013

Due to an error in one of the source registers, approximately 200 employees in higher education in 2013 have been incorrectly registered as employed in Tromsø instead of Alta.

contents: All positions in per cent of sector-group , year: 2013

Due to an error in one of the source registers, approximately 200 employees in higher education in 2013 have been incorrectly registered as employed in Tromsø instead of Alta.

contents: Employed in main position (persons) , year: 2012

The figures for local municipal administration in Oslo in 2012 are too low by an estimated 2 500-3 500. This is due to insufficient reporting to The Central Register of Employers and Employees, which is one of the data sources for the statistics.

contents: All positions (positions) , sector: Central government (incl. social security funds)

The Norwegian Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg) and The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (Forsvarsbygg) enter in 2009 the sector group Enterprises owned by central government, while the correct sector should have been Central government, where they enter from 2010. They had a total of 2 356 employed persons in main positions in 2009.

contents: All positions in per cent of sector-group , sector: Central government (incl. social security funds)

The Norwegian Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg) and The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (Forsvarsbygg) enter in 2009 the sector group Enterprises owned by central government, while the correct sector should have been Central government, where they enter from 2010. They had a total of 2 356 employed persons in main positions in 2009.

contents: All positions (positions) , sector: Enterprises owned by central government

The Norwegian Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg) and The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (Forsvarsbygg) enter in 2009 the sector group Enterprises owned by central government, while the correct sector should have been Central government, where they enter from 2010. They had a total of 2 356 employed persons in main positions in 2009.

contents: All positions in per cent of sector-group , sector: Enterprises owned by central government

The Norwegian Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg) and The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (Forsvarsbygg) enter in 2009 the sector group Enterprises owned by central government, while the correct sector should have been Central government, where they enter from 2010. They had a total of 2 356 employed persons in main positions in 2009.