Church of Norway

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12026: Church users (M) 2015 - 2024

Andreas Østhus, Statistics Norway
+47 47 64 99 08
2025-03-17 08:00
Members of the Church of Norway (number):
Enrolled in the Church of Norway (number):
Resigned from the Church of Norway (number):
Infants baptized (number):
Acts of baptisms in the parish (number):
Confirmed (number):
Participants in church services total (number):
Participants in church services sundays and holidays (number):
Participants in church services except sundays and holidays (number):
Participants communion (number):
Participants in church services for children in kindergarten (number):
Participants in church services for schoolchildren (number):
Participants Christmas Eve services (number):
Easter services, participants (number):
Conserts and cultural events, in the management of the congregation, number of participants (number):
Conserts and cultural events, in the management of othe than the congregation, participants. (number):
Participants in choirs for adults/family choirs (number):
Participants in choirs for children and youth (number):
Baby and toddlers singing (number):
Number of children who received 4-year book (number):
Diakonale tilbud. Fra 2015 er data hentet fra Kirkerådet på bakgrunn av rapporteringen for trosopplæringen. 'Lys Våken' for youths 11 years age, number of participants (number):
Number of congregations in the municipality (number):
Total population (number):
Members in religious and life stance communities outside The Church of Norway (number):
Born during the year (number):
Died during the year (number):
Number of 15 year-olds (number):
Inhabitants aged 4 (number):
Members of the Church of Norway (number):
Enrolled in the Church of Norway (number):
Resigned from the Church of Norway (number):
Infants baptized (number):
Acts of baptisms in the parish (number):
Confirmed (number):
Participants in church services total (number):
Participants in church services sundays and holidays (number):
Participants in church services except sundays and holidays (number):
Participants communion (number):
Participants in church services for children in kindergarten (number):
Participants in church services for schoolchildren (number):
Participants Christmas Eve services (number):
Easter services, participants (number):
Conserts and cultural events, in the management of the congregation, number of participants (number):
Conserts and cultural events, in the management of othe than the congregation, participants. (number):
Participants in choirs for adults/family choirs (number):
Participants in choirs for children and youth (number):
Baby and toddlers singing (number):
Number of children who received 4-year book (number):
Diakonale tilbud. Fra 2015 er data hentet fra Kirkerådet på bakgrunn av rapporteringen for trosopplæringen. 'Lys Våken' for youths 11 years age, number of participants (number):
Number of congregations in the municipality (number):
Total population (number):
Members in religious and life stance communities outside The Church of Norway (number):
Born during the year (number):
Died during the year (number):
Number of 15 year-olds (number):
Inhabitants aged 4 (number):
Statistics Norway
External PROD
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Members of the Church of Norway (number) , Enrolled in the Church of Norway (number) , Resigned from the Church of Norway (number) ,

Selected 1 of total 28

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2015 , 2016 , 2017 ,

Selected 1 of total 10

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Church users See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).

Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.


Members of the Church of Norway (number)

Up to and including 2020 the variable included members of the Church of Norway as well as not baptized child (until 18 year) of a parent who is a member. From 2021 the variable only includes members of the Church of Norway.

Resigned from the Church of Norway (number)

The Church of Norway adopted a new digital tool to enroll and resign in 2016. This led to high figures for resigned in 2016.

Infants baptized (number)

Starting in 2016, new basic figures were introduced for the number of baptized. Earlier figures for baptized are published as ' acts of baptisms in the parish '. For 2015 numbers are therefore 'baptized' and ' acts of baptisms in the parish' the same, while for 2016 numbers and so forth, both variables are published. Earlier baptized figures included acts of baptisms in the parish aggregated to municipal level and further to country numbers, while new baptismal numbers include baptized in the parish aggregated. Proportion of baptized by the number born on the national level is somewhat lower, 55.3 percent, than it would have been after the old definition, 55.9 percent for 2016 numbers. From 2024 onwards, the numbers have been suppressed using noise. That is, they have been noised in such a way that no information about individual individuals can be revealed.

Acts of baptisms in the parish (number)

Starting in 2016, new basic figures were introduced for the number of baptized. Earlier figures for baptized are published as ' acts of baptisms in the parish '. For 2015 numbers are therefore 'baptized' and ' acts of baptisms in the parish' the same, while for 2016 numbers and so forth, both variables are published. Earlier baptized figures included acts of baptisms in the parish aggregated to municipal level and further to country numbers, while new baptismal numbers include baptized in the parish aggregated. Proportion of baptized by the number born on the national level is somewhat lower, 55.3 percent, than it would have been after the old definition, 55.9 percent for 2016 numbers.

Confirmed (number)

From 2024 onwards, the numbers have been suppressed using noise. That is, they have been noised in such a way that no information about individual individuals can be revealed.

Participants in church services total (number)

For 2020, 'Participants in church services total' is the sum of the number of participants in church services (already existing field) plus number of streamed participants registered on KOSTRA church form (new field due to corona). It is only for 'Participants in church services total' streamed participants are included. Therefore, the sum of 'Participants in church sundays and holidays' and 'Participants in church services except sundays and holidays' is less than 'Participants in church services total'.

Easter services, participants (number)

From 2013, this field includes all church services at Easter, from Maundy Thursday through 2. Easter day.

Participants in choirs for adults/family choirs (number)

For 2010, the number of members in adult and children's choir was merged in the variable 'number of children and youth'.

Number of children who received 4-year book (number)

From 2015, data is obtained from the Church Council on the basis of reporting for religious education.

Diakonale tilbud. Fra 2015 er data hentet fra Kirkerådet på bakgrunn av rapporteringen for trosopplæringen. 'Lys Våken' for youths 11 years age, number of participants (number)
