Pupils in primary and lower secondary school

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12255: Selected key figures for primary and lower secondary school (M) 2015 - 2023

Samuel Jones Gilje, Statistics Norway
+47 41 37 27 58
Per Torstein Tuhus, Statistics Norway
+47 408 11 349
2024-06-17 08:00
Teacher hours per year for native language education, per pupil with native language education (number):
Teacher hours per year for special training, per pupil with special training (number):
Pupils given special tuition in Norwegian, as a percentage of all pupils (per cent):
per cent
Pupils in public and private primary and lower secondary schools who recives special training (per cent):
per cent
Proportion of pupils who achieved mastering level 3-5 in reading 8th grade (per cent):
per cent
Proportion of pupils who achieved mastering level 3-5 in mathematics 8th grade (per cent):
per cent
Group size 2 (number):
Average school points (number):
Percentage of total net operating expenditures, primary and lower secondary education (202, 215, 222, 223) (per cent):
per cent
Net operating expenditures per inhabitant aged 6-15, primary and lower secondary education (202, 215, 222, 223) (NOK):
Teacher hours per year for native language education, per pupil with native language education (number):
Teacher hours per year for special training, per pupil with special training (number):
Pupils given special tuition in Norwegian, as a percentage of all pupils (per cent):
Pupils in public and private primary and lower secondary schools who recives special training (per cent):
Proportion of pupils who achieved mastering level 3-5 in reading 8th grade (per cent):
Proportion of pupils who achieved mastering level 3-5 in mathematics 8th grade (per cent):
Group size 2 (number):
Average school points (number):
Percentage of total net operating expenditures, primary and lower secondary education (202, 215, 222, 223) (per cent):
Net operating expenditures per inhabitant aged 6-15, primary and lower secondary education (202, 215, 222, 223) (NOK):
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Teacher hours per year for native language education, per pupil with native language education (number) , Teacher hours per year for special training, per pupil with special training (number) , Pupils given special tuition in Norwegian, as a percentage of all pupils (per cent) ,

Selected 1 of total 10

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2015 , 2016 , 2017 ,

Selected 1 of total 9

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(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
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Correction of previous years' data: Data for municipality 1506 Molde for 2021 has been corrected to the KOSTRA-publication on 17 March 2025. Errors in reporting values ​​for function 222 resulted in too low Net operating expenses for the primary and secondary education sector as a percentage of total net operating expenses and Net operating expenses for the primary and secondary education sector per capita 6-15 years. The errors also affect to some extent aggregated figures for Kostra group 10, Møre og Romsdal county and national figures with and without Oslo. See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).

Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.


Pupils given special tuition in Norwegian, as a percentage of all pupils (per cent)

Fra og med 2010, er driftsansvar privat inkludert i indikatoren.