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12362: Key figures for different service sectors, municipality, by function and type (M) 2015 - 2024
About table
About the statistics
Corretta Aluoch Arodi, Statistics Norway
+47 40902656
2025-03-18 08:00
Sum (NOK 1000):
NOK 1000
Share (per cent):
per cent
Amount per capita (NOK):
Reference time
Sum (NOK 1000):
Share (per cent):
Amount per capita (NOK):
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.
Definition (Kostra). Sum (NOK 1000)
Definition (Kostra). Share (per cent)
Definition (Kostra). Amount per capita (NOK)
of total
Sum (NOK 1000)
Share (per cent)
Amount per capita (NOK)
Select at least one value
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2015 , 2016 , 2017 ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Select at least one value
Codelist for KOSTRA-kommuner med tilhørende regionsgrupperinger
--- Select classification ---
Codelist for KOSTRA-kommuner med tilhørende regionsgrupperinger
Subset for The whole country
Subset for All municipalities
Subset for Municipalities 2024-
Subset for All counties
Subset for Counties 2024-
Subset for KOSTRA municipality groups
Subset for Municipalities 2020-2023
Subset for Counties 2020-2023
Select at least one value
Klass subset
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.100 Political management , 110 Regulation and control , 120 Administration ,
wave temp fix..
of total
100 Political management
110 Regulation and control
120 Administration
121 Administration expenses of managing property/property management
130 Administration buildings
170 This years' pension premium deviation
171 Amortisation of previous years' pension premium deviation
172 Pension
173 Premium fund
180 Variuos joint expenditures
190 Internal service units
201 Kindergarten
202 Primary and lower secondary schools
211 Enhanced kindergarten services
213 Adult education at primary and lower secondary school level
215 Out of school care
221 Kindergarten facilities and transportation
222 School buildings
223 School transport
231 Children and youth activities
232 Preventive health care, school/health centre
233 Preventive health care
234 Activation of elderly and disabled
241 Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
242 Social services, counselling and preventive social work
243 Assistance to substance abusers
244 Child welfare services
251 Child welfare, children living at home
252 Child welfare, children living away from home
253 Nursing and care services in institutions
254 Nursing and care services, home-based
255 Cofinancing somatic services
256 Emergency health and care services
257 Home services - personnel base linked to housing communities/co-located care homes
258 Home services - ambulatory services and more
261 Institution facilities
265 Municipally managed housing
273 Local goverment employment measures
275 Introductory programme for newly arrived immigrants
276 Qualification programme
281 Benefits for living expenses
283 Assistance in setting up and retaining a home
285 Services other than ordinary municipal obligations
290 Inter-municipal cooperation (§ 27- cooperation)
301 Planning procedures
302 Building- and division application, creation and change of property and sectioning
303 Maps and survey
304 Applications for: constructions of buildings, partition of landed properties, formal privileges o...
305 Applications for condominium ownerships
315 Construction of houses and residential environment measures
320 Municipal business developments
321 Energy concessions, energy/power licence and other energy for resale
322 Production, distribution and sale of energy
325 Facilitation and assistance for the business community
329 Agricultural management and agricultural-based business development
330 Transport companies/transport measures
332 Local roads
335 Recreation in urban areas
338 Prevention of fires and other accidents
339 Preparedness for fire and other accidents
340 Production of water
345 Distribution of water
350 Wastewater treatment
353 Wastewater pipelines/ wastewater facilities
354 Emptying of sludge interceptors and septic tanks
355 Collecting, recycling and treatment of household waste
360 Management of nature and outdoor activities
365 Cultural heritage protection
370 Libraries
373 Cinemas
375 Museums
377 Cultural arrangements
380 Sports and grants donated to other sporting facilities
381 Municipal sports buildings and facilities
383 Municipal cultural schools
385 Other cultural activities and grants donated to other cultural buildings
386 Municipal cultural buildings
390 The Church of Norway
392 Grants to religious and belief communities
393 Cemeteries and crematoria
FGK12 Total social services
FGK13 Child welfare
FGK14 Water supply, wastewater and waste management
FGK15 Religion services
FGK16 Public housing and related services
FGK17 Fire and accident protection
FGK1a Regulation and control, municipality
FGK1b Administration, municipality
FGK1c Variuos joint expenditures, municipality
FGK2 Cultural services, municipality
FGK3 Municipal management of planning, building applications and environment
FGK4 Trade and industry management, municipality
FGK5 Transport affairs, municipality
FGK6a Property management, municipality
FGK7 Pre-school
FGK8b Primary and secondary schools, school buildings, school transport and adult educaton
FGK9 Health care,nursing and care services
Select at least one value
Klass subset
of total
Wages and salaries exclusive sick pay reimbursement
Gross operating expenditure
Net operating expenditure
Adjusted gross operating expenditure
Gross investment expenditures
Select at least one value
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
There is a break in the timeseries for the KOSTRA-group-municipalities between 2019 and 2020, due to altered grouping concerning the three different dimensions population, restricted costs and unrestricted disposable income per capita. For further information of the groups, see
code-lists for KOSTRA - groups in 2019 and 2020.
Correction of previous years' data:
Data for municipality 1506 Molde for 2021 has been corrected to the KOSTRA-publication on 17 March 2025. Errors in the reporting resulted in too low Gross operating expenses and Net operating expenses for functions 121, 130, 221, 222, 254, 261 and 381 totalling NOK 97 million. The errors also affect to some extent aggregated figures for Kostra group 10, Møre og Romsdal county and national figures with and without Oslo.
The table shows a summary of the most relevant accounting figures from the operational- and capital accounts for individual– and collective service areas grouped according to their sectors. The data is shown in percentage of the total operational expenditures, per capita and in absolute figures in NOK 1000.
Break in time series between 2019 and 2020 and between 2023 and 2024 due to changes in the regional classification.
The figures are derived from reported accounting forms from municipalities, municipality own units with separate accounts within own municipality (KF), municipality collaborations and municipal inter-authority companies (IKS) where the municipality is a participant.
This table comprises figures from the previous table referred to as “Municipality consolidated accounts”.
The operational accounts for the municipal inter-authority companies (IKS) are calculated according to the shares owned by the participating municipalities. This information is collected from the company register at Brønnøysund.
Due to migration to KOSTRA'S new production system, there could be discrepancies in some of the accounting classifications in the new tables, in comparison to discontinued tables for 2015 and 2016. This is as a result of different calculating methods applied.
From 2017 Oslo reports most expenditures related to roads at function 332 “Local roads” and less at function 722 Provincial roads, enviromental and traffic safety measures.
It is important to note that the total percentage of operational expenditures for the services areas does not amount to 100 % in this table. This is as a result of some functions being included i various service areas and others excluded, and due to different artscope in numerators and denominators in some of the accounting concepts.
Calculation of the percentages used in the numerators for functions and types (classifications)
Property management functions 121, 130, 221, 222, 261, 381 and 386 are included in administration, municipalities functions (FGF1b), in kindergarten functions (FGK7), in primary schools functions (FGK8) and in culture area functions (FGK2). Finance functions (800..899) are not included in any of the service areas.
Classification types 710 and 729 is substracted from the adjusted gross operating expenditures and gross operating expenditures.
Calculation of the percentages used in the denominator for functions and types (classifications)
All functions are included. Classification types 710 and 729 is added in the gross operating expenditures. In adjusted gross operating expenditures types 710 is added whereas type 729 is deducted.
Numbers were corrected 18.03.2025.
See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).
Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.
Share (per cent)
From 2017 on, Oslo accounts most of the expenditures concerning roads on function 332 Municipality roads.
Amount per capita (NOK)
From 2017 on, Oslo accounts most of the expenditures concerning roads on function 332 Municipality roads.