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12418: Selected key figures for health and care - city districts (UD) 2015 - 2024

Dag Ragnvald Abrahamsen, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 546
Bjarne Tautra Hoen, Statistics Norway
+47 40 90 25 99
2025-03-17 08:00
Gross operating expenditure for health and care services per inhabitant (NOK):
Share of net operating expenditures, nursing and care services, of total municipal net operating expenditures (per cent):
per cent
Share of inhabitants 80 years and over using home-based services (per cent):
per cent
Share of home-based services users 0-66 years. (per cent):
per cent
Share of inhabitants 80 years and older staying in institutions (per cent):
per cent
Expenditures per days in institutions (NOK):
Share of inhabitants 67-79 years with daytime activity programme (per cent):
per cent
Andel beboere 80 år og over i bolig m/ fast tilknyttet bemanning hele døgnet (per cent):
per cent
Percentage of residents 80 years and older who live in residence with staff all day (per cent):
per cent
Andel hjemmetjenestebrukere med høy timeinnsats (per cent):
per cent
Tidsbegrenset opphold - gjennomstrømning - opphold per plass (number):
Tidsbegrenset opphold - gjennomstrømning - personer per plass (number):
Tidsbegrenset opphold - gjennomsnittlig antall døgn per opphold (number):
Share of net operating expenditures, healths services, of total municipal net operating expenditures (per cent):
per cent
Man-years of physicians per 10 000 inhabitants (man-years):
Man-years of physiotherapists per 10 000 inhabitants (man-years):
Percentage of newborns visited at home by public health nurse (per cent):
per cent
Institution - share inhabitants 80 years and older on long-term stays in nursing homes (per cent):
per cent
Gross operating expenditure for health and care services per inhabitant (NOK):
Share of net operating expenditures, nursing and care services, of total municipal net operating expenditures (per cent):
Share of inhabitants 80 years and over using home-based services (per cent):
Share of home-based services users 0-66 years. (per cent):
Share of inhabitants 80 years and older staying in institutions (per cent):
Expenditures per days in institutions (NOK):
Share of inhabitants 67-79 years with daytime activity programme (per cent):
Andel beboere 80 år og over i bolig m/ fast tilknyttet bemanning hele døgnet (per cent):
Percentage of residents 80 years and older who live in residence with staff all day (per cent):
Andel hjemmetjenestebrukere med høy timeinnsats (per cent):
Tidsbegrenset opphold - gjennomstrømning - opphold per plass (number):
Tidsbegrenset opphold - gjennomstrømning - personer per plass (number):
Tidsbegrenset opphold - gjennomsnittlig antall døgn per opphold (number):
Share of net operating expenditures, healths services, of total municipal net operating expenditures (per cent):
Man-years of physicians per 10 000 inhabitants (man-years):
Man-years of physiotherapists per 10 000 inhabitants (man-years):
Percentage of newborns visited at home by public health nurse (per cent):
Institution - share inhabitants 80 years and older on long-term stays in nursing homes (per cent):
Statistics Norway
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Gross operating expenditure for health and care services per inhabitant (NOK) , Share of net operating expenditures, nursing and care services, of total municipal net operating expenditures (per cent) , Share of inhabitants 80 years and over using home-based services (per cent) ,

Selected 1 of total 18

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2015 , 2016 , 2017 ,

Selected 1 of total 10

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.030101 Gamle Oslo , 030102 Grünerløkka , 030103 Sagene ,

Selected 0 of total 15

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(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Figures for 2022 on users of care services (Municipal Patient and User Register, KPR) were updated on 29 June 2023. Other figures for the care service were updated as planned on 15 June.

Activity in the health centers in the districts in Oslo. The number of births in the districts during the statistical year is not available at the time of publication on 15 March. It is then the birth figures for the previous year that are used in the table. The birth figures will be updated when published on 15 June.

Man-years for physicians per 10,000 inhabitants for Oslo's districts are not directly comparable with these variables for the municipalities, since some man-years are reported under Oslo municipality sector-wide for Oslo's districts. Applies in particular to man-years for f253 (nursing institutions etc.) and f256 (Emergency health and care services).