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12777: Oil activities. Detailed figures for extraction and pipelines (closed series) 1985 - 2014
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Maria Asuncion Campechano, Statistics Norway
+47 408 11 421
Erlend Tilrem, Statistics Norway
+47 48 25 33 63
2019-11-19 08:00
1101 Employed persons at land offices:
1201 Employed persons at terminals:
1301 Employed persons at fields:
1401 Employed persons in pipeline transport, land offices:
1501 Employed persons in pipeline transport, pipelines:
2101 Compensation of employees at land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
2201 Compensation of employees at terminals (NOK million):
NOK million
2301 Compensation of employees at fields (NOK million):
NOK million
2401 Compensation of employees in pipeline transport, land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
2501 Compensation of employees in pipeline transport, pipelines (NOK million):
NOK million
3101 Production value at land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
3201 Production value at terminals, ordinary production (NOK million):
NOK million
3202 Production value at terminals, own investments (NOK million):
NOK million
3301 Production value at fields, sold oil and gas (adjusted by production value at land offices and terminals) (NOK million):
NOK million
3302 Production value at fields, invoiced foreign licensees to border fields (NOK million):
NOK million
3303 Production value at fields, own investments at fields on stream (NOK million):
NOK million
3304 Production value at fields, own investments at fields under development and production licences (NOK million):
NOK million
3401 Production value in pipeline transport, land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
3501 Production value in pipeline transport, transport tariffs (adjusted by production value at land offices) (NOK million):
NOK million
3502 Production value in pipeline transport, own investments in pipe lines on stream (NOK million):
NOK million
3503 Production value in pipeline transport, own investments in pipe lines under development (NOK million):
NOK million
4101 Intermediate consumption at land offices, administration (NOK million):
NOK million
4102 Intermediate consumption at land offices, repair (NOK million):
NOK million
4201 Intermediate consumption at terminals, goods (NOK million):
NOK million
4211 Intermediate consumption at terminals, materials for maintenance (NOK million):
NOK million
4212 Intermediate consumption at terminals, other maintenance (NOK million):
NOK million
4221 Intermediate consumption at terminals, hire of assets in total (NOK million):
NOK million
4231 Intermediate consumption at terminals, services in total (NOK million):
NOK million
4291 Intermediate consumption at terminals, other costs (NOK million):
NOK million
4301 Intermediate consumption at fields, raw material (NOK million):
NOK million
4302 Intermediate consumption at fields, fuel (NOK million):
NOK million
4303 Intermediate consumption at fields, other goods (NOK million):
NOK million
4311 Intermediate consumption at fields, materials for maintenance (NOK million):
NOK million
4312 Intermediate consumption at fields, control and inspection (NOK million):
NOK million
4313 Intermediate consumption at fields, wells (NOK million):
NOK million
4314 Intermediate consumption at fields, underwater works (NOK million):
NOK million
4315 Intermediate consumption at fields, surface treatment (NOK million):
NOK million
4316 Intermediate consumption at fields, repair (NOK million):
NOK million
4317 Intermediate consumption at fields, other maintenance (NOK million):
NOK million
4318 Intermediate consumption at fields, maintenance - of this compensation of own employees (NOK million):
NOK million
4319 Intermediate consumption at fields, maintenance in total (excl. compensation of own employees) (NOK million):
NOK million
4321 Intermediate consumption at fields, hire of flotels and platforms (NOK million):
NOK million
4322 Intermediate consumption at fields, hire of machinery and equipment (NOK million):
NOK million
4331 Produktinnsats ved felt, helikoptertransport (mill. kr):
NOK million
4332 Intermediate consumption at fields, supply ships and guard boats (NOK million):
NOK million
4333 Intermediate consumption at fields, other transport and communication (NOK million):
NOK million
4334 Intermediate consumption at fields, accommodation (NOK million):
NOK million
4335 Intermediate consumption at fields, technical assistance (NOK million):
NOK million
4336 Intermediate consumption at fields, processing by hire (NOK million):
NOK million
4337 Intermediate consumption at fields, transport of oil and gas (NOK million):
NOK million
4338 Intermediate consumption at fields, other services (NOK million):
NOK million
4339 Intermediate consumption at fields, services in total (excl. processing by hire and transport of oil and gas) (NOK million):
NOK million
4391 Intermediate consumption at fields, other production costs (NOK million):
NOK million
4401 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, administration at land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
4402 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, repair at land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
4501 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, goods used in operating pipelines (NOK million):
NOK million
4511 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, material for maintenance of pipelines (NOK million):
NOK million
4512 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, other maintenance of pipelines (NOK million):
NOK million
4521 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, hire of assets used in operating pipelines (NOK million):
NOK million
4531 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, services used in operating pipelines (NOK million):
NOK million
4591 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, other pipeline operating costs (NOK million):
NOK million
5201 Royalties at terminals, CO2 tax (NOK million):
NOK million
5301 Royalties at fields, CO2 tax (NOK million):
NOK million
5302 Royalties at fields, production tax (NOK million):
NOK million
5501 Royalties in pipeline transport, CO2 tax (NOK million):
NOK million
6301 Indirect costs at fields, compensation of employees on shore (NOK million):
NOK million
6302 Indirect costs at fields, other administration costs on shore (NOK million):
NOK million
7101 Non-operator costs, administration at land offices (NOK million):
NOK million
7102 Non-operator costs, geology and geo physics (NOK million):
NOK million
7103 Non-operator costs, seismology (NOK million):
NOK million
7104 Non-operator costs, special surveys (NOK million):
NOK million
7105 Non-operator costs, field evaluation and development (NOK million):
NOK million
7106 Non-operator costs, R&D (NOK million):
NOK million
Reference time
1101 Employed persons at land offices:
1201 Employed persons at terminals:
1301 Employed persons at fields:
1401 Employed persons in pipeline transport, land offices:
1501 Employed persons in pipeline transport, pipelines:
2101 Compensation of employees at land offices (NOK million):
2201 Compensation of employees at terminals (NOK million):
2301 Compensation of employees at fields (NOK million):
2401 Compensation of employees in pipeline transport, land offices (NOK million):
2501 Compensation of employees in pipeline transport, pipelines (NOK million):
3101 Production value at land offices (NOK million):
3201 Production value at terminals, ordinary production (NOK million):
3202 Production value at terminals, own investments (NOK million):
3301 Production value at fields, sold oil and gas (adjusted by production value at land offices and terminals) (NOK million):
3302 Production value at fields, invoiced foreign licensees to border fields (NOK million):
3303 Production value at fields, own investments at fields on stream (NOK million):
3304 Production value at fields, own investments at fields under development and production licences (NOK million):
3401 Production value in pipeline transport, land offices (NOK million):
3501 Production value in pipeline transport, transport tariffs (adjusted by production value at land offices) (NOK million):
3502 Production value in pipeline transport, own investments in pipe lines on stream (NOK million):
3503 Production value in pipeline transport, own investments in pipe lines under development (NOK million):
4101 Intermediate consumption at land offices, administration (NOK million):
4102 Intermediate consumption at land offices, repair (NOK million):
4201 Intermediate consumption at terminals, goods (NOK million):
4211 Intermediate consumption at terminals, materials for maintenance (NOK million):
4212 Intermediate consumption at terminals, other maintenance (NOK million):
4221 Intermediate consumption at terminals, hire of assets in total (NOK million):
4231 Intermediate consumption at terminals, services in total (NOK million):
4291 Intermediate consumption at terminals, other costs (NOK million):
4301 Intermediate consumption at fields, raw material (NOK million):
4302 Intermediate consumption at fields, fuel (NOK million):
4303 Intermediate consumption at fields, other goods (NOK million):
4311 Intermediate consumption at fields, materials for maintenance (NOK million):
4312 Intermediate consumption at fields, control and inspection (NOK million):
4313 Intermediate consumption at fields, wells (NOK million):
4314 Intermediate consumption at fields, underwater works (NOK million):
4315 Intermediate consumption at fields, surface treatment (NOK million):
4316 Intermediate consumption at fields, repair (NOK million):
4317 Intermediate consumption at fields, other maintenance (NOK million):
4318 Intermediate consumption at fields, maintenance - of this compensation of own employees (NOK million):
4319 Intermediate consumption at fields, maintenance in total (excl. compensation of own employees) (NOK million):
4321 Intermediate consumption at fields, hire of flotels and platforms (NOK million):
4322 Intermediate consumption at fields, hire of machinery and equipment (NOK million):
4331 Produktinnsats ved felt, helikoptertransport (mill. kr):
4332 Intermediate consumption at fields, supply ships and guard boats (NOK million):
4333 Intermediate consumption at fields, other transport and communication (NOK million):
4334 Intermediate consumption at fields, accommodation (NOK million):
4335 Intermediate consumption at fields, technical assistance (NOK million):
4336 Intermediate consumption at fields, processing by hire (NOK million):
4337 Intermediate consumption at fields, transport of oil and gas (NOK million):
4338 Intermediate consumption at fields, other services (NOK million):
4339 Intermediate consumption at fields, services in total (excl. processing by hire and transport of oil and gas) (NOK million):
4391 Intermediate consumption at fields, other production costs (NOK million):
4401 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, administration at land offices (NOK million):
4402 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, repair at land offices (NOK million):
4501 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, goods used in operating pipelines (NOK million):
4511 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, material for maintenance of pipelines (NOK million):
4512 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, other maintenance of pipelines (NOK million):
4521 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, hire of assets used in operating pipelines (NOK million):
4531 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, services used in operating pipelines (NOK million):
4591 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, other pipeline operating costs (NOK million):
5201 Royalties at terminals, CO2 tax (NOK million):
5301 Royalties at fields, CO2 tax (NOK million):
5302 Royalties at fields, production tax (NOK million):
5501 Royalties in pipeline transport, CO2 tax (NOK million):
6301 Indirect costs at fields, compensation of employees on shore (NOK million):
6302 Indirect costs at fields, other administration costs on shore (NOK million):
7101 Non-operator costs, administration at land offices (NOK million):
7102 Non-operator costs, geology and geo physics (NOK million):
7103 Non-operator costs, seismology (NOK million):
7104 Non-operator costs, special surveys (NOK million):
7105 Non-operator costs, field evaluation and development (NOK million):
7106 Non-operator costs, R&D (NOK million):
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1101 Employed persons at land offices , 1201 Employed persons at terminals , 1301 Employed persons at fields ,
wave temp fix..
of total
1101 Employed persons at land offices
1201 Employed persons at terminals
1301 Employed persons at fields
1401 Employed persons in pipeline transport, land offices
1501 Employed persons in pipeline transport, pipelines
2101 Compensation of employees at land offices (NOK million)
2201 Compensation of employees at terminals (NOK million)
2301 Compensation of employees at fields (NOK million)
2401 Compensation of employees in pipeline transport, land offices (NOK million)
2501 Compensation of employees in pipeline transport, pipelines (NOK million)
3101 Production value at land offices (NOK million)
3201 Production value at terminals, ordinary production (NOK million)
3202 Production value at terminals, own investments (NOK million)
3301 Production value at fields, sold oil and gas (adjusted by production value at land offices and terminals) (NOK million)
3302 Production value at fields, invoiced foreign licensees to border fields (NOK million)
3303 Production value at fields, own investments at fields on stream (NOK million)
3304 Production value at fields, own investments at fields under development and production licences (NOK million)
3401 Production value in pipeline transport, land offices (NOK million)
3501 Production value in pipeline transport, transport tariffs (adjusted by production value at land offices) (NOK million)
3502 Production value in pipeline transport, own investments in pipe lines on stream (NOK million)
3503 Production value in pipeline transport, own investments in pipe lines under development (NOK million)
4101 Intermediate consumption at land offices, administration (NOK million)
4102 Intermediate consumption at land offices, repair (NOK million)
4201 Intermediate consumption at terminals, goods (NOK million)
4211 Intermediate consumption at terminals, materials for maintenance (NOK million)
4212 Intermediate consumption at terminals, other maintenance (NOK million)
4221 Intermediate consumption at terminals, hire of assets in total (NOK million)
4231 Intermediate consumption at terminals, services in total (NOK million)
4291 Intermediate consumption at terminals, other costs (NOK million)
4301 Intermediate consumption at fields, raw material (NOK million)
4302 Intermediate consumption at fields, fuel (NOK million)
4303 Intermediate consumption at fields, other goods (NOK million)
4311 Intermediate consumption at fields, materials for maintenance (NOK million)
4312 Intermediate consumption at fields, control and inspection (NOK million)
4313 Intermediate consumption at fields, wells (NOK million)
4314 Intermediate consumption at fields, underwater works (NOK million)
4315 Intermediate consumption at fields, surface treatment (NOK million)
4316 Intermediate consumption at fields, repair (NOK million)
4317 Intermediate consumption at fields, other maintenance (NOK million)
4318 Intermediate consumption at fields, maintenance - of this compensation of own employees (NOK million)
4319 Intermediate consumption at fields, maintenance in total (excl. compensation of own employees) (NOK million)
4321 Intermediate consumption at fields, hire of flotels and platforms (NOK million)
4322 Intermediate consumption at fields, hire of machinery and equipment (NOK million)
4331 Produktinnsats ved felt, helikoptertransport (mill. kr)
4332 Intermediate consumption at fields, supply ships and guard boats (NOK million)
4333 Intermediate consumption at fields, other transport and communication (NOK million)
4334 Intermediate consumption at fields, accommodation (NOK million)
4335 Intermediate consumption at fields, technical assistance (NOK million)
4336 Intermediate consumption at fields, processing by hire (NOK million)
4337 Intermediate consumption at fields, transport of oil and gas (NOK million)
4338 Intermediate consumption at fields, other services (NOK million)
4339 Intermediate consumption at fields, services in total (excl. processing by hire and transport of oil and gas) (NOK million)
4391 Intermediate consumption at fields, other production costs (NOK million)
4401 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, administration at land offices (NOK million)
4402 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, repair at land offices (NOK million)
4501 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, goods used in operating pipelines (NOK million)
4511 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, material for maintenance of pipelines (NOK million)
4512 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, other maintenance of pipelines (NOK million)
4521 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, hire of assets used in operating pipelines (NOK million)
4531 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, services used in operating pipelines (NOK million)
4591 Intermediate consumption in pipeline transport, other pipeline operating costs (NOK million)
5201 Royalties at terminals, CO2 tax (NOK million)
5301 Royalties at fields, CO2 tax (NOK million)
5302 Royalties at fields, production tax (NOK million)
5501 Royalties in pipeline transport, CO2 tax (NOK million)
6301 Indirect costs at fields, compensation of employees on shore (NOK million)
6302 Indirect costs at fields, other administration costs on shore (NOK million)
7101 Non-operator costs, administration at land offices (NOK million)
7102 Non-operator costs, geology and geo physics (NOK million)
7103 Non-operator costs, seismology (NOK million)
7104 Non-operator costs, special surveys (NOK million)
7105 Non-operator costs, field evaluation and development (NOK million)
7106 Non-operator costs, R&D (NOK million)
Select at least one value
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1985 , 1986 , 1987 ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Select at least one value
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Explanation to number code in the content categories: First digit denotes main category, second digit denotes type of establishment, third and fourth digit denotes sub-levels of main category.