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Local government finances
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Local government finances
County authority accounts
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County authority accounts
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13547: Financial summary for the operational accounts , by type (C) 2020 - 2023
About table
About the statistics
Anne Brit Thorud, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 659
Else Helena Bredeli, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 653
2024-06-17 08:00
Sum (NOK 1000):
NOK 1000
Reference time
Sum (NOK 1000):
Statistics Norway
External PROD
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.
Definition (Kostra). Sum (NOK 1000)
of total
Sum (NOK 1000)
Select at least one value
of total
Select at least one value
Klass subset
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Block grants , Income and capital tax , Property tax ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Block grants
Income and capital tax
Property tax
Other income taxes
Transfers and grants from the government
Transfers and grants from others
User payments
Revenues from sales and hiring
Total operating revenues (A)
Wages and salaries
Social expenses
Purchase of goods and services in production of munuciapality services exclusive other declarable remuneration
Purchase of goods and services replacing municipal service production, total
Transfers and grants to others
Depreciation (O)
Total operating expenditures
Differances in intercompany transactions, purchashe/sales/grants (C)
Gross operating result (D=A-B-C)
Interest received
Profit and loss on financial assets (current asse
Interest paid
Repayment expenditures
Net financial expenditures in operational accounts (E)
Offsetting entry, depreciation (f)
Elimination of/Difference between intercompany transactions, interests and instalments (G)
Net operating result (H=D-E+f-G)
Transferred to capital accounts (O),(M)
Allocated to restricted funds
Application of restricted funds (M)
Provisions for unrestricted funds
Application of unrestricted funds
Application of previous years' accounting underspending
Coverage of previous years`accumulated deficit
Total disposition or coverage of net operating result
Transferred to coverage in the coming years
Elimination of/Difference between municipalities and county authority purchase of services from own units and companies with seperate account
Elimination of/Difference between municiaplities and county authority grants to own units and companies with seperate account
Elimination of/Difference between municipalities and county authority units and companies with separate accounts purchase of services from own municipality and county authority
Elimination of/Difference between municipality and county authority units and companies with separate accounts grants to own municipality and county authority
Elimination of/Difference between interest paid to county authority/municipality from own units with separate accounts and from inter-authority companies
Elimination of/Difference between instalments paid to county authority/municipality from own units with separate accounts and from inter-authority companies
Elimination/Difference between county authority/municipality interest paid/interest received to own units with separate accounts and to inter-authority companies
Elimination of/Difference between county authority/municipality instalments paid to own units with separate accounts and to inter-authority companies
Select at least one value
Codelist for KOSTRA-fylkeskommuner med tilhørende regionskodar
--- Select classification ---
Codelist for KOSTRA-fylkeskommuner med tilhørende regionskodar
Subset for The whole country
Subset for All county municipalities
Subset for County municipalities 2024-
Subset for County municipalities 2020-2023
Select at least one value
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Figures in 1000 NOK
Breake in time series between 2019 and 2020 due to comprehensive change in the regional classification.
The table shows a summary report for the county's revenues and expenditures in the operational accounts.
Figures are calculated in NOK 1000.
The figures are derived from reported accounting forms from counties, counties own units with separate accounts within own county (FKF), county collaborations and county inter-authority companies (IKS) where the county is a participant.
The operational accounts for the county inter-authority companies (IKS) are calculated according to the shares owned by the participating county authorities.
Transfers and purchases between the county and it's corporations is eliminated in the calculations. Any differences incurred in these variables will indicate discrepancies in the reports. The discrepancies affect the operational revenues and operational expenditures. If the variables shows a difference equal to 0, it means that the transfers and purchases between the county and it's corporations is reported correctly, or the county does not have any corporations.
The figures on income and capital taxes for Oslo embrace both municipal and county authority tax revenues. The county authority income and capital taxes amounted to NOK 4 605 million in 2015, NOK 5 066 million in 2016, NOK 5 310 million in 2017, NOK 5 397 million in 2018, NOK 5 713 million in 2019, NOK 5 684 million in 2020, NOK 6 800 million in 2021, NOK 7 936 million in 2022 and NOK 7 201 million in 2023.
The figures on block grants for Oslo embrace both municipal and county authority block grants. The county authority block grants amounted to NOK 885 million in 2015, NOK 882 million in 2016, NOK 1 007 million in 2017, NOK 1 342 million in 2018, NOK 1 500 million in 2019, NOK 2 873 million in 2020, NOK 2 676 million in 2021, NOK 1 231 million in 2022 and NOK 1 958 million in 2023.
See list over changes in regional classifications (in Norwegian).
Tables that use the new regional division also for the years before 2024.