Changes in the statistics
  1. Given high deviation between granted amounts of support by Research Council of Norway (RCN) and actual expenditures in 2023, the statistics have been extended to include both.
  2. Due to more restricted procedure of registering Alumni-members in the Industrial incubator program by Siva, the number of recipients for Siva has been revised to be consistent over time.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Public support for R&D

Public support for R&D provides statistics covering public grants, loans, advices and other services aimed at promotion of R&D and innovation in both the business and public sector. The budgeted amounts are reported.

Updated: 5 November 2024
Next update: 17 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Amount of subsidies in million kroner (constant 2017-prices) and percent change last five years
    Amount of subsidies in million kroner (constant 2017-prices) and percent change last five years1 2
    20182023Percent change
    All policy agencies11 10912 80215.2
    Enova1 5293 998161.5
    EU programs875709-19.0
    The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund478173.8
    County municipalities12520-83.9
    Innovation Norway1 4301 90032.9
    RCN-granted1 4891 91728.8
    Norwegian Space Agency1411-22.5
    Regional research funds1011076.2
    SkatteFUNN - granted5 4823 972-27.5
    1The budgeted amounts are reported.
    2The index used for calculating the latest year amounts in fixed prices is preliminary.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 15 June 2022.

Types of aid: The different types of public support are defined here:

Policy agencies: The public agencies covered by the statistics are listed here:

Enterprise: In Standard for Industrial Classification (SN) an enterprise is defined as an organizational unit comprising all economic activities engaged in by one and the same owner. Hence an enterprise is a legal entity covering one or more productive units.

Standard for Industrial Classification SN2007 Current Standard for Industrial Classification (SN2007) in SN, based on the EU's standards NACE Rev. 2. The standard can be found on

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