Changes in the statistics
  1. Due to more restricted procedure of registering Alumni-members in the Industrial incubator program by Siva, the number of recipients for Siva has been revised to be consistent over time.
  2. Given high deviation between granted amounts of support by Research Council of Norway (RCN) and approved amounts in 2023, the statistics will be extended to include both from the next publication.

Public support for R&D

Updated: 12 June 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Change in R&D and innovation subsidies
Change in R&D and innovation subsidies
2018 - 2023
Amount of subsidies in million kroner (constant 2017-prices) and percent change last five years
Amount of subsidies in million kroner (constant 2017-prices) and percent change last five years1 2
20182023Percent change
All policy agencies11 10612 77615.0
Enova1 5293 998161.5
EU programs875709-19.0
The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund478173.8
County municipalities1250-100.0
Innovation Norway1 4271 89532.7
Research Council of Norway1 4891 91728.8
Norwegian Space Agency1411-22.5
Regional research funds1011076.2
SkatteFUNN - granted5 4823 972-27.5
1The budgeted amounts are reported.
2The index used for calculating the latest year amounts in fixed prices is preliminary.
Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

Public support for R&D provides statistics covering public grants, loans, advices and other services aimed at promotion of R&D and innovation in both the business and public sector. The budgeted amounts are reported.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 15 June 2022.

Types of aid: The different types of public support are defined here:

Policy agencies: The public agencies covered by the statistics are listed here:

Enterprise: In Standard for Industrial Classification (SN) an enterprise is defined as an organizational unit comprising all economic activities engaged in by one and the same owner. Hence an enterprise is a legal entity covering one or more productive units.

Standard for Industrial Classification SN2007 Current Standard for Industrial Classification (SN2007) in SN, based on the EU's standards NACE Rev. 2. The standard can be found on

Name: Public support for R&D
Topic: Technology and innovation

Not yet determined

Division for R&D, Technology and Business Dynamics

National and regional level.


The Statistics are published after data from related statistics are released. Publication takes place twice a year; 6 months after the end of the reference year with preliminary numbers and 10 months after the end of the reference year with final numbers.

Not relevant

Micro data, information about sampling units and population are permanently stored in SAS Programming Language and permanently stored as text files.

The database is produced on commission from The Ministry of Trade and Fisheries. The purpose with the database is to monitor the public support to national R&D and innovation activity in the business sector and provide information about the recipients of public support.

Important users are public administration, researchers, consultants and business organizations.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 08 am. Prior to this dae, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar.

Public support for R&D uses data from the Central Register of Establishments and enterprises

This Statistics is not mandated by law.

Not relevant

The Business Enterprise sector.

The public agencies covered by the statistics are listed here:

Data for public R&D support are collected from different public agencies and structured into the database for Pubic support for business R&D. Reporting to this database is not mandatory by law, but takes place on a voluntary basis.

Due to confidentiality of the personal data the database does not include individual enterprises and agricultural sector where the farmers are main recipients of the public support in Norway.

Enterprise data are collected from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises.

Not relevant

Individual enterprises cannot be identified.

The first surveys of R&D started back in 1963, from 1970 onwards in a systematic way. The statistics have been worked out on bi-annual basis since 1977, but is undertaken annually from 2001 onwards. The first surveys covered only manufacturing industry, but the service industries have gradually been included. Statistics Norway is responsible for the survey for the Business enterprise sector from 1991 onwards. In 1995 the survey was considerably extended.

From 1991 the statistical unit was the kind-of-activity unit. For 2001 this was changed to enterprise as the main statistical unit, but with a breakdown of the main variables to local kind-of-activity unit.

From 2008 a new version of the industry classification (SN2007) was implemented making it more difficult to compare with former vintages. Results from 2007 are published both by the old and the new classification, while former vintages only are published by the old classification (SN2002).

The data sources for the statistics are administrative registers. Outdated information resulting from time-lag in the registers may be a source of error.

Not relevant
