Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

ICT usage in households

The survey gives information about the use of internet by the population. The survey covers areas such as online shopping, digital skills, data security, the use of government websites, internet banking, social media and online news.

Updated: 24 September 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • ICT usage in the population
    ICT usage in the population
    Share of population aged 16-79 - Internet use
    Use of Internet last 3 months96979999
    Used the internet for e-mail93929595
    Used the internet for banking92939596
    Used the internet for selling goods or services31313641
    Bought/ordered films/music41536362
    Bought/ordered clothes/sports goods45385253
    Bought/ordered travel or holiday accomodation61345960
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 June 2023.


Information and communications technology. All kinds of technology used for communication as well as treatment, presentation and storage of information.

A household includes all persons who resides permanently in the residence and who have a common food budget. Persons who reside permanently in the residence but are away from the residence, due to for instance work, are also included in the household.

Type of household
We get information about the respondent’s type of household from the national population register. Households are grouped into households with children, and households without children. The definition for children used is persons who were under the age of 18 at the turn of the year before the last publication.

Household income
The sum of the household net income the year before the last publication, rounded to the nearest 1 000 kr.

Not relevant


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