Information about the next publication

On 25 April 2025, the figures for the 4th quarter of the statistic "Carriage of goods by Norwegian lorries" will be published.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Carriage of goods by lorry

The figures on the carriage of goods by Norwegian lorries cover vehicles with a carrying capacity of 3.5 tonnes and over. The figures on the carriage of goods by lorry across the national border cover the lorry activity to and from Norway.

Updated: 7 February 2025
Next update: 25 April 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Road goods transport by lorries across national border
    Road goods transport by lorries across national border
    4th quarter 2024Share4th quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 20194th quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 2023
    Carriage of goods by lorry across national border (million tonnes)3.4100.0-1.42.9
    Norwegian lorries1.131.70.312.8
    Danish, swedish, finnish lorries1.030.9-1.8-6.6
    Lorries from other the baltic countries0.514.6-0.84.3
    Polish lorries0.412.68.73.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • National and international transports for hire or reward and own account. Transport performances. Quarter
    National and international transports for hire or reward and own account. Transport performances. Quarter1 2
    Vehicle kilometres, total (million km)Tonnage carried (million tonnes)Transport performance (million tonne-km)Rate of empty kilometres (per cent)Average length of carriage per tonne (km)
    National transports for hire or reward and own account
    20191 837.3239.419 389.428.181.0
    20201 909.4238.819 228.029.680.5
    20211 961.3261.120 395.729.178.1
    20222 138.7261.922 281.329.285.1
    20232 178.3261.922 617.028.786.4
    4th quarter 2022579.465.55 744.130.787.7
    1st quarter 2023512.460.05 433.628.290.6
    2nd quarter 2023527.569.85 762.729.482.6
    3rd quarter 2023559.266.35 677.929.185.7
    4th quarter 2023579.365.95 742.728.287.2
    1st quarter 2024498.460.05 276.027.887.9
    2nd quarter 2024531.769.75 767.529.482.7
    3rd quarter 2024546.562.35 531.027.388.7
    International transport for hire or reward and own account
    2019128.85.02 076.625.3414.0
    2020129.94.82 178.720.0455.5
    2021138.75.32 161.725.0407.8
    2022144.84.92 147.225.4435.1
    20233 133.04.51 811.528.3400.9
    4th quarter 202233.51.2501.628.4415.7
    1st quarter 202329.41.2405.224.8349.9
    2nd quarter 202339.51.2530.723.7432.5
    3rd quarter 202335.71.1420.535.3394.5
    4th quarter 202328.41.1455.129.7426.3
    1st quarter 202431.91.1396.927.9371.3
    2nd quarter 202439.41.2501.434.4432.4
    3rd quarter 202435.01.1382.836.5351.3
    1The figures for 1st quarter 2018-1st quarter 2019 were corrected 30 October 2019.
    2There are carried out several changes in the Road Goods Survey since 3rd quarter 2015, that to a certain degree influence on the comparability in the results between the quarters. Se more details in About the statistics.
    3The figures for Tonnage carried for 2019 were corrected 2 June 2020
    Explanation of symbols
  • National transports for hire or reward and own account. Tonnage carried and transport performance, by commodity1. Quarter
    National transports for hire or reward and own account. Tonnage carried and transport performance, by commodity1. Quarter1 2
    TotalAgricultural producs, forestry producs, fishing productsFood products, beverages, tobaco and animal fodderCoal, oil and chemicals and chemical products (incl. fertilizer)Metal ores, stone, sand, gravel, clay, salt, cement, lime, manufactured construction materialsOther manufactured goods, grouped goods and other goods
    Tonnage carried (million tonnes)
    4th quarter 202365.
    1st quarter 202460.
    2nd quarter 202469.
    3rd quarter 202462.
    Transport performance (million tonne-km)
    201919 389.32 837.24 321.32 014.84 531.25 684.8
    202019 227.92 762.14 150.71 815.35 199.65 300.2
    202120 395.62 691.64 494.92 221.55 329.55 658.1
    202222 281.23 123.04 934.02 097.45 701.56 425.3
    202322 617.13 564.85 010.42 204.44 991.16 846.4
    4th quarter 20235 742.8965.01 271.9616.51 071.11 818.3
    1st quarter 20245 264.6939.61 127.7235.61 171.21 790.5
    2nd quarter 20245 778.3793.01 316.2524.51 417.61 727.0
    3rd quarter 20245 531.2668.71 459.4577.81 297.71 527.6
    1There are carried out several changes in the Road Goods Survey since 3rd quarter 2015, that to a certain degree influence on the comparability in the results between the quarters. Se more details in About the statistics.
    2The figures for 1st quarter 2018-1st quarter 2019 were corrected 30 October 2019.
    Explanation of symbols
  • International transports for hire or reward and own account, to and from Norway, cabotage and cross trade
    International transports for hire or reward and own account, to and from Norway, cabotage and cross trade1 2
    International transport, totalFrom NorwayTo NorwayCabotageCross-trade
    Tonnage carried (1 000 tonnes)
    20204 783.42 981.01 635.5141.825.1
    20215 300.43 110.11 816.6354.419.3
    20224 935.22 999.81 764.3118.552.7
    20234 518.72 930.01 363.5167.058.3
    2nd quarter 20231 227.1752.1357.6::
    3rd quarter 20231 066.0717.1297.3::
    4th quarter 20231 067.7706.0340.7::
    1st quarter 20241 069.0794.3320.2::
    2nd quarter 20241 159.6778.8273.4::
    3rd quarter 20241 089.6705.6287.5::
    Transport performances (mill. tonne-km)
    20202 178.71 210.1906.748.313.6
    20212 161.71 146.4940.965.68.8
    20222 147.21 085.1997.641.623.0
    20231 811.5969.3779.025.338.0
    2nd quarter 2023530.7242.9269.5::
    3rd quarter 2023420.5222.5171.3::
    4th quarter 2023455.1278.8167.3::
    1st quarter 2024396.9240.0162.3::
    2nd quarter 2024501.4230.3248.6::
    3rd quarter 2024382.8224.6132.5::
    1There are carried out several changes in the Road Goods Survey since 3rd quarter 2015, that to a certain degree influence on the comparability in the results between the quarters. Se more details in About the statistics.
    2The figures for 1st quarter 2018-1st quarter 2019 were corrected 30 October 2019.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Road goods transport, by foreign lorries. Transport performances
    Road goods transport, by foreign lorries. Transport performances
    Transport between Norway and abroad, totalTo Norway from the lorry's registration countryFrom Norway to the lorry's registration countryCross trade transport between Norway and abroadCabotage transport in Norway
    Tonnage carried (1 000 tonnes)
    20149 204.32 875.31 970.13 190.91 168.0
    201511 594.84 158.72 115.94 162.81 157.4
    201613 372.44 203.22 778.34 838.71 552.2
    201713 202.13 733.51 968.15 972.71 527.8
    201812 045.03 462.61 772.15 538.21 272.1
    201911 705.83 322.61 776.55 148.11 458.6
    202011 196.53 610.71 969.94 566.51 049.3
    202113 840.32 964.52 041.37 004.41 830.0
    202210 390.63 662.41 610.74 109.31 008.2
    202310 137.22 543.21 464.74 925.11 204.2
    Transport performance (million tonne-km)
    20147 076.92 223.01 420.53 003.7429.8
    20158 559.52 997.11 505.93 636.3420.2
    20169 385.72 775.22 056.34 133.2421.0
    20179 456.32 615.81 411.14 824.8604.7
    20189 078.72 289.51 287.64 877.3624.3
    20198 787.72 303.31 284.54 555.4644.6
    20208 408.62 455.91 396.24 046.5510.1
    20219 992.02 059.11 601.25 516.3815.4
    20227 663.02 381.91 275.73 577.5427.8
    20237 919.91 987.51 151.44 254.4526.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • Carriage of goods by lorry across national border, tonnes and per cent. Import og export
    Carriage of goods by lorry across national border, tonnes and per cent. Import og export1
    All nationalitiesNorwaySwedenDenmarkFinlandGermanyPolandBaltic countries2 Other
    202013 936 9164 164 4913 147 629735 671441 570372 0661 694 8702 164 8391 215 778
    202114 641 0974 456 3873 205 852750 130466 017394 8231 819 2692 282 8151 265 805
    202213 984 7734 298 2713 191 638658 733448 285389 4961 796 1702 037 3471 164 834
    202313 177 5213 889 2203 247 183704 942400 513344 5161 658 1221 855 5581 077 467
    202413 323 9834 042 9243 198 491707 334412 621336 9171 676 5651 879 5411 069 591
    4th quarter 20233 283 483949 708824 501190 955103 87978 021409 036471 737255 645
    1st quarter 20243 211 445971 184788 988176 669104 49480 565395 868435 057258 620
    2nd quarter 20243 574 0601 086 672894 608182 587104 18788 141434 283485 726297 856
    3rd quarter 20243 158 542913 467753 983167 217100 62584 769422 136466 539249 806
    4th quarter 20243 379 9371 071 600760 912180 861103 31583 442424 278492 219263 308
    Per cent
    4th quarter 202310028.925.
    1st quarter 202410030.
    2nd quarter 202410030.425.
    3rd quarter 202410028.923.
    4th quarter 202410031.722.
    1Figures from and including the 1st quarter of 2018 were corrected 6 August 2019.
    2Cover Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Transport performance by Norwegian lorries
    Transport performance by Norwegian lorries
    3rd quarter 2024Change in per cent
    Transport performance (million tonne-km)Share3rd quarter 2023 - 3rd quarter 20243rd quarter 2019 - 3rd quarter 2024
    National and international transport, total5 913.8100.0-3.09.7
    National transport for hire or reward and own account5 531.093.5-2.613.2
    National transport for hire or reward4 364.773.8-9.19.0
    National transport for own account1 166.319.733.132.0
    International transport for hire or reward and own account382.86.5-9.0-23.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Road goods transport by foreign lorries
    Road goods transport by foreign lorries
    Transport performances (mill. tonne-km)Percentage sharePer cent
    2022 - 20232019 - 2023
    Transport between Norway and abroad, total7 919.9100.03.4-9.9
    To Norway from the lorry's registration country1 987.525.1-16.6-13.7
    From Norway to the lorry's registration country1 151.414.5-9.7-10.4
    Cross trade transport between Norway and abroad4 254.453.718.9-6.6
    Cabotage transport in Norway526.76.723.1-18.3
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 23 January 2025.

Carrying capacity

Carrying capacity is the difference between the maximum permissible weight of the vehicle and the sum of the unladen weight of the vehicle and the weight of driver (75 kg).

Total weight of the vehicle

The maximum permissible weight of the vehicle included people and goods.

National road goods transport

Transport of goods with both loading and unloading in Norway.

International road gods transport

Transport between Norway and another country, loaded or unloaded.

Includes cross-trade (transport between two other countries) and cabotage (transport within another country).


Place of loading and unloading of goods in the same country outside the declaring country.


Place of loading and place of unloading of goods in two different countries outside the

declaring country.

Transport for own account

Transport of own goods on own account.

Transport for hire or reward

The carriage for remuneration of persons or goods on behalf of third parties.


Driven kilometres with and without load.

Tonnage carried

Gross weight of the transported goods, packaging included.

Does not include the weight of container or swap body.

Goods transport performance

The transport work which is performed when a vehicle carries a certain amount of goods over a definite distance.

The weight of the goods in one transport operation multiplied by the transport distance of the operation. Is measured by the unit tonne kilometre.

Rate of empty kilometres

The percentage share of unloaded vehicle-kilometres.


Type of commodity defined according to the EU's standard goods classification for transport statistics. Up to the 4th quarter of 2007 the NST/R nomenclature was used. The NST 2007 nomenclature was introduced as from the 1st quarter of 2008. The nomenclatures are described in the Database for standard classifications.

Volume goods

The weight of the cargo is less than the vehicle's carrying capacity when the cargo-hold's volume is fully utilised.

Imports of goods

Imports cover goods declared by customs, directly or through a warehouse. Single items with a value of less than NOK 1.000 are not included in the statistics.

Exports of goods

Exports of goods are mainly based on customs declarations. Single items with a value of less than NOK 1.000 and some specific movements of goods, such as goods for repair, are not included in the statistics.

CTSE: The goods are grouped in accordance with the Commodity Classification for Transport Statistics in Europe (CSTE). This standard was used in the statistics on the carriage of goods by lorry across the national border up to and including the 4th quarter of 2017.

NST 2007: EU’s statistical nomenclature for transported goods: Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics. The standard has been used in the survey of lorries since the 1st quarter of 2008 and in the statistics on the carriage of goods by lorry across the national border since the 1st quarter of 2018.

NST/R: Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised. This standard was used in the survey of lorries up to and including the 4th quarter of 2007.

In the statistics on the carriage of goods by lorry across the national border, gross weight in tonnes is used.

ISO 3166: Country codes.

NUTS 3: Regional codes for the EU and Norway. In Norway, NUTS 3 corresponds to county.

In the statistics on the carriage of goods by lorry across the national border, imports (country of origin and country of despatch) and exports (country of destination) are broken down into EU/EFTA countries, selected European countries, other EU/EFTA countries and other countries outside the EU/EFTA. The lorry’s country of registration is specified where this is a country in Europe. For other lorries, the world region is specified.

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