Average age for private cars 10.2 years
Transport and tourism;Svalbard
bilreg, Registered vehicles, car stock, car fleet, car scrap, average age of cars, vehicle types (for example bus, passenger car, motor cycle), car makes, registration of new cars, first time registration of new carsTransport and tourism, Land transport , Transport and tourism, Svalbard

Registered vehicles2002



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Average age for private cars 10.2 years

At the end of 2002, a total of 2 156 869 private cars and vans were registered in Norway, an increase of 1.7 per cent from 2001. The average age for private cars was 10.2 years, and 7.2 years for vans. Volkswagen and Toyota are still the most common private cars on Norwegian roads.

A total of 1 898 736 private cars and 258 133 vans were licensed in Norway at the end of 2002. This was an increase of 1.4 and 3.3 per cent respectively from last year.

Stock of private cars, by age. 31 December 2002. Per cent.

More cars over 20 years old

At the end of 2002 the stock of private cars over 20 years of age constituted 118 377 cars, an increase of 13 per cent from the previous year. The portion of private cars more than 20 years old increased from 5.6 per cent in 2001 to 6.2 per cent in 2002. The share of private cars less than four years old went down from 15.8 per cent to 15.0 per cent in the same period.

Older cars in Oppland

The average age for private cars in Oppland was 11.7 years at the end of 2002. This was the highest average in Norway. Nord-Trøndelag had the oldest vans, with an average age of 9.5 years. Oslo had the lowest average age for both private cars and vans with 8.6 and 4.8 years respectively.

Almost two Norwegians per car

At the end of last year Norway had 474 private cars or vans registered per 1 000 inhabitant. Akershus had the highest number of cars per 1 000 inhabitant, with 539, and Hedmark followed closely with 535 cars per 1 000 inhabitant. Finnmark had the lowest number of cars per 1 000 inhabitant with 405.

Stock of private cars, selected makes. 31 December 2002.

Volkswagen the most common private car

Volkswagen accounted for 12.3 per cent of the stock of private cars at the end of 2002, with a total of 233 278 cars. This is 3.3 per cent more than the previous year. Toyota was the second most common make of private car in Norway at the end of 2002, with 203 754 cars or 10.7 per cent of the total stock. Opel and Ford both constituted 9.6 per cent of the private cars registered at the end of last year.

Among the vans, Toyota had the largest share with 18.4 per cent of the total stock. At the end of 2002 there were 47 601 vans of this make registered in Norway.
