Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Domestic transport
The statistics describes the development in domestic transport of passengers and goods conducted on railways and roads, in the air and on the sea.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Domestic transport of passengers and goods, by mode of transportDownload table as ...Domestic transport of passengers and goods, by mode of transport
2022 2023 Change i per cent 2022 - 2023 2019 - 2023 Passenger transport exclusive cabotage. Million passenger km1 Total 73 613 75 486 2.5 -0.3 Rail bound transport 3 782 4 305 13.8 -8.0 Air transport 5 169 5 359 3.7 -7.4 Road transport 63 514 64 543 1.6 0.6 Water transport 1 148 1 279 11.4 16.5 Goods transport exclusive cabotage. Million tonnes-km2 Total 59 693 61 296 2.7 16.5 Transport mainland, total 27 350 27 448 0.4 11.1 Railway transport 2 188 1 987 -9.2 -5.7 Air transport 4 8 100.0 -20.0 Road transport 22 773 23 109 1.5 16.2 Water transport 2 385 2 345 -1.7 -13.6 Ferry transport 196 205 4.6 2.0 Other sea transport 2 189 2 140 -2.2 -14.9 Transport Norwegian continental shelf - mainland, total 32 342 33 848 4.7 21.3 Goods transport inclusive cabotage. Million tonnes-km3 Total 77 988 79 328 1.7 10.6 Transport mainland, total 43 946 44 215 0.6 9.3 Railway transport 2 231 2 022 -9.4 -4.0 Air transport 4 8 100.0 -20.0 Road transport 23 588 23 536 -0.2 14.7 Water transport 18 122 18 649 2.9 4.8 Ferry transport 196 205 4.6 2.0 Other sea transport 17 926 18 444 2.9 4.8 Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR) 2 189 2 140 -2.2 -14.9 Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) 871 896 2.9 -32.1 Foreign ship registers 14 866 15 409 3.7 12.0 Transport Norwegian continental shelf - mainland, total 34 042 35 113 3.1 12.1 1Including only Norwegian registered vehicles with passengers both embarked and disembarked in Norway 2Comprise goods on Norwegian means of transport which are loaded as well as unloaded in Norway 3Cabotage comprise goods on foreign registered means of transport where the goods are loaded as well as unloaded in Norway Figures for total passenger transport and Road transport were corrected on 9 August 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 August 2024.
Domestic transport: The statistics only comprise transport from one place in Norway to another place in Norway. The part of a transport between Norway and abroad that takes place on Norwegian territory is not included.
Passenger transport performance: A measure of passenger transport, defined as the work being performed when a means of transport carries a certain number of persons a certain distance. Passenger transport performance is measured in passenger-kilometres.
Passenger-kilometres: The number of passengers multiplied with the length of the journey. Example: A car with 2 people driving 10 kilometers has performed a passenger transport of 2 x 10 = 20 passenger-kilometres.
Tonnage carried: Gross weight of goods including packaging. The tare weight of vehicles, containers and other transport units is not included.
Freight transport performance: A measure of freight transport, defined as the work being performed when a means of transport carries a certain amount of goods over a certain distance. Freight transport performance is measured in tonne-kilometres.
Tonne-kilometres: The gross weight of goods for one trip multiplied with the length of the journey. Example: A lorry carrying 2 tonnes of goods for 10 kilometers has performed a freight transport of 2 x 10 = 20 tonne-kilometres.
Cabotage transport: Cabotage is transport between places in a country other than where the carrier belongs. In this statistic, it means transport of goods between places in Norway carried out with foreign-registered means of transport.
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