Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Public transport
The statistics include all scheduled transport by bus, boat, and train. Airplanes, taxis, car ferries, and Hurtigruten are not included. Passenger numbers and ticket revenues are published quarterly, while the annual statistics provide more details.
Selected figures from this statistics
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2023 4th quarter 2024 Change in percentage 2022 - 2023 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Passengers (1 000 passengers) All modes of transportation 713 044 192 816 13.9 1.6 Bus (Scheduled road transport) 439 424 117 369 13.6 0.7 Boat 10 652 2 188 4.0 -3.1 Tram and suburban railway 184 748 51 467 13.8 2.7 Railway 78 220 21 792 17.3 4.4 Ticket revenues (NOK 1 000) All modes of transportation 15 839 670 4 168 814 16.3 8.7 Bus (Scheduled road transport) 6 589 795 1 700 475 25.1 6.8 Boat 603 187 132 055 7.4 1.7 Tram and suburban railway 1 964 282 487 707 6.7 1.1 Railway 6 682 407 1 848 578 12.5 13.2 Figures for year 2021 were revised on 31 August 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Key figures, public-founded routesDownload table as ...Key figures, public-founded routes
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Utilization of capacity (per cent) 31 34 20 21 22 23 Speed (km per hour) 26 27 28 27 27 27 Ticket revenues per fare (NOK) 12.23 11.77 10.20 9.89 11.49 11.88 Ticket revenues per passenger kms (NOK per km) 1.31 1.26 1.19 1.16 1.60 1.67 Length of fare (km) 9 9 9 9 7 7 Ticket revenues per vehicle kms (NOK per km) 14.37 14.80 8.66 8.77 12.62 14.20 Subsidies per passenger (NOK per fare) 17.09 17.38 31.41 31.98 25.52 24.58 Subsidies per vehichle-kms (NOK per km) 20.07 21.85 26.67 28.35 28.05 29.38 Figures for year 2021 were revised on 31 August 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Key figures, boatDownload table as ...Key figures, boat
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Utilization of capacity (per cent) 25 25 17 19 25 26 Speed (km per hour) 25 25 24 24 24 24 Ticket revenues per fare (NOK) 52.69 52.58 51.04 52.38 54.86 56.63 Ticket revenues per passenger kms (NOK per km) 2.21 2.24 2.40 2.19 2.24 2.19 Length of fare (km) 24 23 21 24 25 26 Ticket revenues per boat kms (NOK per km) 94.16 91.58 66.63 70.63 94.65 94.65 Subsidies per passenger (NOK per fare) 109.82 116.98 165.74 177.51 138.40 183.26 Subsidies per boat kms (NOK per km) 196.25 203.72 216.34 239.35 238.77 306.29 Figures for year 2021 were revised on 31 August 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 24 March 2025.
Train kilometre
Distance in kilometres for trains and trams that are made up of more than one linked carriage.
Vehicle kilometre
Total distance in kilometres (i.e. including positioning run and other out of route journeys).
Passenger kilometre
Passenger kilometre is an inter modal transport statistic. It is found by mutliplying the number of passengers by their travelled distance.
Place kilometre
Total seating capacity and standing room multiplied by distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys).
Seat kilometer
A measure of of capacity in passenger transport. Found by multiplying the number of seats by the distance that these seats are beeing offered to passengers.
Vehicle hours
Total vehicle hours (including control times, positioning runs and other out of route journeys).
Ticket revenue
The traffic establishments’ revenues from public transport users’ purchase of travel tickets.
Fare (passenger)
One boarding, i.e. part journey.
Total expenditure
All ordinary costs related to running public transport, i.e. the sum of administration costs, operating costs and capital expenditure.
The authorities’ net subsidy for transport services, i.e. the total service subsidy (including remuneration for school bus services) where the operators run on net contracts and retain ticket revenues. Where the operators run on gross contracts, the authorities’ subsidy shall correspond to the sum of the contract minus the ticket revenues.
Utilisation of capacity
Passenger kilometres as a percentage of seat kilometres.
Cost absorption
Ticket revenues as a percentage of total costs. (out from 2015)
Statistics Norway’s current Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC2007) is based on the EU’s NACE standard.