Air transport

Updated: 20 February 2025

Next update: 28 March 2025

Number of passengers on board at departure and arrival at Norwegian airports
Number of passengers on board at departure and arrival at Norwegian airports
January 2025
Norwegian airports, main figures
Norwegian airports, main figures
January 2025Per cent change since
January 2024January 2022January 2020
Domestic and international flights
Total passengers on board at departure and arrival3 778 9457.886.2-7.4
Domestic flights
Passengers on board at departure1 152 0665.862.8-9.0
Seats1 766 6573.218.5-20.3
Aircraft movements18 5825.611.5-12.2
International flights
Total passengers on board at departure and arrival1 475 21911.2140.0-4.8
Seats2 199 3714.852.0-12.7
Aircraft movements12 3953.947.5-17.1
Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The aim of the statistics is to describe all commercial transport of passengers and goods in Norway and compile data to facilitate international comparisons.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 24 November 2021.

Aircraft movements

Describes the activity of an aircraft at an airport as either an arrival or a departure.

International and domestic flights

Aircraft movements between two Norwegian airports are labeled as domestic flights. Aircraft movements between a Norwegian and a foreign airport are labeled international flights.


A person who travels by aircraft, ship, bus, car or other means of transport.

Transit passengers are those passengers who, at arrival, continues their travel with the same flight as recognized by flight identification.

Passengers in transfer are those passengers who continue their travel on a flight with a different flight number. Also known as passengers in indirect transit.

Passengers on board at arrival are grouped in the following:

Passengengers not leaving the plane ( transit at arrival )
Passengers leaving the plane ( disembarking ) - further grouped by
Passengers leaving the plane - ending the journey
Passengers leaving the plane - embarking on different plane ( transfer at arrival )

Passengers on board at departure are grouped:

Passengers already on the plane ( transit at departure )
Passengers entering the plane ( embarking ) further grouped by
Passengers entering the plane - starting their journey
Passengers entering the plane - from a different plane ( transfer at departure )

Passengers on board is the sum of passengers in transit and passengers embarking/disembarking. The sum of passengers in transfer and passengers starting/ending their journey makes for passengers embarking/disembarking.

Passengers at airport/terminal is the sum of passengers on board at arrival and passengers on board at departure.

Passengers transported is calculated by using either passengers on board at departure or passengers on board at arrival.

Type of traffic groups aircraft mowements at the airport. Overall classification is made along commercial and non-commercial traffic.

Commercial traffic is the transport of passengers or goods for renumeration or hire. Type of flights are:

Passengerflights in scheduled traffic
Passengflights not in scheduled traffic
Freight flights
Helicopter flights on the continental shelf
Other helicopter flights
Other commercial flights

Non-commercial traffic includes:

Search and rescue
Technical return
Airport controll


Available seats on board.


Classified by:

Freight (Not including checked luggage)

Not relevant

Name: Air transport
Topic: Transport and tourism

28 March 2025

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

National level.

Monthly, 30 days after end of month.

Reporting to EUROSTAT

Primary data and production data is temporary stored in SAS and stored permanently as text files.

The objective is to describe all commercial transport of passengers and goods in Norway and compile data as to facilitate international comparisons.

The EU requested data from its members starting with 2003. Until January first 2009 reporting was done by Avinor but was transferred to Statistics Norway effective calender year 2009.

Data is used by government institutions, the industry itself, and researchers.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Data on airports managed by Avinor is published by Avinor itself .

Avinor does not include passengers in transit when reporting on passengers at airport

The Statistics Act $10 and 20

Regulation (EC) 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Commision Regulation 1358/2003. Commision Regulation 546/2005. Commision Regulation 158/2007. Regulation (EC) 219/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council - Article 4.5.

Data from the airports is based their accounting system and is gathered from airlines. If definitions on variables differ between airports' managamentsystem and what is required for our production this i a significant source of measurement error.

Passengers at departure in transfer is known to only include those travellers who continue their journey with the same airline.

Data for the airports Skien (Geiteryggen), Stord (Sørstokken), Ørland, and Notodden has not been collected. Published data is extracted from mirror checks from the remaining 48 airports.

Not relevant
